
Monday 16 July 2012

Slog It Blog It, The Olympic Closing Ceremony!

The Olympic ArcelorMittal Orbit Thingie!

The Closing ceremony of The London 2012 Olympic games.

Above the Olympic ArcelorMittal Orbit Thingie!

Preparations are under way for the Olympic Closing Ceremony and we can reveal that acts such as Queen, Take That, Annie Lennox, George Michael, The Pet Shop Boys and Madness will be taking part. The opening moments of the ceremony will also see versions of London landmarks such as Big Ben, St Paul’s Cathedral and the London Eye, covered in newspaper and being unwrapped by a cast of hundreds. That will be the newspaper that won’t be wrapped around the chips we can’t sell then? More bizarrely there will be a troupe of stripping lollipop ladies! To a potentially controversial Full Monty style rendition of the National Anthem, the ladies will strip off their costumes to reveal Union Jack themed swimsuits, while the commuters and road workers will be in similarly patriotic bodysuits and other outfits. Oh the shame of it! Also included is Russell Brand, the scruffy, very unfunny comedian much of the population dislike. A tribute to British fashion we will see supermodels Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell strutting down a catwalk to the David Bowie song Fashion. Oh my, what role models are they? Britains' got talent it aint! It will be an embarrassingly cringe-worthy fiasco. Words fail me, wake me up when it's over. At least we know the Blogville Olympic Ceremonies are in safe hands.

For events , hosts and emails for the Blogville Olympics 2012 see yesterdays post.


  1. Hi Molly, re your special Share it Sunday slot, one of our oldest friends is Wiggly Zack - (though we have only been here since March, they have always been a good friend and have some lovely piccies of Zacky! Hope that is ok - shame about Marley & Lola, we think they are one of the funniest chaps around! Take care, B x

  2. Oh jeepers, we agree with you - we have got our large hats at the ready to drop over our eyes when it comes on and hide discreetly! This is such a great country and it would be great to get behind everything, but that is the trouble, we usually are behind, at great cost, in the rain (we note there is a distinct lack of roof on the main stadium!), we suggest you all get your hats a ready for the hiding too! x

  3. BOL Molly! Sounds like London's gone looney! Ha! :) What is that contraption in the background? Some kind of crazy death defying rollercoaster? BOL! Wild!

    Waggin at ya,

  4. What a mess!!! That's the British for yooo's. I'm joing you Molly, wake's me up when it's over :)

    Hugs Mollie x

  5. Sounds cr*p doesn't it?! However Mum never got past the mention of Annie Lennox (over whom she has swooned for years!) That'll be the only bit of the Olympics she watches I expect! hehe! Deccy x

  6. MIZ MOLLY, where on EARTH do you get your sources? Do you follow every detail? YOU ARE THE BEST! You have the best sniffer in the biz, and I am sticking with YOU!!! You are such a treasure, such a FIND!!!

    I will miss your daily reports; you know that a dear friend is visiting me and today she arrives. No computer time for me this week, but I will keep you close to my mind and heart. SEE YOU NEXT SATURDAY/SUNDAY!!!!!!!! Anita

  7. Better keep an eye on that Naomi Campbell, keep the phones out of reach!

  8. Thanks for the special share it Sunday slot, Wiggly Zack doesn't mind you using one of his posts.

  9. OMDs Molly I'm heading over to the UK ASAP. I'm purrty sure Naomi and Kate could use a little instructions on just how a Lady struts her stuff on the cat walk.
    HUGS Madi and Mom

  10. Just popped in to say I gave you an award!

  11. I can't wait until the opening/closing ceremony. Mum and Dad said it will be a good laugh. Even if we are the laughing stock of the world.


  12. LOL Molly. You looked so Cesar-ian in your "leaf cap"- okay, I honestly don't have any idea what it is called.

    By the way, I wanted to tell you that I gave you an award in our blog We hope you could drop by and accommodate it.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  13. I'm taking it that this is your Monday JOKE? I'm mananging to avoid most of the details of the big O, we're heading to France next week just before it hits London, good luck surviving it all :)

  14. Well Molly, I guess this is what we should EXPECT from somethingy run by PEEPS. I suspect after they see OUR opening and closing ceremonies... the NEXT Of THEIR Olympics Ceremonies... will reach a more appropriate Height!!! THEY have SOOOOOOO much to learn from US, don't they?

  15. BOL! I dunno why you think it's in good hands if I am running it! HAR HAR HAR. It will be fine (we hopes!!) Have a good Monday!

  16. Thanks, Molly, for always stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments.
    You're a doll and I love your blog!

  17. Oh my word is this exciting
    Benny & Lily

  18. You are an inspiration to us all!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  19. Well if thats all they got to offer, I think us Collies should round them up, stick in the sheep pen and forget all about these z list celebs,I think I am going to watch 1 man and his dog, at least the sheep have more brains than all those air heads put together!
    Yours from Cumbria

    Collies Untied shall never be defeated.....we already have our gold medals and no special diet was provided, and as for McDonalds we just use it for filling in the dry walls.

  20. That's QUITE the DO over there for the Olympics, isn't it? Thanks for your dog-on-the-spot coverage, Molly. Leave it to an intrepid canine to cover the whole scene with inimitable panache!

  21. We thought the same thing as Roo! It looks like a rollercoaster to us! EEK! *hiding under bed*

  22. Olympic ArcelorMittal Orbit looks like quite a distorted contraption!
    Sweet William The Scot
