
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Dog Blog From The Phantom Log!

Molly The Wally in her Olympic glasses.

Walk to work during the London 2012 Olympic games we are told.

Commuters are being asked to practice ‘walking to work’ this week, ahead of the Olympic Games. Apparently we are being urged to learn how to make short journeys by foot. We are supposed to hop, skip and jump our way around town. Will poor cash strapped commuters get a refund on their season tickets I ask? Gridlock on the streets of London will mean by the time you get into work, it will be time to go home again. ‘Free Runners 3RUN’ demonstrated alternative methods of getting out and about in London. Commuters will be given free lessons on how to summersault, back-flip and cartwheel around town. However tens of thousands of civil servants will be allowed to work from home for seven weeks over the Olympics. I on the other paw will be walking to work as usual, straight onto the park for some serous vermin hunting! Get on your bike or take a hike or get on your trike if you like!

Click on the photo to see my glasses, such an Olympic spectacle! 


  1. I am thinking of moving abroad for the duration of the bl**dy Olympics! Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy, can I come too!
      Best wsihes Molly

  2. That would be SO exciting to be at....enjoy....even though there will be some inconveniences....

    1. Exciting yes Remington but we are just dreading the major disruption it will cause, however I'm sure we will all get behind it as soon as it'starts.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. I can't imagine working from home for seven weeks! Wow! But if it saves you from traffic hell, it sounds like a good plan.

    Will the Olympics really create that much disruption? That's a long time for things to be inconvenient!

    1. I'm afraid so as London is an old city with narrow roads. Upside is a lot of doggies will have their humans at home! More walkies!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hello Molly!
    You have such a nice blog, I wish i could write as well as you do! (the truth is our english is not as good and i had to grab my dictionary!)
    I haven't read your entire blog (yet) but i see a lot of titles about the Olympics! I was thinking of doing one myself (covering the environmental side of it :p)
    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog!

    1. Hi Indigo , your English is fine. Thank you for your nice comment. As for the Olympics the fiasco continues but I'm sure it will be alright in the end, paws crossed , as no expense has been spared!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Olá querida Molly... Tudo bem?
    Gostei de sua foto... Muito lindo.
    passei para te dar um oi e desejar uma ótima semana.
    Fica com o Papai do Céu.
    Aus 1000 e beijos 1000 com carinho das amigas do Brasil...


    1. Meu amigo do Brasil, muito amor e carinho. Também eu vos envio inúmeros beijos do cãozinho com um blog. Envie-nos algum sol, aqui chove ans chuvas abd chuvas!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. those glasses are totally cool! Can't wait to read all of your Olympic coverage. The Summer Olympics have always been my fave!

    I feel bad for you with all of the traffic though, good question about refunding the money. I bet they won't do it!

    1. Hi Cat chat, my glasses r so Elton John! We want it to be good but with an old city and other stuff Londerners feel left out, despite paying for it. I'm poised at the keyboard to give you the real spin on wants going on. Jubilee first with our lovely Maj and God knows how we get past the 4th of July. Cheers Don't mention the word Independence!!!!!Love Molly to Caren & Cody!

  8. Digging those glasses, Molly! You will look fab as you walk around town :D


    1. Thank you Wyatt, that is very kind.
      Best wishes Molly
