
Sunday 24 June 2012

'Share It Sunday' Part 1 & 2, Guest Blog Dip Dip And The Bridge!

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger We 3 Doxies!

Flower Power

They say one good turn deserves another and it is certainly true with this geranium.

When it was just starting to grow in the park last Summer, someone had cruelly ripped it out of the ground and flung it on the path to die. Mum picked it up and took it home and we planted it in our tub in the garden.

Elliot closed his eyes and wished with all his might that it would bloom.  He obviously has some supernatural power because not only did it flourish last year, here it is this Summer, the lushest plant in the garden.

Elliot - "I am Elliot the Amazing! Behold, I can make flowers grow with just the power of my mind. All that water and sunshine didn't hurt either, mind you.”

Dip - "It's a pity you didn't concentrate on the roses then, they are non-existant this year."

Dip - "Although it could have something to do with the fact that Dad didn't prune them like he was ordered requested to."

Dip - "The climbing rose is even worse. We wouldn't like to be in your paws Dad, he he."

Dip - "Luckily the pots are coming along nicely."

Dip - "Even plants respond to kindness, although not everything grows very big with plenty of food, hmmm.."

About Dip Dip and the Bridge

We are 2 Chihuahua girls who live in the North East of England with our little brother Elliot and our Mum and Dad. We enjoy being pampered and getting our own way in everything.


Baking, food, toys, sleeping, car rides, walkies and treats.

Thank you and you can find Dip Dip and the Bridge on the link below!

Part 2 Susie and Sidebite would like you all to be aware of Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis !

Well gang this is a very serious post, only the ending is good so don’t worry!

Normal Bites!

You see Tuesday evening Sidebite didn't eat dinner, then later dad came out to play, like we do every night, and Bites hardly pawtisipated. Then we came in for the night and usually get a snack, Bites didn't want any, he just got in his chair and did not move, not even to bed beside dad!

Around 11:30 we heard a loud screehing sound, dad turned on the light, and there was Bites trying to upchuck, yeap found it, nothing but water with some white foam. Dad followed him around and everywhere he went, the same thing, then to the water bowl to drink, Dad said he was drinking enough to drown 10 dogs.

Sickie Sidebite in his chair!

Dad took him to the chair, got a blanket and he would lay down for 20 to 30 minutes, then the same process would happen again, over and over and over. Well Dad stayed up with him until about 4:30, finnally he layed down on the bed an sleep until about 6:30.

OK, time to go outside, he did get off the bed an Slooooowly went out the back door, drank more water then just sit there, looking at dad like "really Dad, outside, I am Sick". Dad said he would call the Dogter as soon as they opened, sure enough, they said to GET HIM THERE!, and off hes goes.

Left him there and around 11:00am the lady called and the bad news was given;

He had Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE), the dogter said getting him there so quick was the answer, she said it is very severe, and can be fatal if not treated. This is most common in youg adult dogs of any breed, but especially small dogs, it is not contagious.

Suspected causes include abnormar responses to bacteria or bacterial endotoxin or a hypersensitivity to food. The symptoms are Profuse vomiting, followied by depression, bloody diarrhea with a foul order. The progression of HGE is so rapid that shock and death can occur within 24 hours.

The most important aspect of treatment of HGE is intravenous fluid therapy to replace lost volume. The upchucking and diarrhea are treated and will usually resolve after one to two days, along with some antibiotics. Prompt, aggressive treatment is required and the prognosis is good. There is less than 10 percent mortality with treatment.


The Dogter said that dad being a bicyclist and understanding the proper hydration was key to getting him well. He had to spend two nights and days there with his IV and some sedatives to help him sleep (I said he don't need know help in the sleep department). So we went to get him this evening, boy was he glad to see Dad, and me, Heeheehee, MY BUBBY IS BACK. Still a little groggy, but wanting to eat that chicken and rice Mom had ready for him (Lucky Dog). Now we are outside Barking, yeap he's back.

Pees from Dad; Hope this helps someone keep a family member OK, by the way, Susie has followed him everywhere since we came home, in the house, watched him eat, then outside. I am sure he will be worn out with all that loving attention from Sweetie Petunia., AND ME, AND MOM, AND SHADOW.

About Susie & Sidebite!


I am a 4 year old rescue born in a puppy mill and abused, rescued from the pound and found by them on he web, claimed on Friday after Thanksgiving. Don’t like people, other than my Peeps and I am Queen of the acrage and control everything including Sidebite.


I am a six year old AKC dude , Master and Commander of the back yard and I rule the house and let Susie think otherwise.

Thank you and you can find Susie and Sidebite on the link below!

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together! 

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. Mix are a generous journalist to give these top dogs room to share their stories! YIKES, the powers of ELIOT THE MAGNIFICENT! I need him to get on a boat and cross the pond to come to my place to save my herb garden!!!!!!

    Oh this poor little lad here.....but thank goodness he is alright now. Whew....we have to remember our four-footed friends during these hot summer days!


    1. Hi Anita , I am going to ban all mention of sunny , hot Summer days , as the jealousy is making me as green as those little green men. Wish us some Summer please. 'Share It Sunday' is a pleasure as we like to spread the word. Have a lovely Sunday with you and yours!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. How great of you Molly to share your Blog this morning with your close friends. We're happy to see that the beutiful red flower is growing thanks to the magical powers of Dip Dip and Elliott. Someone really does need to have a talk with their Dad about those poor roses though.

    Poor little Sidebite. Thankful we are that there was a very happy ending to the story. It's great that you are spreading the word around on HGE!

    Happy Sunday Molly!

