
Sunday 27 May 2012

‘Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Dip Dip and the Bridge!

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger Pip!

Sunshine -where are you?

Here in England, it is Winter 300 days of the year.  Everywhere else might be experiencing warm May temperatures but we are still going out in our coats.

Bridge - "Pah! The cheek of this weather, where the heck has our Spring gone?"

Everypup may remember the post we did about the gas company here a couple of years ago - well, since then, the price has skyrocketed even more.

Elliot - "I'm sure warmth used to come out of this thing.”

Bridge - "This is a disgrace, I'm going to complain to my Member of Parliament - oh wait, that is a waste of time too."

Oooh, we are angry political animals today, ha!

This was the park today, we were the only ones there, everyone else had enough sense to stay home.

There was nobody playing bowls on the green.

No children were in the playground so Madam Bridget decided to have a cheeky go on the climbing area.

Bridge - "Look at me, I'm queen of the world - now get me off this thing!"

The council had put this sticker on all the bins. Mum said, "I may as well apply for the job, Dog knows I pick up enough after you three!"

All the grass is soggy and flooded.  In fact, we were rather glad to get home to our blankies.

Dip- "Ahhh, that's better, don't wake me again until Summer!"

About Dip Dip and the Bridge

We are 2 Chihuahua girls who live in the North East of England with our little brother Elliot and our Mum and Dad. We enjoy being pampered and getting our own way in everything.


Baking, food, toys, sleeping, car rides, walkies and treats.

Thank you and you can find Dip Dip and the Bridge on the link below!

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. THE CHEEK OF IT, as George the Lad would say! Oh this weather dear ones has reached across the great pond to US in Minnesota! You all should have seen us yesterday, floating around in little boats! The rain would not STOP! But our hedges and flowers are loving it and today the temps are forecasted to reach the upper 90s, FARENHEIT! So my little friends, KEEP CALM and CARRY ON...summer will be reach you soon and then you will be saying THANK DOG for the heat!

    teeeheeee.....have a great day you all! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , I think we might have sent you our weather , as here it now is sunny , hurrahhh Summer is here. Have a lovely Sunday.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. molly i fink dat dees is sutch a grayte grayte idea, n i loves da fakt dat yoo has dinah n bridget n elliot on tooday! They arrr so mutch funn n sutch cyootiepies, i loves dem too bits! They werr wun owf ma veri veri fursht furends on bloggeryland, and they mayke me laff n feel verii welcomme!! theyyr mummer is grayte too n my mummer has dunn nuthin butt go own n on aboout her crochet dayy next friday! heehee! love n likkers Molly, pdorg xoxx

    1. Hi Posie
      Hope you are are having a good weekend. Crochet Friday , Yea , I have been known to chew on the knitting , maybe I'll move on to some crochet next.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. It is Spring here. But the last two days have been a bit wet. I plan to take lots of naps.

    1. Hi Goose , good idea a nap or two does you good. Hope the rain stops soon. Have a good Sunday.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. M says the sticker is so cute! nice posting of Pip.

    1. Hi Jessej, How are you and I hope you are having a good weekend? Wil pop by to see what you are up to.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Hey Molly, It was great to meet you and thanks for stopping by to visit. Your post was so good and we always like meeting new furiends and visiting them. Mom really liked the sticker about the "dog poo fairy" BOL
    Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas,& Rosie

    1. Hi bbes Tribe , how goes your weekend , hope it is a good one? Welcome to my blog. We too liked the poo fairy sticker. Have a grand Sunday and see you soon.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Those are great coats!! Stay bundled up!

    1. Hi Betty , hoped you had a good weekend? Coats are great and the babes are looking cool!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Thank you for sharing your blog with us today Molly.
    We are happy to tell you the weather has been a lot better since that post and we are now running around naked, ha!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi gang , hope you had a lovely weekend in the sun hurrrahhh. Please send me your nomination for next weeks blog for 'Share it Sunday'. As for sharing your blog , pleasure and thank you Pip.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. I love them a lot!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza my little fashionista , thank you on behalf of the Dip Dip and the Bridge.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit me!

    Hope y'all had a great weekend!

    If I can figure a way I'll send y'all some of our heat wave!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk , Will be popping by for sure , and you must have sent us sun as Summer is here at last , yeepee!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Hi Molly, it's me Cosimo!! as you know I live in Italy and more exactly in Florence!! normally the weather in spring should be very nice here in italy I heard may human parents say, but actually it' s not nice at all, because it' s raining very, very often and maybe this can comfort you a bit!!! I can say you that I, Cosimo, am really fed up with this horrible weather and I am thinking about emigrate in a coutnry where the sun shines every day!! maybe you'll come with me??
    Ciao from Italy!!!

    1. Hiya Cosimo , I am sorry to hear the weather is bad. I gonna try and blow the rain clouds away and send you some sun. Yea let's emigrate to where it's always sunny.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Some of my most favorite friends!

    Your pal, Pip
