
Monday 2 July 2012

Flog It Blog It, Butter is best!

Molly The Wally my top ten useless kitchen gadgets.

My top ten useless kitchen gadgets. Buy one for Christmas for the perfect present for the gourmet lover.

It has puzzled generations, but now scientists have finally worked out how to spread a perfect slice of bread with butter fresh from the fridge. Sadly, you will need a battery-powered knife with a built-in heating element in the blade. The knife, designed by Warburtons, heats up to 41.8 degrees Celsius, and is powered by AA batteries in the handle. It melts the butter just enough to spread smoothly, without gouging holes in the bread. With this in mind I decided to take a look at what other silly inventions we have bought but never use. Here are my top ten!

Starting at Number 10 we have.....

10 The Garlic Peeler!

Err when a knife won’t do get one of these. Best used a Gonk for dog treats, or just as a chewy, hours of fun.

9 The Mushroom Slicer!

Are we missing something here, must be! Better used for chopping kibbles to make sprinkles on your pup-cakes.

8 The Apple Peeler!

Useless and looks more like a piece of torture equipment. Don’t put your paw near this!

7 Strawberry Huller!

Apparently strawberries need to be hulled before one can enjoy the delicious fruit. I had no idea! I have been eating strawberries the wrong way all my life. Shock horror!

6 Shrimp Deveiner!

If you like your shrimp mangled and deformed, this is the gadget for you. A must have for the discerning flamingos!

5 Melon Baller!

Who has melon balls? Tennis balls, rubber balls, bouncy balls but MELON BALLS?

4 Pickle Picker!

Don’t get in a pickle buy a pickle picker. Had hours of fun playing pick the kibbles out of my water bowl.

3 Asparagus Peeler!

Err when a knife won’t do, think we have a recurring theme going on here. After looking through various cook books we can safely say we have never come across a recipe that asked for peeled asparagus.

2 Avocado Cuber!

When a slice won’t do cube it! Don’t forget to buy the avocado stone remover and knife to with the cuber!

And at Number one pop pickers....

1 Banana Slicer!

You’d have be bananas to buy one of these. A must have for all toothless monkeys!

One cooks trash is another cooks treasure! How many of these do you have in your kitchen drawers?


  1. Woooooow, God, were do you keep all this stuff?
    In my advice it would be "Just stick with the old knife and chopping board!!!
    Enid x

  2. Aaaaaah, miam miam....dinner time here, but we can have our dinner only after the humans !!! Eat, eat, hurry up, mum, we're hungry !!!

  3. Oh dear, what are we going to do without this amazing inventions ^^. Well, I think I'll rely on the good old knife. It enhances the skills and it's a one time cost.

    Now, as for my favorite cooking invention, that would be the peeler and the potato masher. ^^ Oh, and there's the strainer and the frying pan,too.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  4. Molly, we've got a garlic press, and wait for it! a MELON BALLER ! In the list of gadgets we buy and never use( it's not really a gadget) but if you asked 100 Brits if thay had one, 99 would say yes, stuck way,way in the back of the cupbaoard. A sandwich toaster!! :)
    Have a great day
    Mollie x

  5. You're so funny Molly! I think my Mom has all of those tools too. Does she use any of them ~ NOPE!

    Lily Belle

  6. MOL Mom has a slicer for hard boiled eggs..she isn't sure where it came from but for some reason cannot part with it. FYI she has never used it. Have you ever seen one? If not we'll send you a pic. MOL

    Great and very thought provoking post which made us smile
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. Well, I do kind of like my shrimp mangled so maybe I'll give #6 a try!

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Apple peeler, sure looks evil!! Don't have one at home, luckily!
    Have a fun week,

  9. Bwhahahahaha...oh my gosh, dis is good stuff! But I has a question...who actually eats asparagus, shrimp, mushrooms, and garlic? Oh, well my mum don't really cook so her needs no of dis stuff...hehehe. We does have a KAY SAY DE-UH maker but it has nevers seen da light of day.

