
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Slog It Blog It, Suburbia Has Gone To Pot!

That is one big weed say Molly The Wally!

Old couple caught growing pot by police.

An elderly couple have been busted by the police for growing cannabis after unknowingly buying the plant from a car boot sale. The police seized the bush as part of a drugs bust at the couple's home in Bedford on Friday. They said it was the biggest shrub they had seen to date. That was one hell of a weed the green thumbed oldsters managed to cultivate! The couple was shocked to find that their carefully tended shrub was in fact a gigantic cannabis plant. The couple had taken the pot plant home and given it pride of place in their garden. The shrub bloomed into an enormous plant, along the wooden fence. Wonder who grassed them up or was it planted on them? The police then posted pictures of the plant on twitter.  We can just see the tweet, ‘Twit grows hash which the police then trash. They were rooting out pot heads’. A police spokesman said the unnamed embarrassed couple had asked them to remove the picture from the site. It is not known whether the hapless pair will be charged for any drug related offences. Pity they didn’t sell it as it would give a whole new meaning to the words ‘Hedge Fund’. Far out man! 

Don't forget to check out the Spooky Gallery today! To be spookified just leave a spooky comment at Mollie & Alfies'!


  1. I heard that, so funny.. Have a great day Molly xx00x

  2. It's funny! But it's actually quite a pretty shrub.

  3. Hi Molly, that's so far out, I off to the garden center to pick up this ever green shrub, not only is it good ground covering you can use in the kitchen and if you're out of smokes which daddy usually is, you can roll one. Happy gardening!

  4. Hehehehe, that is funny. Poor people. I hope they weren't charged with anything. Have a great day. Hailey and Zaphod

  5. That is really funny!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  6. MOL Hedge fund...Molly you crack me up. What a funny story.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. Oooooooo, I am chuckling here AGAIN.....Miz Molly, I can see you are up to your spry and witty self!!!!!!! "FAR OUT MAN!" Oh I have not heard that term in years....teeeeheee

  8. Hi Molly, Wonder if it smelt strange whilst it was growing?

  9. What a cool site! Molly, your a very cool dog! Love this story...crazy

  10. That's really funny! The poor old couple.

  11. That plant goes along with flower power and love child and your Dark Side of the toy! (way too cute by the way...)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. Poor older couple, but I would love to see a mug shot of them! teehee!

  13. It must have been quite a shock for these folks to have the police converge on their home! Maybe the couple can start a consulting business to advise would-be pot growers on how to nurture their plants so they reach immense proportions. Wrigs says a shrub is a shrub is a shrub--all equally suitable for lifting one's leg on. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

    P.S. Wrigs loves his spooky transformation, Molly!

  14. There are so many interesting happenings in your place, Molly!

  15. That's hilarious! Makes our human think of "Saving Grace" with Brenda Blethyn, which is one of her favourite movies.

  16. Do you think they used miracle grow? lol.....we had 900 lbs. found on a farm not far from my home last!!!!
    stella Rose

  17. If they had been livin' FAR OUT in the middle of nowhere maybe they would not have been smoked out.

  18. Oh wow man....that's far out.
    Really that's too funny!

  19. This is very very funny! That would be something Mrs. Master would do. OHHH...what a pretty plant....then she'd be arrested.


  20. "unknowingly"??? BOL! Have a great Wednesday Molly!

  21. Maybe they should have gone with a "Medicinal Marijuana" defense.....

  22. Oh Molly, poor People but Sorry the plant looks well. They were very good in gardening ;-) so funny!
    Wuff and LG

  23. Oh dear, I hope they weren't charged. Then again, maybe that is the greatest cover up story of all time!

  24. BaaaaaWaaaaaah BaaaaaWaaaaaah HEDGE FUND !! THAT is hilarious Molly. You just Crack me UP.
    PeeS... I used Sarge's Cool Drool Frankenweenie picture today... BUTT we are saving OURS to post at the end of the month.. hehehehe. THANKS AGAIN!!!

  25. Dat would prolly be da only thing my mum could actually grow and then hers would go and get arrested and then I'd end up starvin'.

    I must get directions to those people's knows, fur medicinal purposes;)


  26. BOL!!!!! Now that's a green thumb!! Poor folks!!


  27. hey Molly,

    Great write-up! I think the couple should stand tall and proud. It is a plant that has been around for thousands of years and they did a fabulous job in growing it. They have nothing to be embarrassed about, except for the fact that some humans find the plant so scary! :->

    So, will they be growing Poppies next? BOL!


  28. I would have definately sniffed out the funny plant. Poor couple I don't think they had a clue.

  29. Woof! Woof! Oh No ... I bet it was really a pretty bush. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  30. Dear Molly,

    Is this a special plant? I don't know much about bushes except that they hold Birds and Pee Markings, and are sometimes good to hide in... That looks like a very good plant to hide in, in fact!


  31. LOL, yeah, yeah, that's what they all say - we are going to say it is for medicinal reasons for Dad when we grow our stash :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  32. Bwahahahahahahahaha, Molly , that is the funniest stowy
    Poow gween-thumbed couple. It shoowe looked puwdy, hehehehe
    Smoochie kisses

  33. Oh...MY! HEDGE fund?!?! MOL!

  34. Será que esses velhinhos realmente não sabiam?! Se sim, tadinho deles!
    Mas o fato é muito engraçado! kkkkk

    Beijos Molly e tudo de bom pra você *-*

  35. Oh Molly, that was highly amusing. Hope they don't get into too much trouble. Bet it gave the cops a laugh too. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  36. Molly, mummy has no need to read the paper anymore, she gets all the best news coverage from you instead :-)

  37. Mom used to live a place that grew hemp during WWII. So hemp grows everywhere. There isn't a lot of value in the plant for those hoping to get high because there is little THC in it. BUTT, it is still pot and there is a big market because it is cheap and easy to get so growers like to cut their good pot with this bad pot so they can make more money. Lots of grandmas in that town grow pot to supplement their incomes.

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  38. Molly....
    "Unknowingly"? I have never smoked, touched, smelled, or been in close proximity of pot.... Yet I would recognize it!! Immediately!! "Unknowingly", my eye!! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk....
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  39. OoH my dogness! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  40. That's hilarious! Now they need a new hedge :(

  41. Would you believe this actually happened to my assistant's grandmother! Fortunately, her son found the plant before the police and disposed of the evidence. No jail time for grandma!

    Your pal, Pip

  42. Have a great day Molly.... those kinds of plants are forbidden and dangerous.. be careful!

    André Moreiras
    Passos Caninos

  43. This is funny but sad at the same time! I feel bad for the old couple if they really didn't know what it was.

  44. I saw the same thing happened in a reality show, world's worst tenants. The lady was helping her neighbours grow marijuanas in her home!!!! Hehe. Poor couple.


  45. Wow, I no is familiar with this giant kind of bush! Is it good for peeing on? If so I should get one and start works on it right now!

