
Thursday 23 August 2012

Flog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally does Mystic Molly.

Virgo August 23rd to September 23rd.

Mercury the planet of communication, learning and commerce has once again become influential leading to projects taking on new vigour. You may find your human running around like a mad thing with what appears little purpose. Be patient, as soon you will reap the rewards of all their hard work without even getting out of your basket.

This sign is the only female sign in the zodiac and therefore dogs who own a Virgo human should remember that these creatures are best summed up as still waters that run deep. They are unassuming, outwardly cheerful and often they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty. Therefore don’t worry about any antics you may regret as you Virgo human will put all things right with good humour. A good muddy roll around on the bed will be no test for a Virgo so do your worse and they will happily cover your tracks. They have a brilliant understanding of languages so take a bit of time out from napping and go talk to your Virgo human. You will find they understand your demands without too much difficulty so use this and demand often and loudly. They are known to be careful with money so don’t bother begging for new toys it won’t work. Therefore when owning a Virgo human you need to be inventive, shoes make excellent toys as do wallets, mobile phones and remote controls. Your human maybe prone to digestive problems and their love of exotic foods undoubtedly does not help. Therefor be bold, beg frequently and eat as much as you can to make sure you human stays well.


Making lists (so learn to forge their writing and leave those lists lying around), hygiene (so get down and get dirty they will love giving you as bath), order (so structure their day so they know what to expect, food, walk, nap, nap, walk, food, sleep) and exotic foods (so bring them some roadkill).


Squalor (so don’t let them see you trashing your bedding), uncertainty (so be in charge and make sure you give them those lists) anything unpleasant (so hide those vermin extermination and hunting with hounds magazines) and lastly sloppy workers (thus leave it all to them and take a nap instead).

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.

For previous star signs - see right archive blogs under Mystic Molly.


  1. My daddy's a Virgo!! Daddy hates lists though, hmm...

  2. My Nannies a Virgo....Well just, her birfday is 22nd September. She always makes lists, she hates mess and she's a shopoholic..
    have a great sunny Thursday Molly xx00xx

  3. BOL! I luv this photo Molly! Hilarious! Pawfect expression Hahahhahaa! Oh My the things we put up with to keep our peeps entertained ;)

    Great reminder that Mom's got more occasions out of the year to shower me with gifts than just Christmas ;P

    Waggin at ya,

  4. AWWW Thanks Molly, I'm a Virgo (not a Virgin) and my mom too...

  5. My human is an arty type, and she was once told that gallery curators are usually always virgos... They like organising and stuffs...

    Floyd and I are both Aquarians... Wonder what that means?

  6. My human sis is a Vertigo...her b-day is 8/28...amazingly many of these traits fit her to a T!!
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  7. YOU....give the best advice Miz Molly! Hey! I am not sure if you have told us about TAURUS humans....I am one. What do you have to say about us bulls???? teehee

  8. When's Pisces up? We love how you've dressed Mystic Molly.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  9. Molly, once again I am awestruck by your beautiful picture..i believe i may be a little jealous of your long beautiful hair. I may even have a pug crush on you.... Anyway my dad is a virgo and he is NOTHING like a "real" virgo mom was rolling with laughter as she read your blog...he spends money, is not sensible, never makes lists, and eats the same old food. Maybe he is a virgo reject???????
    stellie rose

  10. bring them roadkill. ha ha ha!

  11. We have a few human friends who are Virgos - and you are right on target, Molly!

    Wish our Mom were a Virgo - we all came in with muddy feet today and she was not at all happy.

    Woos, Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Our fave part? "Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas." Four paws up!

  13. Mystic Molly....The star gazer! What do you have to say about Aquarius???

  14. Thanks Molly, can you do one in the near future on Libras, Dad Birthday is at the end of September, and we really need to understand him better, cause hes the one one that makes sure we gett lots of food & treats.

    Your Furends
    Susie & bites

  15. Molly, you are so talented that you amaze us all the time! You have such a cast knowledge base. Are you going to get your own TV show soon?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. OMD OMD my mom and dad are BOTH VIRGO... They have LISTS Everywhere and all that other stuffs is my mom to a T . HOLY GWALK A MOLEY !!!

  17. I love it! Especially that last line, such a great twist!

  18. Please can you let us know the lottery numbers before Saturday?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  19. Umm...I don't know about those horiscopes but can you tell my future or tell us when it's going to snow?


  20. "Bring them some roadkill" - that's sure to be appreciated, woof!

  21. I don't get along with Virgos very well :)

  22. You are so wise!

    Critter Alley

  23. Super description of a Virgo person!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Love your headgear! So clever. So stylish! I wish my peeps were Virgos cos they sound like cool humans.

  25. Our Mommy isn't a Virgo but the "likes" do sound very much like her...

  26. Molly- mom is a diva 'Leo'......would you like to trade?


  27. Hmmm my daddy is a Virgo and he is eleventy-hundred percent opposite of this. I goes to call my grandma and ask her if daddy is adopted. Like me!


  28. Hi Y'all!

    Thanks to the link to the Human Human is a Virgo.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
