
Friday 11 May 2012

Blog From The Ghost Log!

Molly The Wally in her Olympic glasses.

The London 2012 Olympic Games, Made in Britain?

Nothing about this Olympic event is British. The Medals are made in Switzerland with gold that comes from South Africa. Those stunning uniforms (paying homage to Tinky Winky, Jimmy Saville and the Smurfs) are made in Thailand. You can’t buy any tickets (printed in America) but you can talk to the call center based in India. The running track comes from Canada and the games will be powered by a French company using cables laid by a Finish company. The food is sponsored by Mcdonalds and the memorabilia comes from China. The Olympic flame was lit in Greece yesterday but went out before being relit to an accompanying recording of ‘Relight My Fire’. Ms Ino Menegaki, an actress, transferred the flame to the first torchbearer and with shapely thigh exposed, was heard to mutter, take that Angelina Jolie. Legs and Co reformed for the day and pranced around in white diaphanous costumes to the tune of ‘Gold’ by Spandau Ballet’, whilst the Olympic dove fluttered over head and unfortunately pooped on the head of Sebastian Coe. Thank God we have no chance of winning ‘The Eurovision Song Contest’ as we’d be really broke, but at least the French have a chance with Carla Bruni’s rendition of ‘Lost in France’!


  1. Thanks for visiting/following my blog! Yours looks GREAT! I'll be back soon to catch up on some of your older posts!

    1. Hi Taryn
      Thank you and I hope you enjoy and I too will be back on yours.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Hehehehehe...dis is tooooo FUNNY! But you has a point though. Maybe they is tryin' to support all da countries since all da countries will be participatin'....okays, it sounded much betters in my head...hehehe.

    I seened you at Wyatt's and stopped by to say hellos.


    1. Hi 3 Doxies, welcome and thank you.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. You made us laugh SO MUCH!!

    My lot are going to see the football at Coventry. Doesn't sounds very Olympic to me.

    Love and licks, Winnie

    1. Hi Winnie, thank you for your kind comment and hope you enjoy the football.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Pippinpumpkin. They are my Olympic glasses,making a bit of a spectacle of myself!
