
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Hog It Blog It. Beware Thieves About!

Beware thieves about, the Duck debacle.

Beware thieves about, the Duck debacle.

The Outlaws!

The perpetrators! Molly The Wally & Pippinpumpkin!

Beware thieves about, the Duck debacle 2.

Location and day the crime was committed!

Chez Adam’s on Saturday!

Beware thieves about, the Duck debacle 3.

The crime!

Whereabouts of The Roast Duck?

The evidence!

Empty plate!

This heinous crime was committed between the hours of 4pm to 5pm on said Saturday at Chez Adams. Both perpetrators polished off not only the remaining roast duck but the bones as well as all the trimmings. Last seen waddling down the high street, sporting bot-bellies and greasy chops. Wanted posters have been circulated all over Suburbia. Have you seen these criminals? Approach with caution, as they may be dangerous. An award of a fistful of $’s have been posted on the heads of these miscreants.  Help us catch them as next time it could be your dinner!!!!!


  1. Tenéis que atrapar a esos dos forajidos que han cometido el delito. Nadie se come a Mr. Duck.

  2. Ah! Ah! Ah! Well done, Molly!!! Your humans will forgive you soon and you have your belly full with delicious and tasty duck meat and bones!!! And you shared out the spoils, so you are a sort of Robin Hood!!! Ahahahah!

  3. BOL!! Molly the Waddly!


  4. Oh dear! I sure hope they don't come here and steal my dinner!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. I think I'm more impressed than anything else... That is one hell of a booty you and Pippinpumpkin made off with Molly!! BOL!!

  6. I cannot believe that two sweet little soles like this would do such a crime...were they caught in the act...if not it is pure speculation! Molly, if you need a Lawyer I'll be fully trained in DogLaw soon ( lol.

  7. Way toooo gooo Molly :)..YUM YUM!!!
    High Five Paws
    Mollie xx

  8. I think the whole duck caper is a cover-up! I bet that just somehow Norman is involved in all of this. You're all in cahoots together. Call in the New Guard, get out the lie detectors, take away all the dog bones until we get answers!

    We WILL sniff out the culprit. We SHALL get to the butt end of this... We are Doxie's, willing and able to check for crumbs, er.... I mean evidence under the table......

    Lily Belle

  9. WTG Molly
    My theory is if it is put in front of me I must at least taste it and if it is yummy grab it and run.
    BTW you look lovely in pearls
    Hugs from Madi your BFFF

  10. Hahahahaha !;0))
    Hugs from us: Flo, Nana, Uyanga.

  11. They were just practising their magic show for you guys, now you see it, now you don't ............just like that!

  12. LOL, there is a decided lack of evidence there!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. Molly I am so impressed with this act of daring and audacity. I stand in awe of you both. Well done!!!!



  14. GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY, have you turned to a life of crime? ROAST DUCK IS NOT WORTH IT, CHILD! Stay on the right path with kibble and bits....let mum treat you once in a while to a nice roast CHICKEN....

    I know where you are. But MUMS THE WORD...I am NOT selling you out!!! teeeheee.....

  15. Oh, I don't even believe at all that you did it Molly. Not one bit. Don't let them bully you into making a bogus confession!


  16. your mom works for the county attorney and she said "innocent until proven guilty..bla bla bla" so until you are proven guilty for sure 100% sure I will always believe you were set up...probably by some cats or that drawf that is supposely missing...maybe your getting to close to finding him so he has to put some pressure on you guys....stella

  17. Hey Molly and Pippinpumpkin, That was some TASTY looking roast duck!! We're drooling over that. Good Job... you must have been pretty sneaky and smart to do such a professional job! You two are quite a team - working well together.
    Ernie and the pack

  18. I think this is a case of being FALSELY ACCUSED.

  19. They can't prove anything....right?

  20. Yes we do believe there is a hint of evil in those eyes of someone sitting at the table, shirley thats not you Molly!

    Susie & Bites

  21. No Way! First off it was the "outlaws", as you claim, then the plate would be licked clean. Case closed.

  22. Score!,

    Love Ruby & Penny

    Pees - we did not receive a picture from you for the Roaching event. We know you were having trouble with our email. Did you change your mind? Let us know?

  23. Molly....
    Rose here. What?! You have roast duck thieves across the pond? Mmmm!! And that roast duck looked tasty!! Can I join their "gang"? Do these so-called "perpetrators" need a Beagle cross with playful, mischievous, big brown eyes? Do they? Count me in!! ;op

  24. We would never turn our friends in, but the thought of all that $$$ for treats is quite enticing. Nah, friends are worth more than $$$/

    BOL - great caper.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. My lipses awe sealed,, those so-called miscweants awe my good fwiends and I'm no squeelew(besides, they have excellent taste..woast duck is deeee lish)
    smoochie kisses
    pee ess, they look mowe like movie staws than cwiminals anyways, hehehehe

  26. We'll rather a plateful of DUCK as a reward! Hahahaha!

  27. Hey me again. MOM and I were watching the news (and maybe you have already addressed this and I missed it)but on the news they said that for the Olympics the government has purchased thousands and thousands of condoms for the athletes! What is up with that? Are there events that we don't know about? Just wondering.

  28. I can't believe it! Have you been framed?

  29. You're innocent! I can vouch that you paid for that dusk and had every right to eat it.

  30. We are superimpressed and need to know your secrets!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  31. Good work guys, your mama was supposed to give you that duck and she forgotted, so it has acceptables to give it to yourselves.


  32. Make them prove it!! I think you are innocent!!


  33. UhOh!!! Just follow da sounds of da toots!!! :o)

  34. I would say that without video and DNA evidence, you must be innocent! Innocent til proven guilty!

  35. Olá!
    Amei o seu Blog...já estou te seguindo!!!!!
    Bem legal o se post, a Mel também já pegou a Pizza inteirinha do Prato do meu irmão!kkkk
    Beijos e Lambeijos!

  36. I can't believe you Molly! A fugitive pup on the loose!

  37. Haha...Rich boy can team up with you two and you will be the Incredible Trios. He also knows how to commit the aforementioned crime with solid skill.

    Don't worry, I will never turn you in. Just make sure you digest all that duck properly.

    I'll be back,

  38. Nice job, like Bonnie&Clyde

  39. I have had my dog take my sandwich right out of my hand !!!!! Imagine that.

  40. Since the plate is clean, there is no evidence. Without evidence there is no crime, case closed.

    Loveys Sasha
