
Sunday 30 September 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Bouncing Bertie!

Nominated by last week’s guest Bicontinental Dachshund!

A re-enactment of Hamish's finest hour... 

Oh I am so excited 'cos I am shortly to take part in Jazzi's Back to School Bash 'Table Snatching 101' class.

Now Gail is a stickler for doing one's homework, and has been most anxious that I go to school well prepared.

In fact she decided to give me some extra tuition, by staging a re-enactment the famous incident involving my predecessor Hamish the Westie, some scones baked by Human Granny, and HGY's best white Nottingham lace table cloth.

I am a diligent student, as you know, and this is what I learned about the art of table snatching from observing this highly instructive re-enactment.

1. It is important to lull the humans into a false sense of security, having them believe you are fast asleep in your favourite chair. Pretend to be unaware that on a nearby table lies a plateful of scones, generously spread with jam and cream, ready for when the neighbours come round for tea.

2. When you are sure no-one is looking, have a quick recce, to check that the prize is worth the effort.

3. Agility training will come in handy when you need to make the final leap up onto the table.

4. And when you've reached your target, it is important to remember that half measures are pointless.

5. You might as well just make a meal of it.

The only thing missing from this re-enactment is a shot of Human Granny's horrified face when she discovered the fate of her precious scones (and tablecloth). Apparently it looked something like this:

I can't wait for the new school year to start.

About Me!

Hi, I'm Bertie, a wire-haired fox terrier pup. I live with Gail in Aberdeen, Scotland. An old Westie called Hamish used to live here but he died on 18th February 2010 (exactly the same day I was born). People tell me that he used to have a blog and that I have big pawprints to fill. That's a bit too much responsibility for a very young puppy - and anyway, I intend to make my own mark! (Gail says that Hamish could certainly have taught me a thing or two about marking stuff....)

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.

From the author Molly The Wally.

And don’t forget Roo’s Power Of The Paw web site where we can stop over and wish our furry friends who are under the weather well.

With Halloween coming up we have opened the Spooky Gallery (last tab on the right). To join just pop over to Mollie & Alfie leave a comment asking to be Spookified and they will showcase the Phantom Booth each day. We will then post them on our Spooky Gallery (now open , last tab on the right) which will be updated daily with the newest entries first. Let’s get in the mood for Halloween pups and kits! Who has been spookified today?


  1. Thanks for thiy wonderful post, Molly!!!! Have a nice sunday!!! Wish I were the guy on the table....

  2. Berties so cute.. Love the pup who's covered in scones..bol Have a great Sunday Molly xxxx

  3. Oh my MIZ MOLLY, you provided a FABULOUS moment for me this morning, laughing and enjoying every bit of this guest blogger's words. BERTIE IS MY MAN! HE IS MY DOG DREAM!!! Oh this was so precious, and those scones are yummy looking!!! LOVE IT! Anita

  4. Oh, my goodness. It's a "scone-icide"! Hey, at least they were enjoyed, whether by human or pup! Right...?

  5. OMD OMD.... How WELL I remember Bertie's entry into Jazzi's Olympic Event. It was SUPER GRRRREAT. Bertie always has fun posts.
    I am so EXCITED about the FrankenWeenie thingy. It is SCARY butt FUN too!!!

  6. Bertie is the best and we LOVE that post. Mom and Dad are big PG Wodehouse fans so they love his name and spookifying sounds awesome we definitely want to try

    urban hounds

  7. What a talented table-snatcher! I missed this class the first time around and I is so glad it was rebroadcasted.


  8. I am definitely not, ever, showing Litchi those instructions :D
    I'd never have any food left!
    Love your spookie photos - you are so clever!

  9. that reenactment was too cute!!!

  10. Oh... we'd be in soooooo much trouble if we did that.....

  11. As a little dog I never thought the dream of getting food off the table was possible. Thank you for showing me how. Yours in friendship: Foley Monster and Pocket Dog.

  12. My second time reading this post and I still's the cheeky look and the messy face. Sooooo cute!!!!

    Can't wait to see my furkids spookified photos in your gallery.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend.


  13. We don't know Bertie but we'll go visit. He sounds like a real fun guy!

  14. Thanks for sharing such a detailed reenactment! Hamish sounded like fun, and Bertie looks like fun too.

  15. Hi Molly and what a well deserved post in honor of Hamish in his finest hour.
    He was in deed a stately gentleman of Blogville and will always be remembered fondly. We think Bertie is doing a fine job of making his own way in Blogville and at the same time honoring Hamish who paved his way to Gail's heart with gold.
    Hugs Madi and Mom your BFFFs

  16. Yes, we loved the reenactment and will study it further for lessons we can use! Nice to get to know Bertie a bit better too!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We love for you to share with us
    Benny & Lily

  18. hey Molly,

    BOL! Bertie's Gail did an amazing job on the re-enactment of Hamish's pawsome scone snatching incident. However, I think a REAL dog should have been used in the re-enactment. And, since I have a lot of white on my fur coat I think I should have been hired for the part. ;->

    I just asked Molly & Alfie to "Spook Me"! So very cool! And scary! Can't wait to see how I look all spooked up. Thanks for sharing the information.


    P.S. Thanks for your comment! I don't have an e-mail for Suka's blog but I do have the RSS feed button near the bottom of the blog, if that is what you are referring too? Otherwise, please let me know what I can do so you can follow me. I am a bit computer illiterate when it comes to blogger so any help and advise is appreciated. Thank you! And thank you for wanting to follow! :->

  19. We are having a moment of silence for that poor scone!!!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  20. Bertie, you always make me smile. I wish I could have a scone, I bet they are yummy.

    Loveys Sasha

  21. Oh this was hilarious! The horror! Oh the horror... Murder of the Tiny Tasty Scones... Have you ever seen that young Sherlock Holmes movie about the scones and pastries going back to like because Watson got poisoned by a hallucinogenic drug.

    At first, I wasn't sure if the white dog was real or not :P

    Huggies and Cheese,


  22. The crime scene will never be the same again...pass the strawberry jam!

  23. Oh boy! This would make a fabulous Monday Mischief post!!! OOPS.

  24. Molly. thank you so much for giving the famous 'Hamish and the scones' story new life. And I would like to point out that I did in fact manage to snaffle quite a few bits and pieces of scone, once the re-enactment was over!
    Toodle pip!