    Da banana thing is too funny!


  10. Oh, whatever happened to the simple life: hot bread, cold butter, melting in the crevices... YUM!

  11. Wow, Molly - you sure do have a lot of culinary gadgets!
    I think I might like to chew on #10 - BOL :)

  12. That is beyond crazy stupid. Bawhahhahaha. A banana knife.

  13. Hey Molly what about that horrible noisy thing that grinds our toenails down to nothing.....geez!! Humans are a funny race aren't they.

  14. Mama ended up using the melon baller once. She was so amazed she had inherited one. She didn't even know she had one until her MIL told her what it was in the draw.

  15. Hey, como você é lindo!!! Minha mamãe tinha um cão igual você quando ela era pequena!!!
    Não está entre nós, infelizmente!
    Seu blog é tão divertido! Gostei muito!!! Você quer ser meu amiguinho??
    Eu adoro fazer novas amizades!!! Eu também tenho um blog! você quiser visitar, vou adorar te ver por lá!
    Este é o endereço do meu cantinho!
    Eu apronto muito com minhas irmãs!!!

  16. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a crazy collection of weirdness! I avoid fruit and veggies at all costs, then I don't need that stuff. My Mom has that melon-baller and never uses it...ever. She gave that pickle picker to Frankie's Mom and she actually uses it all the time! Both of them have that garlic peeler and love it! Crazy, isn't it?!? Very fun post and you gave me a huge chuckle!
    Grr and a Laughing Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  17. I am proud to say Miz Molly, that the only thing I have is that garlic peeler that was given to me by a die hard Italian friend....BUT I LOATHE THE THING! THANK YOU for showing us how ridiculous some things can be!!!! Anita

  18. Hahaha! Such funny (and silly) inventions! We had to laugh at the banana slicer. What else would they think of?

  19. Wow if it weren't for your post, I wouldn't know there are all these gadgets out there. But I think I will buy the heated butter knife ;) I hate holes in my bread.

  20. Bohh number 8 ASPARAGUS PEELER is the best there is!!
    I have this, I love my asparagus peeler ...
    And number 5, I need to all parties, from butter to form fine grapes ...
    OK the rest you can forget real ...
    greetings from Sylvia
    Bohh nummer 8 ist der beste SPARGELSCHÄLER den es gibt!!!
    Ich habe so einen,ich liebe meinen Spargelschäler...
    Und Nummer 5 brauche ich zu allen Festen, um aus Butter schöne Weintrauben zu formen...
    OK den Rest kannst du echt vergessen...
    liebe Grüße von Sylvia

  21. None!! but Mom is on the look out for the plug in butter dish that keeps it at the right spreadable temperature, will let you know if she gets one.
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  22. BOL, too funny, Molly. We have one of those apple peelers and Mom agrees, totally useless!!! And about that butter - we only have REAL butter here, none of that soft margarine - Just put the butter out for a few minutes and then slice it thinly, put it on the bread and be patient - it will spread easily.

    Melon balls??? Hmmm, don't think we could play fetch with those very well - BOL

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. Correction: Well Mom discovered that lo and behold she did finally toss out the boiled egg slicer.....but she does still have 3 egg yoke separators. Why? She rarely separates egg white from yoke. MOL
    Anyway the boiled egg slicer was stainless steel, bottom was shaped like an egg,the top had 4 wires on a stainless steel frame and a handle. As you lowered the top it cute the egg into 4 sections.
    Hugs Madi

  24. We have a kitchen gadget problem in our house.


  25. Daddy calls those things UNITASKERS and they are banned from our kitchen, MOL!

  26. Some silly things for sure. Peeps can be goofy sometimes!

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

  27. Whoa! We don't hve any of these, thank Bast.

  28. Heated butter knife - oh my Dog, we've heard everything now!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  29. You are so right! All those "inventions" are useless!
    Kisses and hugs
