
Thursday 20 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, What Mr. and Mrs.Smith Are Buying Each Other For Christmas!

Molly The Wally & Her Kibbles!

Great unusual Kitchen Gadgets for Christmas.

Today we head back to the kitchen to take a look at more gadgets that are a must have for any serious spy among us. With Christmas coming soon, get out your notebook and pay attention.

The essential gizmo for the amateur gunslinger in your house is the ‘Condiment Gun’. Guaranteed to leave a mess in your kitchen but at least you won’t have bullet holes in all of your units and you will never be short of cartridges. Shoot straight from the hip with two tasty varieties ketchup and mustard. It will blow you away!

Italians have mastered the art of eating spaghetti by perfecting the twirl. Yet, what do you do if you're not Italian? You will need the motorized twirling fork of course! Eating spaghetti has never been easier with the motorized pronged end automatically winding up the pasta on the fork. Less mess, more fun and you won’t get repetitive stress syndrome. Just don’t put it on full speed or you’ll end up with pasta sauce all over the dining room wall. Remember when eating with the Mafia you want to look Italian. 

Why not invest in the arms trade with this all new ‘Bomb Cooking Timer’ a sure-fire way to add some excitement to any humdrum task in the kitchen. Armed with extra loud ticking action this explosive device will have ‘Homeland Security’ at your door within minutes of your nosey neighbour spotting it and it is not your cookies they will be after. Go out with a bang!

To add to your essential arsenal of weapons why not arm yourself with the must have assassins practice board. With five sharp knives and suitably red coloured cadaver you can enjoy hours of fun practicing your aim. If you miss and the body needs replacing we suggest a Barbie doll will do.

When Don Corleone comes over and is so impressed with you spaghetti eating skill he won’t want to leave. So why not let him stay over for the night, just make sure the horses are locked up. For breakfast why not treat him to a fry-up? Eggy gun we hear is one of his favourites. Available in all calibres , automatic and semi-automatic. Your eggs will be ready in a bang!

The precursor to the butter stick, the wonderful butter dispenser has seen more cutting action than a guillotine during the French Revolution. Patented by Madame Lafarge back in 1798 it has been gracing our kitchen cupboards ever since. This handy little tool can also make light work for any finger slicing. A must have for you espionage agents out there.

Need to secretly do a bit of meat grinding. Getting rid of any unsavory evidence? The bin already full from your Quentin Tarantino themed dinner party? Well invest in this nice little mincer that camouflages itself as a camera. Your unsuspecting guest will never know what you have in mind. Very useful if you have purchased the butter dispenser. It is the gadget for the digit!

Please note no pooch was harmed in making the prototype for the ‘Dog-End’ holder. Please be aware that the plastic variety has only two legs, so don’t mistakenly try to insert your tea towel into the four legged friend asleep on the kitchen floor. Fido will not be amused. Also suitable for target practice for those honing their skills with the bow and arrow! 

Make your next cocktail party painfully amusing with the you-do-voodoo-it-yourself toothpick holder by Ouch. Perfect for emergency jujus, hexes, or just de-stressing after a bad day. Plan your torture with amazing accurate precision. With Ouch, finger food and olives will never be boring again! Go have a stab!

And lastly do you have any rather cumbersome object you need to move? Anything too big for the mincer? No problem, why not invest in the melon pram. No one will take any notice as you take your melon pram for a walk at the dead of night. Added bonus the contents will remain at fridge temperature during the duration of your trip so no unpleasant smells.

These are our selection for Mr. and Mrs. Smith For Christmas! At least we found sensible uses for these object?

I keep my most useless kitchen gadget OUT of the kitchen. HE just get's in the way! 

And we would like to thank the beautiful Lovable Lily for our latest awards. Thank you Lily and we will pop them on our awards page with pride.


  1. We might get the condiment pistols and do some drive by shootings....BOL!

    And the knife block appeals to us.

    XXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy

  2. Molly, I am starting my list already. That wallymelon pram would be perfect for keeping deaded squirrels fresh overnight until I can cook them up. Thanks for all the good ideas. I must also get the condiment gun, that is a must have.

