
Thursday 25 October 2012

Flog It Blog It, Terrifying Trick With A Treat!

When Madagascar 3 meets Paranormal Activity 4.

Molly The Wally has a spare foot.

It was a quiet Saturday morning in Nottingham and some parents had taken their little ones to see Madagascar 3 at the local cinema. Everyone was seated armed with fizzy drinks and pop corn and anything else you might need for a snack attack. Zoo escapees Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo are still struggling to get home to New York. What will happen to them? Will they go on a big adventure? The lights start to dim. The hall goes dark. It’s pitch black and silent. The film starts to play...........and suddenly suburban teenager Alex is showing her boyfriend Ben the tree-house, where they discover Robbie, the child from next door. Scared by Robbie's behaviour, Ben decides to install webcams around the house to film what goes on. Over the next few days, an evil presence makes itself known. Robbie's possessed mother Katie appears in the house and that night, Alex starts to levitate in her sleep.......... ! WHAT! There was apparent panic at the Saturday morning screening when 15 rated supernatural thriller Paranormal Activity 4 started playing instead of the PG family movie Madagascar 3. You couldn’t make it up, well it is Halloween. Was it the gremlins in the projector to blame we hear you ask? That would be all the kids then throwing pop corn at the ghouls and the mums hiding their eyes and shrieking like banshees. In fact only two minutes of the film was shown and there were only 25 families present at the time. The cinema has appologised and given full refunds. No un dead person was hurt in the telling of this story. I went to see Paranormal Activity 4 but they showed Madagascar 3 instead. I came out of the cinema scarred for life. I mean have you seen those paranormal critters? The ticket prices are usually the scariest part of visiting ‘Cineworld’! Nevermind it could have been a ‘Saw’ movie. Do you like spooky movies and what is your favourite? 

Thank you all who have asked. I am now all well and back on hunting duty!

Oh and we have been given one of these from the lovely Anais over at Cheshire Danes! We say a warm thank you and we will pop it on our awards page.


  1. Hi Molly, this pic is absolutly funny - will you get another one fresh leg ....perhaps from

    Wuff and LG Aiko

  2. I tell you the truth, dear Molly, I don't know if I like them or not, because my mom is scared to death to watch them and she can't sleep for months if she is forced to do it! She has even bad dreams if someone tells her the plot, without seeing it herself! My mom is probably paranormal herself!! Eheheheheh! Poor children and moms at the cinema!!
    Lots of regards

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Hunting duty needs you! The squirrel population was getting out of control!

  4. BOL! OMD! I just saw your photo and immediately went down on the floor laughin so much I hurt myself. BOL!

    Will have to come back after I calm down and read what you wrote.


  5. K, back :) Hahahhahahha. Nope. Still laughin. Will try again. Hahahhahhaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaa

  6. That's hilarious (and so is the um, foot toy!). Showing the wrong movie is a great way to scare the socks off of unsuspecting children! Could change their lives forever... Yikes!

  7. Alright, I'm good now. Mom strapped me to the chair so I wouldn't fall off and then held her hand over my eyes until she scrolled past your photo. That worked :)

    I pawsonnally do not like scary movies. Mom on the other paw likes to watch those ones with hatching aliens and monsters that slog from the swamps. Fortunately they are on really late and she can rarely stay awake long enough to see them so I am spared most of the time ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  8. YIKES!I don't like skeery movies either.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. Molly what a funny story you have a gift with words.
    BUT the best thing about today's post is that beautiful picture of you....
    cover girl quality for sure
    Hugs Your BFFF

  10. I get scared enough watching the evening news.

    Critter Alley

  11. MWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! It's the TERRIBLE MIZ MOLLY, the Maven of Madness! Dial M for Murder, or is that Dial M for MOLLY? Either way, you make an excellent advertisement for gore and horror with that AMPUTATED FOOT!!!!!! EEEK!

  12. Sad to say I lughed and laughed. MOM says if the movie is just blood and guts she would rather not see it, but if it really scares you and not just grosses you out then she is down for that.

  13. Molly, we're glad you have someone else's foot to chew on besides your own! It's great news that you're feeling better and we hope you'll be able to get rid of that evil blue bandage for good soon. One of my favorite spooky films is the original "Halloween" (1978). Wrigs doesn't have a favorite, but will be happy to share anyone's popcorn.

