
Friday 13 July 2012

Molly The Wally Has Another Award!

Molly he Wally Has Another Award!

Molly The Wally As A Puppy!

Thank you Raelyn for ‘The Sisterhood of the World of Bloggers Award’!

Following the instructions.....

Seven things about me!

1 I am the owner of exactly 38 tennis balls at the last stock take!

2 My favourite read is ‘Real Food Magazine’.

3 I hate Kibbles and I hate Kibbles-Lite even more. They are the Devil’s food!

4 My arch enemy is Maudikae the cat known by me as HB short for Hideous Beast.

5 I resent my humans interference during my hunting expeditions which often causes utter humiliating failure. So hunt alone or with like-minded canines.

6 I get car sick! Major successful targets have been inside designer handbag , inside wellington boots and inside the shopping bag.

7 I have been training hard for the Blogville Olympics by fly catching as there is a shortage of squirrels in Suburbia at present. 

And five female bloggers I pass this award to:-

Thank you Raelyn and we have put your kind award on our award page.


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Oh's thank yoooo's sooo much Molly. Yooo nose we just Luv's bling :) We are all excited this end, I fink it's an excuse to has a party :) " Humom " get those bangers on, weee's got annuffer award. BOL x

  3. Hello, dear Molly!

    Congratulations on your award. The dogs love their kibbles because it's better than their old food which was composed of left overs and rice. I think the dogs are better off without them, anyway. ^^

    Can't wait for those Blogville Olympic pictures.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  4. Congratulations on the award. Very well deserved. That's for sure. I love hearing little tidbits about pals. Have a good weekend.

    hugs, Max

  5. Congratulations on your award! We certainly got a kick out of reading your seven things! :-D

  6. Congrats, Molly, super award! Mom has a pile of tennis balls here that she took away from us because Mr. Jaws of Steel Lightning keeps ripping them and trying to eat them - so not good!!! Maybe we should send them to you to add to your collection - you could try setting a new record for the most tennis balls:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. CONGRATULATIONS on the super award. You certainly do deserve it.

    You Pooked in a PURSE??? NICE aim.

    I am soooooo with you about the huntin stuffs.

  8. It really is unfortunate how how humans interfere with hunting. I'll come hunt with you!


  9. Congrats! A very well-deserved award!

  10. Well done on your award - much deserved. Love your answeres

  11. Molly....
    You're welcome!! Thank-you for being such a faithful Blogging Friend to me!! ;)
    I liked your seven things!! ;op
    Happy Friday the 13th!!
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  12. Hi Molly
    Congrats on your award and thank you for awarding it to us.
    Mom always thwarts our hunting attempts too. We have only been able to catch one bird, ever.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  13. I am very honored to get this award! Thank you so much. Will post next week. Love reading new facts about my furrends. Concats!

  14. CONGRATS Molly on a well deserved award. MOL at your answers..well I don't mean to laugh at #6...but my human sis's cat Harley gets car sick too. One time, on their way home from visiting us, it was so bad they had to stop in a Wal-Mart parking lot to buy cleaning supplies. Harley does not travel any more.

    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  15. LOve This Dear! i enjoyed seeing it, Thanks For Posting ?


    If you have a minute, please check out my blog and follow me if you liked it. I'll appreciate it so much! Thanks!

    Blow a Rainbow

  16. Oh Molly, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! This is our first blog award! What do I do with it? Sasa will be so pleased to know this. I LOL when I read the first description of you :D You are sooo funny. Goose and you should have a stand-up comedy show together :)

    Kisses and nig hugs.

    I'll be back,

  17. Congrats on your award - that is a lot of tennis balls!

    Your friends,

    Stanley & Murphy

  18. Congratulations on your award! And great answers too!

  19. Congrats on your award Molly, very well deserved!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  20. Congratulations on your cool award
    Benny & Lily

  21. Congrats on your award!!!

    Your pal, Pip

  22. How fun was this!!! Congratchewlayshuns on yeur a ward. Yeu are berry mose deserbing, and itt whas great fun fur me!!!

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus
