
Saturday 6 October 2012

Flog It Blog It, A Sting In The Tail!

Molly The Wally Has Blue Honey!

M&M's create Blue Honey!

Since August, something strange has been happening around the town of Ribeauville in the region of Alsace in France. Beekeepers have been bee-dazzled to see their honey produced in mysterious shades of blue, green, and red. Bees have been seen returning to their hives carrying unidentified colourful matter. This, the residents believe is responsible for turning their honey into such unnatural colours. Bee-wildered, the beekeepers embarked on an investigation and combed the area to discover that a biogas plant 4km away has been processing waste from a Mars factory producing M&M's. Here stocks of shells in bright red, blue, green, yellow and brown are stored before processing. Asked about the issue, a Mars spokesman said “We were in the dark about it!” He wouldn’t elaborate on just how dark it was, but hinted it was at least 70% cocao. The psychedelic honey is unsellable and is a new headache for the affected beekeepers, droned, Alain Frieh , president of the apiculturists' union. Agrivalor, the company operating the biogas plant, said it had put in to force ‘Plan Bee’ and has cleaned its containers and incoming waste would now be stored in a covered hall. As for the M&M's infused honey, union head Frieh said it might taste like honey, but there the comparison stopped. "For me, it's not honey. It's not sellable." We say sell it as special Halloween edition. The colours are appropriate and it's most likely full of E numbers so it will have your kids bouncing off the walls! Hive yourself a good time today!

Don't forget to pop over to the Spooky Gallery today (last tab on the right). Today is an extra Blogville Special! Have some fun and just leave a comment at Mollie & Alfie and get spookified.


  1. Very strange indeed.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Cn you imagine M&M infused honey?!? Delicious.

  3. Hey Molly
    Girlfriendi have missed you and your sense of humor. We heard about the rainboecolored honey. Mom isays blue hompney in her tea would be rather interesting.

  4. YOU, are so talented. YOU MUST be discovered, or you have got to get yourself in a publication that accepts satire or something of that nature! MIZ MOLLY, GO GET 'EM!!!!!!

  5. I think the colors are "the bee's knees". I mean if it all the same except the color I just don't get what all the buzz is about.

  6. Our Lady might like honey with M and M's in it. They are her fav. Have a good one. Hailey and Zaphod

  7. I would be concerned if my tongue turned blue from the honey! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. How peculiar! Now we know that if we want to attract bees, we should put out M&Ms! You sure do dig up some interesting stories, Molly!

    Susan and Wrigs

  9. How unusual, we read something about that in the paper. Do you think if there are all different colours of M&Ms the honey will be layered like a rainbow :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  10. Imagine blue honey on toast, bet the kids would love it..BOL Have a restful day Mollie xxxx

  11. Sorry about the delay. Yah that is fine for tomorrow. Is there anything that I have to do? I guess I wasnt sure what I need to do so my Assistant didnt do anything Gezzz!! BOL


  12. How bizarre! Love the "hive yourself a good time today" quote! Very funny!

  13. poor, hard-working bees - all for naught.

  14. Que estranho! Mel verde e vermelho? hahaha
    Já pensou se as abelhas resolvessem fazer mel de todas as cores do M & Ms?! Ia ser bem divertido ver mel de tantas cores! kkkk

    Beijos e lindo dia pra você!!!

  15. How interesting! We didn't know about this M&M honey!

  16. Have a great weekend! Ours is a long one over here....Columbus Day on Monday gives many of us the extra day off.

    When I was in England, many years back now, we ate in a restaurant in Bath that had a sign saying it had been in continuous business as a spot to eat since 1492! The same year Columbus is credited w/ finding the Americas. That's one old pub!

  17. We saw this article on another site - I don't think I could even try it!


  18. We love our spooky pics! The bulldog in the bee costume is pretty cute too


  19. I love your blog! It's always nice to see other people's posts about dogs and I know I'm not the only crazy about my dog :) I'll enjoy reading your blog!

    Please also check mine if you can:

    I also blog about my little crazy boy! :D

  20. Wow! It looks like that honey was bee-dazzled. Thanks for filling me in on the latest buzz.


  21. I hope you will "bee" having a wonderful weekend, Molly :)

  22. All I can say is Honey Don't! You say you will when you won't Honey Don't!

  23. Molly....
    Dude, am I behind on your Blog!! I wonder what happened.... ? ;-}
    I saw that on the computer this morning!! It is pretty weird!! I even saw a picture!! ;-D
    Dye-infused honey, anybody? With a hint of chocolate flavoring? Mmmm!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  24. Sounds good to us...we would eat it. :D

  25. Who'd have thought there would bee such a problem? Keep on Spookifying Molly!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. My hoomin is scairt of beez.

  27. I can't wait to get spooked ;)

  28. :::groannn::: 'we're in the DARK about it?" MOL!
