
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, Top 10 Bizarre Food Inventions!

Molly The Wally The Chef. A spot of cooking.

Today we bring you our top ten bizarre food inventions!

Sick of butter knives cluttering up your cutlery draw? Exhausted with how much effort it takes to butter your toast? Then be amazed! We have the solution for you here with the great invention of the ‘Butter Stick’. You can now spread even layers of buttery deliciousness without any fuss and it can even double up as a lip balm. How did I ever live without one?

Pull up to your local drive through in style with his handy French fry holder. Never rummage around in paper bags again risking life and limb whilst trying to nab a chip. Just pop this amazing device in your cup holder and you will never be without one. You will have to drive away whilst balancing your hot beverage between your legs though! 

Feel like a beer but you can’t because you are driving? Fancy a bit of the golden nectar but you are nowhere near the fridge. Well prepare to be astounded with the all new ‘Beer Gloss’. Nevermind you will walk around smelling like someone with a drink problem. This is a must for the lady with a man who likes his beer!

And to go with that beer lip gloss why not invest in a pair of pizza scissors. With this brilliant invention you can measure your slices to within a millimetre of accuracy. No more squabbling about who has the biggest portion. A must have as by now you’ve thrown away all your knives after purchasing the ‘Butter Stick’! 

So now you want to eat your pizza why not do so with this handy little finger fork. Made out of top qulaity stainless steel you can now get real close to your food without a silly handle getting in the way. With Halloween coming up why not buy ten and then you can also do a cool impersonation of Eward ScissorHands! 

Time for a drink? Why not purchase the wonderful rock and poor bottle holder. No need to get your hands sticky just use this astounding creation and you will have clean hands forevermore. This stylish gadget made out of white plastic would be a welcome addition to any dinning table.

With all the exertion in the kitchen why not treat yourself to an ice cream? Whilst you are at it why not invest in this labour saving device? Yes your life will never be the same once you acquired a motorized ice cream cone. Lip smacking good if you ask me! Hours of twirling fun for your delectation.

To find out if your meat is fresh enough buy the ‘Fresh Sensor’. Hold this device approximately 1 inch from your food, press the button and wait for 30 seconds. It has three different lights, green, yellow and red. Of course you know what each light means and it costs a mere $89.99. Hold on a minute don’t buy this as I am a ‘Fresh Sensor’ and I cost nothing!

Did you ever flick food at your siblings or friends? Well now you can, covering greater distances and with a more accurate aim. Just nip out and buy yourself a ‘Zing’ and enjoy a fun food fight.

And lastly whilst we are truly exhausted after a hard day working why not get the cat to do something useful for a change? Pop on these little booties and get kitty to clean up the mess you have just left all over the kitchen floor whilst playing with our top food gadget pix n mix. Which one is your favourite?


  1. That rock and pour bottle just doesn't seem quite right...
    With 7 cats, those booties would come in really handy!

  2. heheheh Finally cats can be useful !!! I hope they don't invent booties for dogs.......


  3. I'd get the booties for Alfie.. they would be cool :) Have a great Wednesday Molly xx00xx

  4. BOL! I love that cat mop!

    People are always joking that if the dunked me in the water I would make a good mop, but I think that cat's giving me a run for my money!

  5. My biped says she can't imagine how she's survived without those things. Apart from those booties for the cats - my tongue does an excellent job of clearing any spills on the kitchen floor!

  6. BOL! These must be Brit inventions. Never seen such things on this side of the pond BOL! Really would like some of those food flippin spoons though. Mom could use them to flick treats for me everywhere! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  7. OMG do I have to tell you how hard I am laughing at this moment, MIZ MOLLY! GOOD GOLLY WOMAN/MAN/DOG, whoever you are behind this GENIUS certainly have a way with words and your wit is unparalleled. LOVE IT!

  8. You find the weirdest stuff, tee hee

    urban hounds

  9. Molly, we are laughing so darn hard this morning. You really keep us on our toes.

    We love the pizza slicer.... Edward Scissorhands look out! You've got some stiff competition with those.

    Lily Belle

  10. YEAH! I love the spoon flingy dingy thingy! I will be ready to zap cheetos at Puddles with that! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  11. OMDs MOM wants a french fry holder and a pizza thingy BUT I DO NOT WANT IN DUSTING SLIPPERS!! I am a Diva I don't do floors or chamber pots
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  12. WOWZERS! I think I need at least one of each of those!

