
Thursday 18 October 2012

Slog It Blog It, Getting To Work Can Be A Real Pain In The @@~#!

Molly The Wally Is Under The Weather!

The London Underground gets a funny makeover. 

Cramming on to a packed tube (our underground train service) during the rush hour can be a gloomy way to get to and from work.  However all is not lost as pranksters have come up with a way to bring a smile to your face. Funny stickers have been slapped over signs on the trains lightening up our day and making us laugh.

Need to get to Shepherds’ Bush!

Oxford Street & Notting Hill get a suitably spooky make-over!

Opps priority seating also get the treatment. One for our dear ‘Maj’ (our Queen) and one for ‘Just Call Me Dave’ (our Prime Minister)!

For all those Dr.Who fans you can now take a trip on the Tardis and relive 1984!

Marble Arch has well now gone a little senile!

Two for the rush-hour!

A bit of Tube Monopoly anyone?

Rainbow City!

Expensive fares and a bumpy ride too boot!

And lastly one for Easy over in France!

Other tongue in cheek labels have designated drinking seats for passengers who want to get absolutely red signaled, an electric chair for smelly commuters and a Harry Potter inspired sorting seat for those who need advice on where to go. The one we like the best is where the stops has been blacked out so all those tourists won’t know where they are or where they are going. Who says Londoners aren’t welcoming? 

Spooky Gallery , who is there today?

Score Bandage removal 3 , Pills spat out 6!


  1. Hi Molly !
    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  2. Oh Molly, wish it would be so "easy" to travel with the Metro :o) but it's interesting that you can enter the first class if you wear a top-hat... that's cheaper than a ticket upgrade :o)

  3. Aww...that makes me miss London! Those are fantastic, can't wait until I am back

  4. What a laugh. When driving west of here, it's straight and mostly flat. However, there are a few signs alerting you to 'dips'. Some enterprising (or bored) driver labelled them all: avocado dip, French onion dip, crab....

    Love creative vandalism.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  5. THAT'S IT.....I HAVE GOT TO GET TO LONDON ONE DAY!!! Oh Miz Molly, how is your nose little one? are too much. TOO MUCH! Love those signs; I particularly love the one reserved for Her Majesty!!

  6. I would surely get lost there! Funny though!
    Lovies, Miss mindy

  7. Hi Molly
    OMDs I would surely get lost never to be found again. Lost marbles would be the route I take.
    I bet it is not advised that one dilly dally when getting on the tube either.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  8. That's funny Molly - when my peeps used the tube they said there was no sign of any fun or humour!! Good to see these though!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  9. Hehehehehehe! Our Lady and Man have been to London a couple times. It is the Man's favourite city. They had a good chuckle at your signs. Have a good day. Hailey and Zaphod

  10. That makes it all the more fun. My subway doesn't look like that!!

  11. I'm like Madi,I would get totally lost..I think I have only ever been on the tube, twice in my whole life..I'd like to keep it like x00x
    Mollie and Alfie

  12. Done got us lost just looking at all those maps, Heeheehee. Again, Molly, informative and funny, Thanks.

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  13. I think I will walk. Going under ground like a mole is not appealing nor is being crammed in like a sardine. And Rainbow City well that can wait because that is probably close to the bridge that I don't want to go over.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. WOWZERS! That could get confusing!

  15. hey Molly,

    Those are great! The English have such a great sense of humor! I feel for the tourists, though. BOL! "A train to 1984? How can that be?" :-D

    My favorite is the 1st Class Seat sign. Classic.

    Your poor nose! I am furry sorry and paws crossed it heals. It looks painful. What a rough and tumble life you lead!


  16. I think that those signs would make the ride FUN.

    Now about that Scoreboard
    Bandages 3 Spat out Pills 6... You do know that you SHOULD keep the Bandage ON and the Pills IN... Butt it IS so fun to mess with the Peeps like that.

  17. Mom wishes we had that nutty train here
    Benny & Lily

  18. Love the TARDIS one! ...and yes, I'm a closet Dr. Who fan!


  19. Funny! Got to love the Brit sense of humor!

  20. Awww Molly. Those are amazing. Are those really-pranks or are they authorized pranks for the halloween. LOL.

    Go back three spaces?

    Huggies and Cheese,

  21. Molly - funny stuff ... did get your e-mail in response to my comments from yesterday but could not respond back since your blog is set up as a no-reply blog.

    Find me on Facebook thru my group page WESTIES HEALTH -- FROM EARS TO TAIL ... maybe we can help your foot issue there.

    All the best,

  22. We can't believe those pranksters managed to do all that without getting caught!

  23. They are brilliant, they would really make me smile on my journey to work!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  24. Molly you must must must take your pills and leave your bandage on so you will get to go trick or treating!
    Stella Rose (it is my mom writing this and not me!)

  25. It's hard to choose a favourite!
    I hope you're getting lots of extra treats, if they want you to take pills.

  26. Haha! That's too funny! We enjoyed all those pictures.

    Elyse and Riley

  27. Howdy Molly, hands up if you're a Nerd. Yep. All hands up here. We'd be off to find the tardis. How do you reckon Rory got his name!! See ya sweetie pie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  28. That pic scared me at first! Have a great night!

  29. Love that the jubilee line has been renamed 'purgatory' bol

  30. That is all very funny but your picture sure did scare us.

  31. How funny!
    Have a nice day!

  32. Hi Y'all,

    ROFBOL! What more can I say?

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  33. Those wouldn't fly in NYC! Get well soon.

  34. Aqui na minha cidade não tem metrô! se fosse assim como é por aí, eu ficaria totalmente perdida! kkkkkk

    Beijos e tudo de bom pra você *-*

  35. Hi Molly!
    We saw you on Cathy Keisha's blog and wanted to say hi!
    ....Those photos are HYSTERICAL!!! OMC! We are giggling and giggling and giggling some more!
    : ) Katie & Glogirly

  36. That was really fun to read. I hope your booboo is better. I am a very good pill spitter outer myself.

    Loveys Sasha

  37. Hi Molly, very funny stuff on the blog today... hehehehe
    I loved them all :D

    André Moreiras
    Passos Caninos

  38. Hope I get to see them when I'm in London next time! They are so funny!

  39. That was hysterical, Molly! Your sense of humor is pawpular, fur sure! By the way, I announced that you were the runner-up in the Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest today! Your prizes will be in the mail soon! Congrats!

  40. BOL! OMD can y'all have some FUN! Luv the welcoming black out idea for tourists. I wonder if we put detour signs on our freeways if the snowbirds would land somewhere else if just for a little while ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  41. Those are fun! Love the "Lost Your Marbles?" sign. (The answer is yes, of course.) Try to choke down those pills and keep your bandage on, otherwise you might be in for another trip to you know where!

    Susan and Wrigs
