
Thursday 30 August 2012

Slog It Blog It, Beware Mice!

Molly The Wally with Ratty Rat!

London underground and the tail of the dangerous mice!

London commuters were left fearing their toes may be gnawed off by a dangerous gang of wild mice on the underground yesterday, after pranksters put up a sign warning them not to become the victim of a deadly rodent attack. 

This week we have seen the fields of Essex in lock down as the pawlice hunt for a reported raging lion and now we have rampaging mice striking fear into the hearts and toes of London commuters. What happens if you are lady wearing a skirt, are you supposed to tuck it into you knickers? Maybe Larry the cat can be let loose to run around the station at Farringdon and deal with this onslaught of those feral mice. No that’s not a good idea as after a year, the five year old moggie has only just managed to catch his first squeaker outside number 10. However, the problem at Farringdon station could be too big a challenge for Larry, who like his owner ‘Prime Minister Just Call Me Dave’, is known to enjoy long periods of time chill-axing instead of stalking the corridors of power for vicious vermin. A job offer to The Pied Piper may be the next notice to appear on that white board with the warning don’t apply if you have cheesy feet. I am heading down there right now armed with some cheesy bites and a meat cleaver. Hey, it would be worse, there could be a lion on the loose. 


  1. Molly, can you please put the mice in dry ice and send them over?? Thanks.

    Loveys Sasha

  2. That is beyond hilarious - someone has a great sense of humour!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. LOL!!!! that note is well funny, did you see anyone tucking there trousers in??? is that a real rat laying next to you mate?

    Charlene and Stormy

  4. H goodness Molly my tummy aches of laughter :D

  5. Love it, very funny!

  6. People are so Gullible :) I would of love to of seen all the trousers tucked in and the faces :) Have a great Wednesday Molly xx00xx

  7. If I were younger I would take that job! Those mice seem to be so delicious! And I'd like to meet the lion too, my cousin is a Maine Coon and he's so fluffy...
    Licks from Pink

  8. I HAVE JUST THE RIGHT CAT FOR THE JOB!!!!!! That DARN CAT ate a bunny in my garden yesterday and left it decapitated in my boxwood hedges! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. BOL - this morning we heard Essex police are looking for a unicorn? What a wild place!


  10. MOL Molly as soon as Mom gets off the top of the desk I'll be back!!
    TOO funny is that trick photography or are you really nosetapping a mouse?
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. Hi Molly,

    Are you sure these mice were'nt breeed in a lab somewhere, trouser stalking mice with a taste for human flesh, sounds like a zombie movie, all I can say.. is WHERE SUPER KITTY!

  12. dress in her knickers?? hahahaha even I'm not that gullible... but I'd be one of the ones with my trousers in my socks for sure...

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  13. HILARIOUS! Wish there were photos of all sorts of people tucking their pants into their socks!


  14. Hahaha! I know this isn't funny to the poor commuters with bitten toes, but you write it in such a way that it became my morning laugh! Where are all these critters suddenly coming from? Crazy stuff!

  15. That was too funny!!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  16. That is what people get for taking over our world!

    My Lady says a long time ago she had a mouse in the house. Bagheera caught it.

    Have a great Thursday.

    Love Hailey and Zaphod

  17. yup, pied piper better be on speed dial!

  18. I suspect that a BUNCH Of SQUIRRELS put this info out there.

  19. Hey Molly,

    I bet that woke the sleepy commuters up in the morning - gotta be on your toes over there!! :)

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  20. Sounds like the whole place is turning into a real zoo with the linces and mice, oh my.

  21. I'd be a lot more frightened if they had warned about rats! Rats are scary!

  22. Now there's a great idea for a good prank:)

    We do pretty on rabbit patrol, wonder how well we would do with mice. Mom says she does NOT want to know.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. We Beaglebratz thinkz they need tue turn that loose lion, loose on the attackin'mice. Then all the commuterz can catch the lion - both problemz solved - either that or there won't b anymore commuterz.
    Shiloh'n Shasta

  24. Mom would be screaming.
    Benny & Lily

  25. Oh Boy! The Lapdogs (except for Zeus, the big baby) have all been hunting mice in our house lately... and it's no fun!

  26. We're trying to get rid of our house mice. Can I just give them a British Airways ticket and a token for the Underground?

  27. Hey Molly, I just read from the Feature& Analysis section of BBC news that apparently this is the Silly Season, explaining all these bizarre news recently. Go check it out.It is apparently interesting enough that some academic is doing research on this topic.

    I think you look good with the rat. Maybe my piggies will enjoy being next to you too.


  28. Out of control mice! Me and Stanley would have fun. Mom, well, not so much!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. Lions and mice???? What is happening over there???

  30. I have two hamster siblings and I want to eat them. I'm not sure I'd like wild mice though. Do you really have a pet rat?

  31. My mom says she would prefer to face a lion than a mice!
    Kisses and hugs

  32. Gosh- is this a true story? We say RUN FAST!

  33. What a story, I love it...Thanks, Molly!!!

  34. MOWZERS, send Allie, she'd rout them out right quick!