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle , thank you for you r kind comments but it was Susie and Sidebite who wanted you all to know and we were just happy to oblige. Hope everybody pops over to wish them well and thank them for sharing. Dip Dip and Elliot along with Goose are becoming little Wyatts! Well not so little in the case of Goose! Have a happy Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Hiya all. Can you send Elliot to me please, with all the rain and no SUNSHINE! nothing is growing in our garden. Poor Sidebite, I'm gonna tell Mum to keep an eye on me, if I go off me food, or I'm drinking more than I usually do! Thanks for letting us all nose about HGE! Will pop over and see how he's doing.
    As always, a great read Molly, thank you
    Have a great day, I'm off to play in the rain again! :)
    Mollie x

    1. Hi Mollie
      We are feeling for you and the endless rain. Believe me it is not better here. Thank you for your kind comments and for popping over to see how Sidebite is. Have a great Sunday and looking forward to seeing a picture of you in your blogger profile.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Molly, you being so very clever, when you get a minute, cos I know how busy you are. Perhaps you could tell me how I get my cute face on that blogger! Mum, I know has wordpress, she's soo dumb with computers!! :)
    Mollie xx

    1. Hi Mollie ,if you log in there should be a section where you can update your profile and there should be an option to add your profile picture. Click on it , select your picture , load it up and then don't forget to save your updated profile. If any pals thing they know another way or I have got it wrong can you give Mollie some help or even tips she can use.
      Hope it works and if you have a problem please feel free to contact us!
      Best wishes Molly

    2. Thanks Molly, I just knew you'd have the answer! :)Will get " Humom " to give it a go.
      Mollie x

  5. You have some great gardening skills. I mean to bring something back to life and to have it flourish. WOW.

    1. Hi Goose , yes you , Dip , Elliot and Wyatt are now officially in the 'Green finger Club'. Nice job all of you and have a happy Sunday and don't forget to send Sidebite your best wishes I think they could do with!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. I just love your bit about not focusing on the roses! Tee heeh hee! Have a great Sunday!

    1. Hi Finn on behalf of Dip and Elliot , thank you and if you have a moment do stop by and say Hi to Sidebite who thankfully is better now.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. That sickness sounds like the parvo that Boris had. He had to be on an IV for 5 days! How scary for Sidebite and his family. Thank you so much for the public service announcement!


    1. Hi Nora , on behalf of Susie and Sidebite thank you as they just wanted all us doglets to be aware. It was a pleasure to allow them a platform to help us be better informed. Have a wonderful Sunday.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Molly thank you for introducing us to Dip and Elliot and telling us about the dreaded sickies Sidebite had. Thank goodness his dad is observant and all ended well,
    Hugs Madi

    1. Hi Madi and Mum thank you for popping by and we are making the most of a quiet moment to sort our BO2012 entries out. We too were glad Sidebite was OK and as for Dip & Elliot this is their second nomination , so they sure are a popular pair!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Jessej and we'd love to know why Chantilly is off to France? Do let us know and we were very touched with your horsey post and we love all things horsey , except maybe their farts! Have a lovely Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Thank you for sharing our garden with everypup Molly!
    Wow, that was really scary what Sidebite went through, we didn't even know such a condition exhisted. We are so happy he was okay and got to the vet in time.
    Love his name too!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip , Elliot and Bridge , you are our first double nominee and I took the liberty of allowing Sidebite's plight to go with yours for important information sake for us doglets. I hope you don't mind that I crashed their story into you 'Share It Sunday'? Have a lovely Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. MOLLY... I LOVED this post!! I can smell the geraniums in the air!!

    1. Hi Guys , thank you for popping by and seeing Dip , Elliot and Bridge on what is their second nomination! These guys are rocking in the garden! Have a lovely Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Good job, Elliot! Do you do long distance flower therapy? Our Mommy sure needs help in that section!
    And thank you for sharing about Sidebite. We're really glad his Dad took quick action which saved his life.
    Have a great Sunday!

    1. Hi my Furries , I think I'm going to start hiring out Dip and Elliot for a fee of course , but ssshhh don't tell Bridget! Thank you re Sidebite it was only quick action that led to a happy ending.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. We think our mom could use Elliot's super powers for our garden. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by to wish Derry a happy birthday!

    1. We hope Derry had a lovely day and Dips and Elliot are available for a small fee to their newly appointed agent Molly The Wally. Take care now!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Great post. We worried about Sidebite soo glad that had a happy ending!

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

    1. Hi Murphy and Stanley we are so glad that all was OK and maybe the information will help a little doglet somewhere , some day! Looking forward to the BO2012 and the events.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Hi Molly,

    I fonally managed to add as a follower. Was having trouble using my Ipad. Those photos of Molly in her early years are sooo cool. I love it!

    I hope someday I can have several tabs on my blog like what you and Frankie Furter has. I am a technie-idiot. Just a crazy animal lover...haha

    Thank you for coming over to support our new blog.

    1. Hi Sankissjuice , thank you for your kind comments and it was only a few months ago that I started myself with no experience but being a doglet of many talents I got there. Send me your email, in a comment which I will not publish and i will help you on your way. It is hard starting off but we are all here to be friends and help.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Audoramos as suas visitinhas!!!
    Vcs são muito queridos...
    Scully e mamis

    1. Scully pleasure to visit as always and we love to read your adventures.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. I love Dip-Dip and the Bridge! Thanks for featuring them on your share it sunday :)

    1. Pleasure Betty and we thank you on their behalf for your kind comment.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Molly, you are such a sweet pal. Thank you for sharing all of this and help me to meet some more new pals. You are so cool!!!

    Loveys Sasha

    1. Sasha , it is our pleasure and we are so glad you get to meet some new pals.
      Best wishes Molly
