
Sunday 12 August 2012

Slog It Blog It, The Last Day Of The London Olympics.

Molly The Wally & The London 2012 Olympics.

London 2012 Olympics are over.

As ‘The Games’ come to an end we take this opportunity to thank you all who followed my commentary during the last sixteen days.

I trained hard every day............................

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

I watched my diet to stay in tip-top form........................

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

We stalked to bring you the breaking news.....

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

We dug around to bring you the true facts......

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

 We scanned the horizon to bring you the best pictures......

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

And we kept our eyes peeled so you missed nothing.........

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

 We had some lows................

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

We had some highs..................

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

We had some tears...............

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

And we had some laughs..................

 But most of all we had you..................

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

And we pass the Olympic torch...........

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

On to our dear friends in Brazil................

Thank you.......

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

Thank you..........

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

Thank you........

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

See you tomorrow.........

And have a great Sunday......

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

Best wishes Molly.

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

And over at the Blogville Olympics today is the closing ceremony hosted by Finn.

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

For all the brilliant events you may have missed please scroll to older posts.

Molly The Wally & The Blogville Olympics.

I did de Bolt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was the faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the commentary Molly, you've done a great job!

  2. Fantastic pictures Molly, we enjoyed your Olympic adventures very much - a lot more than the real ones, hehe.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. Thanks Molly, for all your posts covering the Olymic Games. I am surpried you have not been called to the tower over some of them :)I would watch out for knocks at the door BOL.
    Right I'm off to the closing Ceremony of the Blogville Olymics .
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  4. Thanks for all your hard work and funny commentary covering the Blogville Olympics as well as the hoo-man ones. It was lots of fun!

  5. We really enjoyed your coverage!! And thank you for the shout out!

  6. We have enjoyed your Olympics more than the real ones. Thanks!

  7. You did such an awesome job covering this huge event in our Blogville! I am proud to have been a part of it! Thank you so much for everything!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Molly if I had a way of obtaining the Pulitzer prize in Journalism...YOU WOULD BE THE RECIPIENT!
    Well done to you in your daily coverage of the funny, the good and the most unusual?
    I am so happy to have met you..during these events.
    Madi your BFFF

  9. Molly Your coverage of the Olympics has been FANGtastic. You brought us the OTHER side of the Olympic Experience. It has been WONDERFUL. PAWS UP fur YOU.

  10. I just can't believe that we have to wait 4 years to see more of your Olympic funnies. Be sure to book your flight now to Brazil so you can get there before the crowds arrive. You were a tremendous Host who made us laugh and cry with your antics. All we can really say is WE LOVE YOU MOLLY!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. I loved your coverage of the games. Really brought it all to life.

  12. Awesome coverage Molly! I has loved all of your eye witness reportings. Thanks for your hard works!


  13. He-he! Loved the recap. You're definitely going to need a rest after all this action.

    Critter Alley

  14. well, we enjoyed your coverage. :)

  15. Molly, we don't think there is any one else who could have covered the Olympics better. We had so much fun reading all your posts, and we learned so very much. We are off to hunt for some frisbees - great idea you have there.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Thanks for the up to the moment reporting. Get ready for winter 2014!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  17. Ahh thank you so much Molly for the laughs you have brought us, during the Olympics..Your a real star..Better be a good one tomorrow,,BOL..I should think you will be sleeping all day, you must be dogsausted.. :)
    Have a nice Sunday..
    hugs to you all
    Mollie xxxxxx

  18. We have loved every single post, Molly! We've never laughed harder in our lives! You are the BEST!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. I already miss the Olympics and your great/funny comments! I'm sorry you have been arrested...why didn't you bite the police officers????
    I'm happy with the 2016 Olympics in brazil but we have too many problems, we need more schools, more hospitals...
    Licks from Pink

  20. Your coverage has been terrific. Thanks!


  21. Great pictures, your tree climbing pic was impressive. You looked like a very dangerous dog in the other pic, Pippinpumpkin was very brave to stand there with Vampire Molly!

  22. Thank you for the coverage. It was very entertaining. :)
    Our Mommy is pretty relieved that the Olympics is drawing to a close coz she doesn't think she can take the staying up till past 5am every day anymore!

  23. Great coverage of all the events. Wish it wasn't all over! We all had lots of fun!

  24. You have done an amazing job. You kept us laughing, even when we were having some rough times. My Vickie is in a panic right now cause she can't find your email address. She is late but she has her nominee for next Sunday. If you get a sec, will you email us again. jamiesyra(at)msn(dot)com

    Thanks Molly. .


  25. hey Molly,

    So furry nice to meet you! Thank you for sniffing your way over to my blog to paw me such kind and warm woofs for healing and POTP. It means a lot to me and I appreciate it. You are very kind!

    LOVE your post! I and my human, K, could not stop laughing! You are very clever and funny! And you are a beautiful pup! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!


  26. Wow did you have an adventurous day! BOL
    Benny & Lily

  27. Are u training for Brazil yet? Oh boy!! :)

  28. Molly, You are the DOG! Thanks for your commentary and look back on the highlights of the games. We had missed your well placed fart...haha!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  29. Molly you're the smartest dog I've ever seen and a funny one too we love you CHEER SCREAM CHEER SCREAM

  30. Molly, I laughed, I cried and then I pooped. All in all a very good event with good results. Thank you for sharing your country!

    Loveys Sasha

  31. I will miss your olympics.... and I love your bathtub-hairstyle!!!

  32. Awww Molly, you did a fantastic job of giving such a comedic commentary of the Olympics! I'm sad its over but I'm excited to see more of you and your crazy news! Its been fab! I love all your photos from all of your Blogville Olympic entries, you must have a stash of gold medals in your house all shiny, very proud of you! Love from Frank xxxxx

  33. I'm exhausted just reading about all your hard work, whew!

    I think you need some Zzzzz's now.


  34. What an amazing color commentary job! Thorough ... and loads of work! You must be ready for some R& R now!
