
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, It’s Pets On Jets!

Pets on Jets travel furs class!

Pets on Jets travel furs class!

Turbine or not turbine... CAT is the question...? Does the passenger in the seat next to you scratch his head with his back leg and then yawns contentedly as the plane taxis along the runway? Does he wriggle around irritatingly as the engines start to roar and eagerly watches out of the window? Does he howl with delight as the plane accelerates and then lifts into the sky? Does he slurp his free in flight drink noisily and crunches loudly on the peanuts? Then you may be travelling on Victor flight where pampered pooches sit in their own leather seats next to their owners. Put down for a soft landing as no cramped seats or jet leg for these K9s. It’s drinks all round and lots of yummy yum yums and no plane food here. The private jet charter company has developed this option and small pets even fly free. No more stow away in the cargo hold but more winging it travelling furs class. So would you mind sharing your arm rest with a mile high mutt? Must be better than a screaming toddler howling it’s lungs off throughout the trip. This is a supersonic post...Boom Boom! Where would you dream of flying to? I'm off to Las Vegas to play strip billiards with Prince Harry!


  1. My bipeds said they'd rather fly with dogs and cats than some bipeds they've had to put up with!

  2. Hey, how come I gotta be in my Shirpa bag and shoved under the seat when I travel? That just doesn't seem very fair....


  3. I wonder if their ears would pop too! Oh Prince William, so much to say, so little time!! :)

  4. LOL...get some photies :) I wouldn't mind sharing the seat next to me with a dog...I hate flying and I think it would be quite theraputic. Have a great day Molly xx00xx

  5. That is cool. My lady said she would consider flying with us if we weren't stuffed under the plane. She does figure Hailey would break out of her crate and Zaphod will throw up.

    Happy Wednesday - Hailey and Zaphod

  6. How much fun is that!!! And oh! Prince Harry!! Mom's and my mouths are drooling! heheh
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. I can see you sat up with the pilot Molly!

  8. Oh Miz Molly, good Golly.....where on EARTH do you UNEARTH your copious ideas for blog posts? You are a genius of a K-9 my dear....

  9. We aren't sure how Mommy would like hauling all 12 of us on a plane. BOL. But if I was allowed to sit next to Mommy and Daddy on the plane, I would love to go to the countryside. Maybe in the UK where it's cool too.

    Love, Whisky

  10. Morning Molly....Mom said she would be very happy to have a puppy sitting next to her to keep her company. However, she said she would not want me next to her because my traveling soprano voice would make her jump out of a perfectly good plane!! MOL going to Vegas to a royal party!!

    OK are you ready making Biscuits 101 is about to start
    1. I love love love the feel of the fabric cover Mom made for her iPad it is kind of bumpy and rough and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ok I'm back I get all crazy just talking about it.
    2. I'm a cat there can NEVER ever be enough layers under me. As soon as I get settled on it,
    I start working my paws kind of like the humans do when they are kneading biscuit dough.
    So Mom has always called it making biscuits!! Some folks call it kneading but in fact it is also the same motion we kitties do when we are nursing our moms it helps keep the milk NEEDLESS to say making biscuits is a sign of a very happy kitty.
    Any questions? If so raise you PAW
    Class dismissed
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. Much, much, much, prefer cats & dogs next to me than children, yeeuuch!

  12. Are you serious? That sounds awesome. We'd love that airline!

  13. That's amazing. It's a dog's ideal way to travel... I mean THAT compared to being crated and cramped with all the non-living things!

    Huggies and Cheese,


  14. Hmmm...but how small is "small"? I think I'm pretty small.


  15. Don't worry, I'll be da insans cracker dog on da plane gulpin' down beers and crunchin' on da cheetos.
    Oh and if you is head to Las Vegas then I'll meet you there withs da camera to get some good fotos of da Prince and his crown jewels.


  16. If I could fly like that MOM said we would. No way would she ever put me in the belly of the flying beast. I hope this catches on. MOM and I would fly to the wilds of Alaska (it's the only thing on her bucket list) to be dropped of at a remote lake only to be picked up 10 or 14 days later. Yea that's what we would do.

  17. I don't know if Betty could handle flying! Have a happy wednesday!

  18. I've never been on an airplane, but since I love car rides so much, I bet I'd love it, too! Especially if my mommy gets to ride with me!

  19. My mom had her stuffed bear with her once on a flight to germany so she i would have been a much better companion or Prince Harry..ehehehheh
    stella rose

  20. Ernie and I would fly to YOUR HOUSE to visit. I'm just sayin.

  21. Please let me know the Vegas-story and yeah I'm so excited for the pics!!!

  22. Amber Mom here! I seem to agree with everyone else. I'd much rather have a sweet pooch sitting next to me, flying fur and all! Better than flying food and screaming!


  23. Years ago, my sister had her own small Cessna 4-seater. We went for a ride to see the fall colors from up high. We decided to take the dogs too. I had my first Cardigan, Dylan, way back then. The dogs sat and watched out the window as we took off. As the ground dropped away, Dylan's eyes got wider and wider! It was definitely NOT what he was expecting! I imagiine he thought he was going for a car ride. LOL!

  24. Hi Molly! Thanks for contacting me about our nomination for the next Share It Sunday - you're right, we had a little bug running through our family over the past couple of days, so we missed out on blogging. But we're back now, and I'd like to nominate Basset Momma for the next Share It Sunday. It was hard to choose one post, because her bassets are just SO adorable and funny, but here's the one we picked: Thanks again for featuring Daisy's blog! :D

  25. (Our mom looked diligently for pictures without the little cover up flower of Prince Harry... she's a pervy old woman!)

    We think flying would be loverly... do we each get a seat or can we share?

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  26. Sure would not mind traveling a little angel with four paws, actually I would love, I would venture to some cuddling. Kisses and you have a great day =)

  27. Hi Molly,

    you have soooo funny pictures and I would like soooo much to have one of your pics on my pinnwall!! I saw you put one on Tibis pinnwall so I guess that now you understand how it works!!! :))

    I am waiting......
    Best wishes

  28. Dear Molly,

    Have you ever been on this thing called "airplane"? I have not. It sounds a little scary...


  29. We would go anywhere it's cooler, what a great idea, wing it pooch styling with treats.

    Your Furends
    Susie & recliner Bites

  30. Sounds like Vegas better get ready for this party!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. HAHA....say hi to Harry for us!

  32. I am already stripped down so I don't want to play with Harry. You know where ever I am the one next to me is scratching something, that is O.K. just a long as he is not licking his private parts.
    Sweet William The Scot

  33. That sounds like an excellent idea, we hope more airlines adopt this policy!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  34. Love that picture! Jet setting pooches, what a life! P.S - I would love to be your Share it Sunday guest post. Thanks. :)

  35. I'd fly with my pets instead of kids any day! Where are they based out of? I want to go to Kauai!

  36. That's great and lovely, so both of them have enjoyed the jet ride. For them it is really a nice experience. Its really great one.

    Illinois German Shepherd Breeders

  37. I'd rather be at home every day of my life! You and Prince Harry? Sure you're his kind of girl! Or maybe he should see an ophtalmologist...just kidding, you're a lovely diva!
    Licks from Pink


  39. Sounds great!
    I'd love to have a fun time with Harry too!
    Kisses and hugs

  40. Make sure no one has there cell phone
    Benny & Liky

  41. There goes the IPad again. It signed my name Liky not Lily

  42. Those are amazing! Some folks are really blessed with talent!

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