
Friday 1 June 2012

Flog It Blog It, Tat by Royal Appointment!

Molly The Wally meets the Royals.

By Royal Appointment, jubilee memorabilia with a stunning price tag.

Prince Charles is cashing in on his mother’s Jubilee celebrations with a range of memorabilia. This includes a stuffed Corgi priced a mere £60 and a cushion for a bargain £95. There is also a £175 mohair teddy bear, £65 enamel clock and a £25 coffee mug! Our apprentice King, after breakfasting on a ‘Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata’, told our reporters at Molly Media that, ‘one has to make the prices so eye wateringly high to hide that fact that is just a load of old tat.’ Last month he told us he was a fan of make do and mend and he uses old curtains to make cushions. Are these those very same cushions I hear you ask? Mind you the cushions look OK for the dog basket! The East India Company has also released 60 minted gold coins, one for each year of Queen Elizabeth II's reign, encrusted with diamonds to celebrate the royal milestone with a price tag of £125,000. Before you rush out to buy these, the hideous coins make the Queen look like she’s lost her dentures! ‘Phillip . Phillip, have one of the Corgis swallowed my teeth?’ Maj was heard shouting in the bathroom at ‘Buck House’!

Please be so kind as to visit our dear friend Chicco who unfortunately faced the most dreadful time with the earthquake that shook their part of Italy. We were so saddened to hear the news! Send them your love. 
Best wishes Molly


  1. Not going to get much with my birthday fiver then am I? Just as well I'm not a royalist..hehe! Deccy x ps. I might start taking bets on how long it is before you get done for libel... ;-)

    1. Oh Deccy , who would come after the little dog with a blog? I'll sharpen my claws and bear my teeth , I may be small but guess what , still believe in free speech. Could it Mr.Todd , My Little Pony or the dreaded Furby?
      Best wishes Molly

  2. OMG.Molly I didn't know that you were on first name terms with the Queen,which Royal line did you desend from? Have you nay plans to bring out your own Royal High Priced Tat?

    1. I'm from the Royal line of King Charles 1 and 11 , being part King Charles cavalier! My tat is out in the back garden as I am pandering to my inner peasant emotions! My own Molly Media Merchandise will be launched with my first item a gold and diamond encrusted dog bowl sponsored by J P Morgan soon!
      Best wishes Molly

    2. Dear Molly,
      Oh yes, rich people always have some strange behavior :)
      Have a nice day.
      Woof, woof,


    3. Hi Chicco , just popped over and saw the dreadful sites from your lovely home in Italy. I am so sorry and our hearts melt at the news. We send our love and I have posted a link on todays' blog and hope all our furry friends will pop over and send their love. We are thinking of you my kind friend. Much love to you all.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. If such things were said about our *royalty*, we would probably be bashed up by their thugs...we mean, their bodyguards. Oh oh...did we just say something that could get us bashed up?

    1. Hi furries , that made me chuckle , I like our Maj it's just sometimes they get it so wrong! Deccy is starting a book and taking bets ion how long it is before I get my paws trodden on??? Have a lovely day and don't forget to visit poor Chicco.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Molly dearest, you are one of the best (amongst George and Tess) canine reporters in BLOG/DOGLAND!!!! Oh dear, I must visit Chicco!!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , thank you for your kind comment and for being so kind ss to pop over to poor Chicco. Have a lovely day.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Molly you and the Queen look like your very close, I'm sure she would give you some gold coins!! Just beg nicely :)

    1. Hi KSO , thanks you but as for the gold coins , chocolate ones will do. Have a good day and don't forget to see how Chicco is doing!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Thank you for letting us know about Chicco! I will go visit right now!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Thank you Pip and spread the word , I just felt so bad for all the folk over there.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Hey Molly... I can tell that all of you... across the pond are havin a grand time with the Queen's D. Jubilee and soon the Olympics. FUND times fur SURE.

    1. Hi Frankie and Ernie , we are having a swell time but the weather looks likes it's gonna be bad. Hey still fish out the old brolly and make do. Wishing you the best and don't forget to see how Chicco is!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. PeeS... Molly honey I know that you are one of those who likes to make a comment back, butt I an not one to "Return" to a furend's blog.. once I have read and left a comment. Knowing that will save you a bit of Re-Commenting time that you may use fur more IMPAWTANT stuffs... like Napping!! hehehe

    PeeS... Did you know that you have those really HARD to Do Double the TROUBLE word Varification thingys on your comments?

    1. Hi Frankie and Ernie, that is OK I don't expect you to return once you have been , imagine we'd never get a chance to do anything else. I know the word verification thingy is annoying but it's there to stop spam and I have had some problems with tagging etc. Just trying to keep my blog clean and safe for everyone. Glad to see you had s nice birthday.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Those are definitely made out of old curtains.

    Corgi huh...maybe they need to switch royal dog breeds every now and again.


    1. Hi Websters , I know not very imaginative!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Of course I had to Google that stuffed Corgi! I had to see what could cost so much....

    While googling, it brought me to this article:

    England is such a beautiful, charming, and picturesque country! So lovely.....

    1. Hi Taryn
      That's where you can find the objects.
      I know we have gone bunting mad , Hurrahhh! And thank you for your kind comments about good old Blighty.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Thanks for the news about Chicco - I'm heading over there now.

    1. Hi Stewey , thank you! I was so shocked and really upset for those poor people. Spread the word and lets all send our love to Chicco and Co.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Looks like he's only selling to the 1%! So much for the common folk. I'm gonna stop in to see Chicco now.

    1. Hi Cathy you are spot on there. Thank you for stopping by to see Chicco.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Looks like you have got the inside story on the Jubilee Molly!
    Boo - we are too poor to buy anything, will just have to find some red white and blue treats (don't know what the blue ones will be), he he.
    We have been to visit poor Chicco, how awful.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Dip Dip and the Bridge ,we got stuck on blue too!! Thank you for popping over to Chicco , It's bad and I hope all our blogger buddies take a moment out to say something! Surely that is what friends are for!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. MOLLY DARLIN'! Are you a beach dog? Well thank you for coming to visit to take a gander at the photos overlooking the Mediterranean!!!! Have a fantastic JUBILEE!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , I am a beach bum given half a chance! They were lovely pictures , making us all feel like a holiday.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Much talk of the Queen on this side of the pond as well. Wish she was into Airedales! We might have sprung for a stuffed 'Jubilee Airedale'...BOL!

    1. Hi Wyatt
      I know it's corgis , corgis , corgis! BOL at the thought of a Jubilee Airedale!
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Thank you for coming by to say hi to me. I have been having big computer problems, but right now the computer is working-so I went to give some love to Chicco.

    1. Hi Tweedles , hope your computer gerts sorted out and thank you for stopping by and popping over to poor Chicco.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. MOWZERS, we didn't know you were a *whispers* ROYAL! King Chas Cavalier, indeed! And we agree with CK - must be targeting that 1%, MOL!
