
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Blog From The Dog House, Mollys’ Barking Mad Box!

Something comes in the post for Molly The Wally!

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 1!

It has hardly escaped our attention that Blogville residents get loads of goodies in the mail, be it nice gifts from friends or Bark Boxes. Being sadly lacking in this department I thought I’d treat myself.

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 2!

So look what arrived in the post for me!

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 3!

Oh my I can’t wait to see what is in the box!

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 4!

Look at all this swag.

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 5!

Well it did say Goofy Goodies and Crappy Contents!

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 6!

I mean that is just taking the p@##! What do you expect me to do with all that rubbish?

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 7!

On a brighter note I got a package in the mail.

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 8!

Seems April over at The Teachers' Pets  and Goose felt sorry for me.

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 9!

 Lots of goodies and these great pumpkin deely-boppers. Plus a certificate.

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 10!

Thank you April and thank you Goose for giving up your prize to me. To enter the Saturday competition you should bookmark the link HereSure made a nice surprise after Mollys’ Barking Mad Box of Rubbish! Mind you beats Puddles gift of NOTHING I suppose but only just!

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 11!

For the real thing Mollies Dog Treats and Mollies' Bandanas over at Mollie & Alfies'. 

Molly The Wallys’ Barking Mad Box 12!

If you missed the latest episode of Dogton Abbey yesterday just scroll down!


  1. I love your deelyboppers Molly, they really suit you. Maybe you should write to Father Christmas and tell him what you want for Christmas - if you post it on your blog then he can't fail to see it.

  2. Look at all that stuff, pretty silly. Thank goodness you got the other awesome package

    urban hounds

  3. You deserve lots of real goodies.maybe Santa will being you something.

  4. LOL not too sure what to do with the dry mustard. You are good to wear those things on your head.

    the brown dawgs

  5. Mustard?????? Why? BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  6. I don't know, that shoe looked good for chewing...

  7. OH MY GOODNESS...Molly, why are you so cute? THOSE PUMPKINS THING-A-MA-BOPPERS GO SO WELL ON YOU!!! And who in blogland has eyes like yours, that squint a sassy look, or widen with such surprise? NO ONE!

    Oh dear, you are just too cute for words. LOVE YOU!

  8. What's wrong with a free pizza - you need only a hungry peep who is buying one and you can get the free :o)

  9. What great fun opening pressies and such funny ones too. What pray tell will you do with one shiny sandal? Wear it on your head? MOL
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  10. ROFLMAO...HEEEAWWBAHHH So funny Molly, you could always chew the shoe..Easy would..xxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  11. Well, I's speechless....and dat don't happen very often!

    Hap-Pee Toes-Day

  12. Hello Molly and very nice to meet you. Here is a post I would like you to share. It's about my old chessie Norman. Be good and I'll be following you! Thanks to 2browndawgs for nominating me for share it Sunday. I'm so new to all this!

  13. I think free pizza would be GREAT! But I am happy that you got those cool pumpkin things for your head. Now we can call you Pumpkin Head. It's a compliment really. Have a beautiful day.

  14. It's always nice to get gifts in the mail!


  15. That box looks like something Mrs. Master would send me. She only lets me play with trash.

    Congrats on your certificate!


  16. *BOL*! You are just too funny Molly! Sam & I had a good look at the contents of your box and we agreed that the we'd keep the shoe, raw hide thingy and strawberry flavoured stuffs and then give the rest to our dad - he loves English mustard.

    Mom just LOOOOVES your Dogton Abbey posts - she is a huge fan of Downton Abbey, so your post was just her thing.

    Wally & Sammy

  17. Hi Molly,
    judging from your bark box you must have been a very very bad doggie, if I were you I'd put pen to paper and ask Santa very nicely for a Christms stocking and an extra special bark box!

  18. That is some box of goodies! A shoe? Hhhmmmm.... I do agree getting mail is awesome!

  19. April does such a nice job with her certificate and pressies, and Goose is the ultimate pal - always thinking of others - his Mom has trained him well.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Those pumpkin thingies look pretty cool! Have you tried chewing them up yet? (...not that I'd do that...)
    Play bows,

  21. Heeheehee, loved it Molly, we are in the same boat, we don't get much either, maybe the Christmas card exchange will flood our mail box! And because you don't get much, you will be getting a card (Gotta check that list) if not one of will bring it to ya!!!!

    Your buddies
    Susie & Bites

  22. Well, that shoe makes a sparkly toy to nom on! :)

  23. Haha, you look very dignified in those Molly!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  24. What on earth are you supposed to do with Mustard!?
    We think you look great in those great pumpkin deely-boppers! LOL.

  25. Oh Molly looks like you made out pretty good!
    Benny & Lily

  26. You got gag gifts! Well chew on that shoe.
    Thanks for being a friend and stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot

  27. You can always chew the sandal....but the mustard?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  28. I never knew you might actually get crap in a box instead of good am rather worried now that christmas iscoming...i must be very good.....i did like your pumpkin headlights tho!!
    stella rose

  29. that was hilarious! "Crappy contents" Love it! Love those antennae!

  30. we don't get mail either, like Susie and Sidebite we hope we will get mail from the Christmas gift exchange.
    FYI: If we are getting things to wear, we don't want mail!

    Hope you had a good day, Lee and Phod

  31. Dear Molly,

    Look at all that stuff! You are a lucky Dog!


  32. Oh my gosh you hit the doggy load. Of course you are very deserving.

  33. Oh no, typed a whole comment about coleman's mustard and shoes and it didn't post (I think). Anyway, great certificate and bobbly thingies - much better than mustard.

  34. I can't believe you sent yourself Coleman's mustard - what were you thinking???? The shoe has good potential though (I'd avoid using the mustard on it , unless there was something really cool in the box as well).
    Now the pumpkins and certificate - much better and very well deserved.

  35. You must be having one bad day there Molly. First the box of stuff and that look you're giving with your pumpkins swinging from your head makes me wonder what kind of mother do have other there....BOL!! You poor thing!

    Molly, you are too cute! Don't worry we never get any of those dog boxes either. We never get nothing. We're just not very good dogs!! :) So if you want we take whatever you don't want out of your box. (Zappa has a thing for shampoo, heehee)

  36. I think I could amuse myself with the things in your box...but it's no fun if they're given to you. Finding them and running out into the garden with them is much more fun!
    Congrats on the award xx

  37. Molly!

    You look so sweet, silly, and festive in those pumpkin deely-boppers! So glad you liked wearing them! I tried to get Daisy to wear them but she wouldn't heear of it!

    Thanks for posting your Silly Saturday prizes & certificate & linking back to my blog! I returned the favor by posting your post on my Facebook page!

    Have a wonderful day!

  38. Molly, we're not sure what to think about those pumpkins on your head. Be careful that you're not mistaken for an alien and beamed up to a spacecraft!

    Susan and Wrigs

  39. Ah, we feel your pain! Not once have the collies been offered free stuff to do a product review...and we never get mail! So we put our paws down, and demanded that mom sign us up for Barkbox. She got a deal, On Groupon, and signed us up for 6 months. But sadly we are only allowed a 6 month subscription. Maybe you can get your mom to try out Barkbox?
