
Sunday 8 July 2012

'Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Bordoggyterrier Barnies Dog Blog

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger Posiedorg Blog!

How to be a Hunter Bordoggy Terrier Style!

GruffHello there!

Being a great hunter myself akin to the uttermost professional standards and amongst the very best of the World's finest, (I may be deluded, but as long as I don't know it, who cares ey - ha ha!) today for you less fortunate 4Legs in the hunting department, especially for you, I be mainly imparting valuable hunting expertise, advise, hints and tips!

Now I want no slackers on our tour today - I don't care if it is or has been or about to be too hot, (well this is England, so we gotta hedge our bets either way with the weather!) so c'mon you guys, for you can't let the Fabulous 4Leg side down here - we have a job to do!

Now (errrmm excuse me over there, do be paying your full attention - do not drift off from our educational exercise - even if Mummy2Legs does say that educational exercise is the best sort, as it involves less moving!)

Please do be noting my first helpful hint which is that we must now poise ourselves up high for a good vantage point is a must!

Where are you, honestly - try to keep up!

Ah, there you are, don't creep up behind me like that, that's my job (of course, I knew you were there really – honest!)

We must ride high! (exceptions permitted for our taller specimen of Fabulous 4Leg - they just gotta put their nose in the air) - they can lie low as thus!

Once we have located "Target" we then cover ourselves in camouflage, now see, are we not a most attractive flower?

Buttercups are acceptable - do I like butter? (probably given chance!)

Are we not the dandiest of Dandelions!

The furriest Foliage too! It confuses “Target”.

Personally I am known to blend in wonderfully with rocks!

But can diversify into blending with trees!
A man multi-tasking yers it is!

Now - "Target" be behind us!

Highland cows apparently? I appreciate it was not the Squirrel/Rabbit/Bird we had hoped for - alas, despite my very best intellectual efforts, the practical art of getting near to any of these things appears to elude even me - heaven only knows why, I mean I have read the books and everything!

Anyhow, Highland Cow "Target" not looking afraid yet, though we should leave as Target's having lunch - and, erm, well they are pretty big and might not see us of smaller stature and stand on those less speedy than myself - not that I am scared, only thinking of you guys! - Lets move on!

These deer roam free on the grounds of  Harewood HouseIf we go on the grass though we will get into all sorts of trouble and those with lesser nerves of steel than I might quiver - swiftly moving on!

Now turning our sniffing skills over here, for "Target" do be stupidly lying beside us!

Oh jeepers! Sorry there guys, forget that last comment, think we may be his "Target" here - thought it was a Fox, I wondered why he didn't look worried - easy mistake to make no?

Best be moving swiftly on now, again......!!

He we go, for its the great chase now - c'mon guys, do keep up, your losing me!

Now for technical reasons you will appreciate that I have had to prepare these pictorial hints and tips guide taken over a few days, mostly on walks with Mummy and Daddy2Legs (they walk places with maps, odd really as they drive for ages to get there!) - fear yee not though for I am poised and ready to go with you all - I will champion the way - leading with great skill, speed and stealth......

I fear I may go that fast you will not even be able to see me........

So fast you will think I am not even there!......

Oh dear - for I see you have actually found me, erm...well... you see in order to mentally prepare for these amazing feats of hunting prowess one does need to psyche up, deep breathe and partake in relaxation exercises to calm the nerves and steady the excitement and tension in our bodies!

What do you mean you don't believe me - pffftttt, what else did you think I was doing, I mean honestly, do I really look like I am sunbathing!

I am in a high state of alert and preparation - as always - it's me remember! - well that's my story and I am sticking to it - ha ha!

Shall we resume our hunt another day - c'mon now guys, chill out, come and have a Bordoggy Biscuit with me!

About Barnie!

Barnie is such a happy, affectionate and loving little Border Terrier born in May 2010, who loves keeping himself very busy with his adventures, who loves his treats and toys, who loves having long walks with his 2Leg family, who loves life and everybody he meets in it, and who especially loves having you as his friend, being your friend and who loves you coming along to see him at his little blue Border Terrier Dog Bog! XXX

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow!

From the author Molly The Wally


  1. Fanks for all the huntin advise, sure looks fun :). When I take two legs out to the woods, I'm gonna put it into operation! Nice tooo meet yooo's and will pop over to your bloggie.
    Huggies Mollie xx

  2. We loved the blog post. That's our kind of hike with a nap along the way or at the end. I'm on my way over to see your blog first hand. Hope you like kitties. There are three of us.

    pawhugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  3. I really like watching the Barnie's adventures, he sure knows how to have fun!!
    Thank you Molly.
    Have a nice sunday.
    Woof, woof,


  4. Barnie's advice and adventure were ... "RIGHT ON TARGET". I'm just sayin.

  5. We are so glad Barnie is sharing his adventures with us this Sunday. What a lovely friend he is. We always enjoy his walks and wonderful pictures!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  6. Molly how nice of you to share with Barnie today. We became friends with him just recently and boy do we like going on adventures with him. He is an excellent tour guide. He makes sure we take in all the sights, smell the posies, run in the clover, take breaks and most of all he is a good friend.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. What a fantastic and amusing site. So glad I found it. Looking forward to following you.

  8. BOL, thanks for all those tips
    Benny & Lily

  9. That looked like a great hike! Good thing you got all those great pictures so we can all be jealous!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. GruffHello! paw I am really touched by your comments (poor Mummy2Legs is clutching her hankie as we bark!) - I have had a paw plod along to see you all, great to meet new fabulous 4Legs! Thanks again - love Barnie x

    (PS - do we recommend another for the great honour of appearing on your lovely home here? Couldn't spot an email, ours being: bordoggyterrier at ) xxx

  11. what a cutie! i just want to squeeze you! :)

  12. Nana and Uyanga would have loved to walk with you there !!!
    I like the swan too....
