
Thursday 28 June 2012

Hog Blog, Strawberries & Cream, it’s Wimbledon Time!

Molly The Wally plays tennis.

Tennis anyone? It is Wimbledon time.

Wimbledon has begun and that means strawberries, rain, cream, rain, Cliff Richard and more rain. During World War Two a bomb landed in an empty ‘Center Court’, causing a great deal of damage. Unfortunately Cliff was a baby at the time and was nowhere near the grounds Wimbledon has its’ own resident hawk called Rufus. His patrols are stepped up during the tournament and he has been trained not to attack badly made wigs. The grass is cut to 8mm for matches to ensure regular bounce for the elite of world tennis. It takes a legion of scissor and ruler wielding members of the Women’s Institute to keep it just so. Noise makers are prohibited at all Wimbledon events including vuvuzelas, rattles and klaxons. That will be my human banned then! Although we all dig little green balls bouncing on the grass there is one topic far more important and that's the food. After all watching tennis is hungry work. It takes 1,700 catering staff to feed them and this is what they chomp, slurp and gulp through during the world famous ‘Grand Slam’.

300,000 cups of tea and coffee
250,000 bottles of water
190,000 sandwiches
150,000 cakes and savories
150,000 glasses of Pimm’s
135,000 ice creams
130,000 served lunches
100,000 pints of beer
60,000 sausages
40,000 served, char-grilled meals
30,000 portions of fish and chips
30,000 liters of milk
23,000 bananas
22,000 slices of pizza
20,000 portions of frozen yoghurt
17,000 bottles of champagne
12,000 kilos of poached and smoked salmon
And don't forget 28,000 kilos of English strawberries and 7,000 liters of fresh cream.
Huh sounds like my human’s weekly shopping list!
Talking of food we see Mollie is giving away free treats in a competition (if you answer 3 simple questions), posted anywhere in the world. Hey guys free treats, hmmmm 3 questions, hmmmm no brainer!  Link below and just post answers as a comment. Free Food Yummy!!!!!! Just put my entry in!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of champagne! Have a great Thursday!

  2. Miz MOlly, you are at it AGAIN, informing me of some important summer events to which I was not privy. BUT THANS TO YOU, I am ready for some TENNIS ACTION! And the food.....oh how I wish I could get my hands on some English strawberries and CREME!!! If they are anything like the French strawberries I ate in La Dordogne, they are far better than our PUMPED UP GIGANTESQUE berries that are grown here in the states.

    CARRY ON my friend and have a super day! Anita

  3. STRAWBERRIES...WAS ALL MOM NEEDED TO READ SHE LOVES THEM. We love your sun hat and shades.
    Madi your BFFF and Mom

  4. Mum gives me a bit of a strawbob now again,and Alfie and I get to lick the whisk, when she's done the cream ! Not a bad life :). Mum has been sorting out bloggie profile. A big thank you for mentioning our competition, it's going good. Some great answers. :)
    Big Huggies Molliex

  5. ummmmmmmmmm Strawberries. I pick my own you know. Have my very own patch.

  6. How fun you get to watch Wimbeldon, that is a lot of food! Yummy

  7. Hey Molly!

    Order me up a Pizza and a Pimms and we'll just have a fine time, won't we?


  8. I'm a kitty... I think we'd like some of that fresh cream, please. Yay.... cream. OMC they do eat a lot during tennis.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  9. Wow, that's some list! I think we like everything on it too!

  10. Mmm...we love all events that include good food.


  11. It sure is an extra-busy summer in England this year! The parties never end!

  12. We love strawberries and cream!!! We arent big tennis fans but we do love to hear the recaps during the days about it.

  13. Molly, you have a perfect figure and I hope you win the treats! :D

  14. You have just made us feel very hungry, LOL!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  15. Now we all want our dinner - your post made us drool. Fresh strawberries and cream sound like a great dessert.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. I knky miss one food from England i.e. fish and chips!!!! You got that on your list. Kudos!

  17. weekly shopping list. ha ha. :)

  18. Hi Blogging Friends!!
    You have earned the One Lovely Blog Award!! Come on over to Beautifully Unique and check out their rules!!
    PS. Thank-you for becoming a Member of my Blog!! I truly appreciate it!! ;)

  19. A friend of mine named Lou ee who is from England said he is going to get me to center court. I can't wait. Did you know that during the Olympics the players in center court will not have to wear white. Is nothing sacred? I may have to boycott the whole thing.

  20. Wimbledon sure is not a cheap event!
    Kisses and hugs

  21. Mom luvs to watch Wimbledon :) And she's very curious as to what Pimm is? Champagne with strawberries is a grand slam she says ;) You look quite smashing in your tennis garb Miss Mollie :D

    Waggin at ya,

  22. The pimms and ice cream sound good to us. Mom loves a good pimms cup (or at least mom does). We will take some vanilla ice cream!

    urban hounds
