
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Hog Blog , Half Baked Plans!

Chef Molly The Wally is displeased.

The dreaded hot pastry tax.

The hated ‘pasty tax’ is to be reversed but many will still pay more to have the delicious snack hot, it has been revealed. Pasty George Osborne has decided that as long as hot takeaway food is cooling naturally, it will not be subject to 20 per cent VAT, as planned. Confused, well you are not alone, doesn’t anything hot cool naturally? My sources at Molly Media hot footed it over to Fleet Street to interview chief anti-pasty-tax activist Mr. Sweeney Todd. ‘This damn tax on munchies is poaching on my proceeds of me honest toil’, he was quoted as saying. Apparently his premises on Fleet Street were raided last week by Customs officials waving thermometers. An extremely angry Mr. Todd told us he and his customers were left traumatized by the heavy handed thermometer wielding thugs. A very flustered Marie Antoinette told my reporters that she didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. At this point Mr. Todd waved his meat cleaver at her and chased her down the street shouting, ‘Off with her head.’ Other ridiculous taxes included the window tax, the hat tax, the playing card tax and lastly the most stupid, the moustache tax. Pasty George is in good company!


  1. Molly darlin', you are so right. And ask GEORGE HARRISON, the TAX MAN is out to get us for every little thing! You are quite a pooch!!!

    1. Hi Anita yes George, Bono , Jeager Geldof , less of feed the world and more of feed my bank account! Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. What! A snax tax? Just how can that be?

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lovable Lily , that's because it's easy to go after the little things , than fix the big mess we are all in. Have a grand day!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. They'll be taxing peeing up lamp posts next. Mark my words.... Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy , don't give em any ideas , there will be a poop tax followed by a pee tax , but don't forget to stress test the lamppost before you pee on it my friend!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. They tax the heck out of everything htese days!!

    Ps. we are a new folower of yours - we found your blog by our dear friend puddles, we are follwing you now!

    1. Hi Hound Girl , glad to meet you and you are warmly welcomed.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. A snack tax?!!!! I protest.

    1. Hi Goose , it's so wrong , it's criminal!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Replies
    1. Too right Remington , stating up a demo 'WE WANT NO TAX ON OUR SNAX' and 'Pasty George' can go take hike on his Boris bike over the nearest dyke.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Ok...we FINALLY got you to load in our reader. So, we are confused on this tax. Why would they want to tax hot things. Hot food is GOOD food!


    1. Hi my Websters , simples , it's easier to make news on little things as then you don't notice the biggens!!!Don't worry doglets I'm keeping those eyes peeled with all my friends in Molly Media to bring you the news as it is , when it is and how it is!!!!!!! Yours not an employee of Rupert In The Dock but freelance canine trouble shooter!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit me!

    Hope y'all are havin' a wonderful, fun week other than that hateful TAX!! That will put the cob-bosh on everything!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk , will be keeping an eye on you for sure. Keep an eye on me as it's JUBILEE mayhem from now until next week and poor DECCY (our pal) is gonna hate it. Will drop by of course when you post.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. the mousstash tax??!!!?! heeheeheehee dats classik Molly, heehee! love n likkers, pdorg xox

    1. Hi Posie , The tash tax and then as Deccy says the pee on the lamppost tax and then the poop in the street tax.... arghhh they are coming for us , that's the rainy day bone money gone , Doglets they are out to get us!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Hehehehe...OMD da visions in my head afters readin' dis!
    In any case...thermometers skeeres me just thinkin of 'em.

    Nows if my cheetoes was taxed to wheres I not be ables to afford them...well, then off withs somebuddy's head!

    PS: My bad, I just realized I wasn't following you...shame on me!

    1. Hi Puddles and Co. That's OK you are here now re following , never a problem! I know what you mean , the dreaded thermometer , squinty watery eye thing at the vet , followed by treat , we are so forgiving! Sometimes!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Oh my Dog, puhleeze don't mention the government to our dad, it will set him off on another 4 hour diatrible, LOL!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Dip and the Bridge, only four hours here it can last all week and the next and don't even mention the Blair Witch!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. A moustache tax!? Hey, does mine count as a moustache!?


    1. Hi Furries , this is our doglet major worry , as if so we are in deep trouble and as Deccy pointed out they are coming after us.
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Aw Molly! My human is really really embarrassed because your blog is using very big clever words that she's never seen before (she's french you see) and she's too lazy to pick up a dictionary and look up the words...

    1. Hi Anais , I'm so sorry that it is difficult for you so as I have many furry friends that are from other countries, on the right hand side of my home page , scroll down and you will see a translation option. Hope that helps. it may not be great but it should do. Thank you for being here , you are very much appreciated.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. OMD OMD Declan's Comment just CRACKED ME UP!!!! A Pee TAX. BOL BOL TOO funny...

    I think a SNAX TAX is ... HORRIBLE... Do you think we should hold a Boston PEE Pawty?

    1. Hi Frankie Furter and Ernie , that is funny too , Boston Pee Pawty , just don't mention the real thing or send Declan or me a note on the 4th July saying Happy Looser's day!!!! We love you all across the pond through bad times and good!
      best wishes Molly

  16. Hi Molly, I couldn't believe the pasty tax, I mean who the heck eats pastys anymore anyways?? They would get more money off the good old pork pie or scotch egg! If they start to tax the mini buffet sausages I'm going to write a strongly worded letter! With the Jubilee coming up and mini pasty 50 packs flying off the shelves at Tesco its time we all wondered why they have given up on solving problems like the recession, world peace and world hunger and decided to take a stand on lunchables instead! PATHETIC! Love your furiend in a fury (crying out please don't tax my kibble) Frank x x x x x x

    1. Hey Frank the Tank, by all means tax the b@@@%63Y kibbles. my s''''d2255ing kibbles Lite are nothing more than cardboard masquerading as dog food. Leave alone the party food , I'm off to 'Iceland' because I party like a celebrity!!!!
      best wishes Molly

  17. As long as they don't start taxing cheeseburgers, I am OK! What ...cheeseburgers are considered snacks!!!! No way!!!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , buy a cheeseburger , loiter round the till , huff and puff on it and when it's gone cold pay for it vat free!!!!!! That's the way to do it , as Punch would say!
      Best wishes Molly