  13. I thinks I just peed all overs myself...girl, you is a riot.
    I think I wnna dozen of them beer glosses. I likes da pizza scissors too but since I ain't suppose to play with scissors fur some reason. Ah heck, I'll take a pair anyways.


  14. Oh dear, I hope my mom won't get me the cat mops!


  15. I better break open the piggy bank cuz I GOTTA have a few of these, and NOW! I do not know how I have lived and not had even a single one of these. I think I will also take two sets of those cat floor cleaning thingys. Cuz I know Allred will be so excited to have them he will wear the first set out right away.

  16. um beer lip gloss..ummmm....
    stella rose

  17. Are those things for real???? My favorite would be the pizza scissors, it seems very usefull just because we love pizza...
    But the last one is the worst, of course...
    Licks from Pink

  18. Holee Cows! Where did they come up with these ideas??? :o)

  19. We don´t care much about all those inventions, what we really want is all that food!

    Our human wants that pizza thing, she loves pizza. And she just told us that she´s gonna try that Fresh Sensor on us, just for laughs... Help!! She wants to eat us!!

    Licks from África and Tuna

  20. Gonna need a motorized ice cream cone! In case our lickers get lazy in the summer heat!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  21. Great ideas, Molly! I like the ZING thing, for flipping food at me
    and also the kitty footies, would that be a great and useful setup! Keep your eyes open for more of these wonderful inventions!



  22. Oh Molly, my mom want those Butterstick.... and I hope the booties are only available in cat-size, isn't it?

  23. That ice cream holder would ruin all of the messy fun!
    What great inventions, especially the lipstick butter. It's easy to grab and run!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  24. Ok sorry but I think that the pizza scissors are a GREAT IDEA! I can never use a pizza cutter, they often aren't strong enough!
    Even knives sometimes don't cut them.
    OMG the butter stick as lip gloss? roflmao! Instead of saying "pucker up" you could say "BUTTER UP!!!"
    The cat mops gotta go!lol

  25. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what silly peep things! I like that pizza cutter, but I only ever get the crust, so that won't help me much. Anyone wearing that beer gloss in a car will end up using their lips on a breathilizer then trying to touch their nose! BWAR HAR HAR Love that kittie mop idea!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  26. OMD Molly way too much coll stuff, can't let dad see this. Thanks for keeping us so informed, you are one sniff it out pooch.

    Your Furends
    Ssuie & bites

  27. Oh. I don't know many kit-cats who would be too thrilled about wearing those duster thingies!
    I like the thought of that flinger!
    Play bows,

  28. OMG! Those are just hilarious! If I had the butter stick I would probably just lick it. LOL!

  29. Of course we like them all but the ice cream thingie might be the best!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  30. Até que teve uma invenções legal! kkkk
    Mais a maioria muito bizarra mesmo!

    Beijos e tudo de bom!!!

  31. Wow! I don't know how we've lived without these! Wrigs thinks we should get a kitty just so we can try out those booties.

  32. Some great ideas...the french fry holder would make it easier for us to snaffle a few. But the cone one of the best things.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  33. Look at you with your apron on!! A regular Julia Child! What a fun post - I think I have to vote for Zing - although I love broccoli.
    Love, Brad

  34. hey Molly,

    BOL! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! The booties are my favorite. Anything to embarrass a kitty-cat is A.O.K. with me! The butter stick is the most disturbing. Looks too much like glue stick.

    Thanks for these. They were fun and I had not heard of any of them.


  35. Our lady says since we are the ones who make the floor dirty we need doggy foot mops. We think Nin should do it. Happy Wednesday! Hailey and Zaphod

  36. Molly if my parents put one of those things on my feet I am holding you responsible

  37. Oh my word. Those are out of control!


  38. OMD!
    Those sure are grrrreat inventions!
    The boots are my favorites!
    Kisses and hugs

  39. Oh they are just hilarious!!

    I am concerned however that Mum will get a crazy idea that she should try some of those Kittie booties out on ME!! I just hope they only come in Kittie size and not Dog!! :)

    Hope you're having a fun day :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  40. Golly, Miss Molly, where did you find all these thing? Our mama is laughing so hard right now we think she might fall off her chair. She does like that french fry holder.

    We are putting our paws down on those booties however, we do not do housework.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  41. Hi Molly
    will you be endorsing any of these products yourself, mum really loves them. She said she going to get the beer lip gloss and the booties in daddies size so he can chase mummy around the kitchen and actually do some work for a change.

  42. Oh Molly thus is wonderful stuff! Thanks for sharing your discoveries!! We particularly liked the Zing!! If I had thumbs I could have a lot if fun with that!!


