
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Dog House Blog, Pumpkin Panic!

Molly The  Wally does Frankenweenie.

Pumpkin Panic and Funny Scary Pumpkin Carvings for Halloween. 

Shock horror, farmers are saying  there will be a shortage of pumpkins this Halloween as the bad summer weather meant crops are down by 20 per cent.  Much of the remaining crop is still green and growers are now racing against time to get the harvest finished before the frost claims what remains. The harvest is now 10 days behind schedule. So quickly dash out and grab a few and in the meanwhile let’s take a look at what you can do with your pumpkins this year!

Pumpkins are like people. No two are exactly alike and not one of them is perfect! One for all you gardeners out there!

As Dirty Harry would say, “Come on Pumpkin make my day.”

Oh my Gourd what did I eat last night?

I say didn’t we have two pumpkins?

I said treat not trick!

Pumpkin bitten by Norman!

Three little piggies or is it pumpkin stuffed with pork bellies?

Eco-friendly squirrel trap! Help I’m being eaten!

Do or pie!

Mummy help!

Well it is trick or tweet!

Mrs Jones was proud of her pumpkin patch, so she was real disappointed when some of the the local kids were taking them to make Jack-o-Lanterns.
One evening while Mrs Jones was soaking in the bath, the answer to the pumpkin thefts came to her.  After supper she went out and put up a sign: 
Beware, one of these pumpkins is coated with a special colourless rat poison!
A day or two later when Mrs Jones checked out her pumpkin patch she was pleased to see that no more had been stolen. Then she saw a second sign next to hers which said, NOW THERE ARE TWO!

With Halloween coming up we have opened the Spooky Gallery (last tab on the right). To join just pop over to Mollie & Alfie leave a comment asking to be Spookified and they will showcase the Phantom Booth each day. We will then post them on our Spooky Gallery (last tab on the right) which will be updated daily with the newest entries first. Let’s get in the mood for Halloween pups and kits! 

Who is in the gallery today?


  1. Whee love all those pumpkin ideas. They look great!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  2. So funny Molly, I don't know how people cut them out so good, you should of seen mine last Have a great day xx00xx

  3. Thank you for inspiring my mom...I'll bet we will have a lot of fun (and the peeps of our local emergency room too)

  4. There are some creative people out there--sick--but creative!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. We loooove our pic!! Will post on Halloween. But we can't really carve like those folks! :)

  6. Those piggies are super cute

    urban hounds

  7. HEHE, skeery pumpkins!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Good morning dear friends!!!!!!

    Aoooooo what can I say Molly dearest, as you are ONE SPOOKY GIRL!!!!!!!!!! WHat has your MUMMY done to you??!!!! Fantastic.

    OH THOSE DARN SQUIRRELS! I put out pumpkins and the EAT THEM and leave them to rot! What shall I do Molly dearest, any suggestions? I put out plastic pumpkins and the varmints still come, sit a top the plastic gourd and roll them around!!!!!!!

    Such fun. I shall pop over to the gallery to see who else has made it into the hall of shame!!

  9. Just...........SCARYYYYY !!!!!!!

  10. Oh Molly!
    I love, love, love Pumpkins!!!!!
    I even dressed up as a pumpkin to trick or treat in 2010!
    Love this post Molly, you never fail to make me BOL!
    Love, Licks and Hugs from Frank xxxxxx

  11. BOL! Love you as Molenstein Molly! Terrific use of pumpkins too, we love Halloween here!

  12. Thanks for the morning laugh, no time for more we heard breakfast!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  13. These pumpkin pics are just hilarious!! Okay the puking ones were a little gross, but still funny. Love the rat poison story! :)

  14. Wow, how much imagination! hehehe ... I wanted Doki appear so scary =)

  15. Eco-friendly squirrel trap. I LIKE IT!!

  16. Very creative pumpkins you have here, Molly. We think the porkbellies is the best.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. Awesome! Awesome! Our pumpkin is usually just a typical Halloween carving. We'll have to rethink our carving this year. Happy WW Molly :)

  18. I like those little piggies with the punkin!
    Play bows,

  19. Oh Wow!! What a collection!! They were funny!! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  20. these are cute! i like the baby-eating one. :)

  21. Those are some great carvings! A lot of imagination went into them.

  22. OMD OMD I am laffin my TAIL OFF over the creative pumpkin USAGES and the JOKE was hysterical.

    I am LOVING the Frankenweenie thingys... What a fun time!!! THANKS

  23. Woof! Woof! Oh My ... Golden LAUGHS. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  24. Thanks for all the creative pumpkin ideas, Molly! We hope you are able to get some pumpkins in spite of the great pumpkin shortage of 2012!

    Susan and Wrigs

  25. I love those pumpkin pictures. Very creative. Yes, We'd like to be in the spookie gallery.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

  26. Hahahaha! Those are fantastic, really made us laugh! Mum has been looking forward to making pumpkin soup all year, she will be most displeased if there aren't any.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  27. Tomei um susto com sua foto inicial! kkkkkkk
    As imagens das áboboras são bem criativas, mas algumas me deram medo!

    Beijos e linda tarde!

  28. Howdy Molly, those photos were fab. We laughed at them all. Thanks for giving us a laugh to start the day. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  29. Molly
    I looooved that post. Such cool ideas and pictoowes
    I don't think they have Haloween hewe, so I'm espeshully happy to see these on yoow bloggie
    I do't even think I'll get to dwess up boo hooo
    Smoochie kisses

  30. Our mom and dad are hosting a Halloweenie pawty this year, Molly, and you've given mom oodles of fun ideas! Thank you!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  31. Those are some extremely creative pumpkins!

    Critter Alley

  32. Haha, these are funny. Salute to you for your endless rounds of humour. It really keeps me entertained. I love the one with the piggies and the pumpkin and mrs. Jones joje.

    Will check in tomorrow.


  33. Great pumpkin fun! :D
    Happy World day of the Animal to you Molly!

    André Moreiras
    Passos Caninos

  34. We are disturbed enough to really love the one who shot itself... :D perfection!

    We are expecting company (unexpected, the kind mom doesn't like at all) this weekend... so we might not be around much.. Don't worry... we will be back soon, but not soon enough for her...

    Until then, we will miss you! :(

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  35. Those are some scary pumpkins. I'm always amazed at how clever people can be. Maybe that's why there's a shortage of pumpkins now, though, as you've been using them for bums and boobs and other scary stuff :D

  36. Those are some great pumpkins Molly!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  37. These scarded the Begeesus outta me...phew!!!!!

  38. Excellent! Some people are so creative...if a little strange!