    Susan and Wrigs

  14. Oh No, nothing scary, I would have nightmares, being a puppy mill pooch was terrible, don't need any reminders.

    Your Spooky Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  15. hahaha ... this should be very tasty snack! Poor fighter = D
    Formerly until I watched horror movies, but today do not watch anymore, I do not know why. did not attend nor Madagascar 3 =) Kisses

  16. oh what a wonderful and giant "cheese-cracker" :o) super story, I like it! My fav spooky movie is "sleepy Hollow" :o)

  17. Ri bastante aqui com essa história!!! kkkkk

    Ah! Fico feliz por estar bem!
    Agora poderá voltar a caçar esquilos *-*

    Beijos e lindo dia!!!!

  18. Looks like you got a leg to chew on. BOL! Yeppers, we like spooky movies. Sweeny Todd with Johnny Depp is VERY creepy.

  19. Mom took all the little bipeds to see Frankenweenie yesterday and she said that was scary enough for her. Wish we could have gone too - popcorn and treats sound wonderful to us.

    Glad to hear you are doing well, and thanks for the nice compliment you gave us in your comment on Tagar's blog yesterday.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Hey Molly! Pop over to my blog please i have a surprise for you! Lots of love,
    The Cheshire Danes!

  21. I shouldn't worry Molly - many kids are exposed to far worse horrors on these computer games - my fluffy little 13 year old has happily been playing Saw and more recently Gangs of London followed by Call of Duty on his x box for some time - bad parenting I know - but if we ever have armageddon I like to think he will know how to survive. I like your foot toy - it's just the kind of thing I would like to leave outside the front door when I shout '''I told you to keep your bl**dy feet off the clean floor''' for all the neighbours to hear - that would give em a halloween shock eh?

  22. You come up with the best stuff, my friend!

  23. Olá amigos... Passamos para dar oi e desejar uma ótima tarde.
    LEgal que agora temos FACE também. Mas o BLOG VAI CONTINUAR, ok???
    Fique com Deus.
    Beijos 1000 e Aus 1000 com carinho,


  24. Glad you are feeling better!

    I love horror movies! I've seen so many I could not pick a favorite....but I prefer ghost themes over the hack 'em up styles like Saw.

  25. Well, wouldn't that have been freaky! I can't watch thriller movies anymore. They freak me out! LOL! Glad your feeling better. :)

  26. Ha roo roo roo! I've only seen snippets of those Madagascar characters, and they scare me, too!
    Play bows,

  27. Woof! Woof! Oh MY!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  28. geeze we saw madagascar and it wasn't scary at all....we hate hate hate scary movies here, we are all chickens!!!!
    stella rose

  29. Haha, we love the foot - whose leg did you bite it off?
    Mum is a horror film lover, anything with zombies in is a hit.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  30. Wow, dat scaired me! :) My hoomin says her favorite creepy movie is 'Picnic at Hanging Rock.' It not gory but it scairy a lot. :)

  31. That sure is a spooky foot you're chewing on there!

  32. I've never seen a scary movie...daddy gets too scared BOL

  33. Your so scary Moly, we hope that leg is fake!


  34. I'm not a huge fan of scary movies. Haven't watched one in a long time now. Mostly because my boyfriend doesn't like them =P lol

  35. Scary . . . our Lady hates scary movies. Our Man loves them. Lee loves anything with a warewolf or German Shepard and Phody doesn't watch TV. Have a spooktacular night! Lee and Phod

  36. We don't go to the cinema cos it's too expensive.

  37. Thank you for your kind thoughts of love and healing for my mommy

  38. One question: Where is the rest of the body??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  39. I love Marty :) I like 'Scream'.

  40. Molly....
    Congrats on earning the award!! You deserve it!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  41. we like to hear you feel better...Scary scares us
    Benny & Lily

  42. That is a great story. Mommy is crazy for scary movies and sees them all and I do mean all. She loves all the Paranormal ones and all the Saw ones, but her favorite is something called "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I don't even like to be in the room when they are watching it. I will stick to Lady and the Tramp.

    Loveys Sasha

  43. Sorry, Molly we don't like scary movies but we love, love, love Madagascar! My mum enjoys romantic os dramatic movies only. And I don't like creepy sounds on tv!
    Licks from Pink
