
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Bark From The Park, Time to Ring in The Games!

Giant Olympic rings suspended from Tower Bridge for The London 2012 Olympic games.

Giant Olympic rings suspended from Tower Bridge for The London 2012 Olympic games.

Giant Olympic rings suspended from Tower Bridge have been unveiled, making a tacky statement on one of the capital's most iconic landmarks. The rings, which weigh three tonnes, cost £259,817 to produce and installing them is estimated to have cost £53,000. They remind me of a dilapidated sign that can be found at a long since dead seaside resort. Three tonnes of scrap metal is worth alot of money so it’s only a matter of time before some enterprising scrap metal merchant thieves it! Well at least it’s the Olympic rings and not the ghastly 2012 logo. Now here's one Olympic seat you might get a ticket for, as London's £50m cable car opens across the Thames. At £3.20 for adults and £1.60 for children at least it something we can all afford. Despite the cost of the highly-trained torch security team, two grinning teenagers managed to break through a police cordon before grabbing the 2ft-long flaming torch as it made its way through Coventry at the weekend. However, they only managed to briefly grab it after being bundled back into the crowd by police and security guards. Makes me think Banksy’s tribute to the Olympics was spot on. 

Don’t forget the 2012 Blogville Olympics is here soon so join the BCC and be up to date on the latest news.


  1. Look at that dog! How funny!

  2. That poodle's all ready for the Olympics!

  3. Wow, that dawg sure is getting into the spirit of things!

  4. This is getting EXCITING MOLLY! The games and the blog fun is enough to make me happy, but knowing that you will be reporting live is the best part!!!!!! Anita

  5. MOL MOL MOL Molly what an excellent picture today.
    That poodle has oodles of (round) noodles on it.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  6. Oh Molly, we are loving your updates - although She tends to agree with you that the Olympic rings look a wee bit out of place on that wonderful, beautiful structure - do you think they just thought 'oh well, we have to hang them somewhere???'. They should let us dogs manage the process - SOOO much more organised and tasteful we would be!



  7. Those Olympic rings are huge! Love the colorful poodle! LOL!

  8. Hey Molly!
    Wow, those crazy bridge rings will be a favorite place for the birdies to perch, nest, and poop! BOL. Love that funny poodle! Hope our peeps don't get any ideas about that. Yikes...hide the food coloring!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Athlete

  9. Woooo I have never seen a tiedyed poodle before...hope my mom doesn't start getting any weird ideas about changing my color...i sure like your long curly ears..they are beautiful! Hey we have two friends that we pen pal too in England also..their names are Stan and Rex. They are pugs. Stella Rose

  10. Hey Molly,. We are very glad you are reporting on the Olympics (from your point of view). We agree about the rings and with what Sarge said about the birdies - oh yeh they will love those rings. That poodle is very colorful. We are glad our peeps don't do that - of course we are not poodles(except Hadley our foster) and our we are already colorful enough.
    Ernie and the pack

  11. WOWZERS! That is one colorful poodle!

  12. Thank you for all that info - I learned some stuff I didnt know. OMG look at that dog I love it!

  13. yea! one colorful poodle, fitting- british and a poodle hehe! remington and i would get mugged if we tried that woofha!

  14. OMD OMD... that POODLE is gRRRRRRReat...
    Guess WHAT... my mom and dad have actually seen London Bridge.. it was moved to Arizona over the Colorado River.

  15. Heehee... that poor poodle. Or, that lucky poodle who gets all that attention like the Tower Bridge?
    Your furbuddies,
    Joules & Prescott

  16. I love these rings Molly, can't wait until the Olympics starts!!!
    The dog is so awesome!

    Have a great day!
    Woof, woof,


  17. What would we do without yooo's Molly? When me Humom has a dinner party, she is never lost for conversation! and what she talks about, makes her sound soooo intelligent! Thanks to you :) Luv the Poodle!
    Huggies Mollie x

  18. You have got to be kidding us! That amount of money for something that looks like it came off Ebay - they would have been better donating money to animal shelters.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  19. We are all having a severe case of Olympic fever!

    Critter Alley

  20. We're goggled-eyed at that poodle (as opposed to Google-eyed -- lol)!

  21. love how you are keeping us informed as to everything that is going on! So cool!

  22. Hello Molly, we saw the scrap metal... I guess they look pretty... Are they removing those eventually? I've never seen the London Bridge before.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  23. Thankfully I don't have long hair!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  24. I'm going to the Blogville Olympics and "Thank Dog" I won't be sporting that Hairdo!


  25. It might not be so bad if the rings spit fire at night ;) That poor poodle! BOL! I am so ever grateful NOT to be a poodle :P

    Waggin at ya,
