
Saturday 3 November 2012

Blog From The Dog House, Smart Phone Dumb Owner!

Molly The Wally with the police!

Burglar mistakes video camera for a torch and filmed his raid.

A burglar was caught red-handed after accidentally filming a break in on his mobile phone. He had thought he had switched on a torch on his iPhone during the night-time burglary but mistakenly recorded the raid on its camera device. Judge John Potter was told that the defendant still protested his innocence despite the irrefutable evidence. Still protesting his innocence despite video proof? Would you say he is Britain's dumbest criminal. No unfortunately we can do better! How about the  thick burglar who was jailed for six years after leaving his passport, mobile and keys at his place of work ie the poor persons house. His abandoned backpack also contained his mug-shot on a prison ID card, his birth certificate and a tenancy agreement with his signature. He has got to be one of the UK’s dumbest crooks. But the best has to be the teenager who has been dubbed Britain’s stupidest burglar after he stole from his next door neighbour. He was caught minutes later when his victim looked across his lawn and saw the thief wearing his jumper and jeans and tuning his flatscreen TV. The police, who were able to recover most of the stolen belongings including the 42-inch telly, Sky HD box, a Freeview box and camera. Other items stolen included jewellery, an iPod, a shaving set, an alarm clock, CDs, DVDs, Christmas presents including children’s toys and cash including £100 in banknotes and even took a cider bottle filled with five pence coins worth around £60. Who says crime pays?

If you missed yesterdays edition of Dogton Abbey scroll down or click on the picture on the right.


  1. Hi Molly - nice Pic and I think ....he is britain´s dumbest criminal. Strange stories - but true.
    Have a nice weekend - here it rains cats and dogs.....
    Wuff and LG Aiko

  2. WELL! Miz Molly, do you have a special pass to allow you to get photos with such cute constables? know your way around! BUT THIS STORY IS A HOOT! I had a lad steal my credit card once and bought X rated movies with it on-line. His address to where the said articles were to be sent GAVE HIM AWAY!!!!! HHHHAAAAAAA! He was arrested when they delivered the films! TEEEHEEEE!

  3. Not too smart to steal from your neighbor! But I bet it happens pretty often!

  4. Crime doesn't pay! Unless of course, you're stealing treats!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. Thieves...we have 6 of them. They steal our pillows, socks, food....

  6. Filming his raid by mistake? Oh my! I hope the burglar figured out that he needs to switch careers!

  7. I always think they can't be that smart if they decide to break the law in the first place...


  8. People are just so silly! We dogs wouldn't steal. We only take what is rightly ours. Lee and Phod

  9. Wow....people are really dumb.


  10. People always do the silly things. They should learn from us.


  11. yeah, sometimes not the brightest crayons in the box...

  12. wow, that beats even my staff I think :o) ...ahmm and John Potter is the father of Harry or isn't he ? Have a non-criminal saturday, dear Molly ;o)

  13. When will the peeps learn that you can get more "stuffs" by giving the puppy eyes. No break in needed. Well breaking in to their hearts, but that is not a crime.

  14. Quanta inteligencia desse ladrĂ£o!!!
    Ohhh Deus! kkkkkkkk

    Beijos e divertido fim de semana!!!!

  15. Oh what a dumbo..Serves him bloody right!! Have a great weekend Molly..Wez still got the HOTS here..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  16. We have something over here called the Darwin Arawds. He's TOTALLY a candidate! MOL!

  17. *Awards, even (silly typist)

  18. Dumb, dumber,and dumbest - those stories were amazing.

    Happy Saturday.

    We saw your comment on Mollie's - you have fireworks, what's the occasion? You can come hide here too.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. The stupidity of people far outweighs that of animals. Case closed!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. I think that just about proves humans are dumber than us dogs.


  21. Oh dear Molly, looks like criminals these days are lacking the skills, it just goes to show that the smarter our technology is getting the dumber our society is getting!
    I hope that you are doing ok with the fireworks for Guy Fawks Night, I've been a bit scared of the loud bangs but there are some really pretty sparkly ones in the sky! Stay safe, Love your Pugalier Pal, Frank XxxxX

  22. Dumb criminal tricks for sure.
    Smart phones and Smartcars are so dumb.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF
    We are very late getting around today

  23. Goofy burglars! I suppose that crook will now be suing Apple. Are you working with the local police constables as a consultant now, Molly?

    Susan and Wrigs

  24. We have a friend who's a Defense Lawyer....and he says crime pays!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  25. This proves that the crime is stupid and doesn't lead to anything.
    Have a nice weekend, Molly!!
    Woof, woof,


  26. Hey Molly!
    Wow, criminals are the worst...but they keep me employed as Blogville's Chief of Police, so I guess I can't complain! I love the dumb ones. I liked the one who robbed a store at night and ran into the woods...wearing those light up shoes! Lead the cops right to him. Follow the blinking lights! BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  27. He obviously wasn't the brains of the operation!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  28. Molly....
    I saw a bumper sticker once that read: "Bad cop. No donut"!! I think that this is quite appropriate for your Blog post!! "Bad cop. No donut". Hee, hee, hee.... ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  29. Some people are pretty dumb. You wouldn't catch any doggies being that silly.

    Loveys Sasha

  30. Crime doesn't pay, never! You are a very good police dog, those burglars are really stupid!
    Have a nice sunday!
    Licks from Pink

  31. Yes that may be the dumbest, but I know we got a lot more over here, cause most of the are STUPID!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  32. There are two types of burglars:
    The smart ones that use their intelligence for the wrong thing
    And the stupid ones. Like above.:)

  33. Howdy Molly, it makes us feel better that the burglars are so freakin dumb. Makes the Police's job easier thank goodness.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