    Loveys Sasha

  3. We just love your blog, Molly! You make us laugh every single day! We've got to have one of those motorized twirling forks!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Tee~hee~hee Molly! You got us cracking up once again. How can we place our order, we'd love one of each....

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. Hahaha Molly these are so funny!! I love the eggy gun i'm gonna ask mum for one of those for Christmas, your blog always brightens up my day!!

    Milo :)

  6. hee hee i like the melon pram

    urban hounds

  7. We have to ask again. WHERE on earth do you get these? They are hilarious!
    We love the dog-end and the voodoo especially..Mommy said something sticking the face of a certain someone (she can't name that person or she might be arrested for Sedition). LOL.

  8. Oh my goodness! I need help deciding which one to buy my Mom!!!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. Think I should spice up our kitchen this knife board...:o)))

  10. Hehehehehe... very nice objects.. I liked the Dog-End and the voodoo doll! :D

    André Moreiras
    Passos Caninos

  11. May I order one spaghetti spinner and one butter slicer?
    thank you madi

  12. Oh Molly dearest, who dearest, WHO COMES UP WITH THESE THINGS? Please do a post and reveal the culprits, the geniuses who think that anyone would even be remotely inclined to buy them! BUT YOU ARE SUPER SLUTH AND bring these things to our attention with great poise and humor! You are just so adorable.

  13. I would like the voodoo sticker thing and the knife holder..

    what?? I'm a wench with some serious bloodlust! :)

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  14. Hi Molly,
    I want the condiment pistols so that I can shoot my mum and dad for feeding me kibbles, and melon pram to keep all my findings fresh.I hope dad does'nt see the dog end holder, he's bad enough with his glasses.come to think of it I'M OUT OF THE KITCHEN!

  15. Those are some unusual kitchen gadgets! I don't think any would end up in my kitchen, but it's good for a chuckle!

  16. Love that cutting board!! BOL!

  17. Big congratulations on the awards Molly..Wez got one og those spaggetti gadgets..bol xx00xx Have a great Thursday xx00xx

  18. My mom saw several things that dad would
    stella rose

  19. OMD OMD those condiment pistols would be SUPER fur one of our Blogville.. get togethers. They would be a BLAST.

    BUTT... I do NOT want the tea towel HOLE ders. I'm just sayin.

  20. Oh those are so funny! I think it would be hard to pick out the best one but the ground meat spewing camera looks like a real "must have"!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. I no is exactly sure how we has lived without these gadgets..... Mama, where your credit card is? I needs to borrow it for a very large Amazon purchase.

    Sorries for taking so long to get back to you about Share it Sunday, we has a little bit of hectic in my house. Thank you for including me and I would likes to nominate "The Red Horn of Uri" over at Bicontinental Dachshund: This particular post no has any dachshunds, but it does has a beautiful mountain!


  22. Testing.... testing..... is my comments working?

  23. I think we need a condiment gun at our house!


  24. Thanks Molly, your in depth reporting has come throuh again. So many useful gadgets, yes Christmas is sovlved for us.

    Your Furends
    Susie & Bites

  25. BOL,as Dad would say they don't deserve house room. But very funny all the same as someone will buy them!!
    have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  26. Our purrsonal fave is the MEAT GRINDER! MOL!

  27. Molly,

    So very nice to meet you too!
    We just LUVS all of deese "can't live wifout" gadgets! Too hard to choose which one is our favorite!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  28. Congrats on the award!
    My daddy would LOVE those frying pans. Going to google them now :-)

  29. have seen the dog's ass before....I think the camera is pretty hilarious!

  30. Our lady wants the voodoo kit. Happy day, Hailey and Zaphod

  31. Minha mãe quer todos esses produtos!
    Ela está amando! Disse que são super divertidos!
    Um pote de ração cheio já está ótimo para eu!
    Ah, molly!
    Você viu!!! Tenho filhotes agora! Estou muito feliz!
    E obrigado pela sua presença em meu blog neste diã tão especial!

  32. More interesting gadgets!
    I like the one for the eggs!
    Congratulations on your Awards!
    Kisses and hugs
