
Thursday 22 November 2012

Dog Blog, By Turkey It Is Thanksgiving!

Molly The Wally Goes Cowboy!

Molly The Wally Says Happy Thanksgiving!

What sound does a turkey's phone make?
Wing Wing!

How To Cook A Turkey

Step 1: Go buy a turkey
Step 2: Pour a glass of wine
Step 3: Put turkey in the oven
Step 4: Take another glass of wine
Step 5: Set the oven to 375 degrees
Step 6: Take a little glass of wine
Step 7: Turk the bastey
Step 8: Get another bottle of wine
Step 9: Ponder the meat thermometer
Step 10: Glass yourself a pour of wine
Step 11: Bake the wine for 4 hours
Step 12: Take the oven out of the turkey
Step 13: Floor the turkey up off of the pick
Step 14: Turk the carvey
Step 15: Get yourself another wottle of bine
Step 16: Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of wine
Step 17: Bless the dinner and pass out

How much did the Mayflower weigh?
A Puri-TON!

What are unhappy cranberries called?

Why don't you eat fish on Thanksgiving?
Because Thanksgiving never falls on a FRY-day.

When all the leaves are off the boughs,
And nuts and apples gathered in,

And cornstalks waiting for the cows,
And pumpkins safe in barn and bin,

Then Mother says, "My children dear,
The fields are brown, and autumn flies;

Thanksgiving Day is very near,
And we must make thanksgiving Squirrel pies!" 

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope you will get a turkey too ... but a squirrel pie sounds yummy - maybe we can stuff the turkey with the pie?

  2. Thank you for the smiles, Molly! We'll be sending you a big slice of pumpkin pie!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Those are great. Thanks for the smiles.

  4. Made me laugh Molly :) We gotta wait till Chriztmaz though for our Turkey :(.Have a great no Turkey Thursday..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Love those turkey cooking directions, I will be following them today

    urban hounds

  6. Those are great. Thanks for making me smile.

  7. You found some good ones! Thanks for the early morning smiles before all the cooking starts!

  8. OMG - too funny. I'm happy to see that your turkey recipe takes as much wine as mine!

  9. Thanks Molly! I love your how to cook a turkey steps. That's kinda my Momma's way of cooking!

  10. I have learned not to sip my cuppa tea when reading your posts. This one is one at really tickled my funny bone. Happy Thanksgiving

  11. I AM HOWLING WITH LAUGHTER!!! Miz Molly, you have to have the most beautiful eyes on a dog!

    That wine poem....OMG. You are too funny. I can see you and your "ghost writer" having the time of your lives researching and putting these things together. Oh dear, what I would do to have a good sense of humor in my writing!

    ThANK YOU FOR THE BLESSINGS MIZ MOLLY in the pink hat! You resemble HM very much!

  12. Thank you Molly for remembering our wonderful Holiday! We are very thankful for furends like you!

    Lily Belle, Muffin & Family

  13. Molly, many thanks to you, your one of the reason for us that we give thanks, for just being a good furiend, an many a laugh. May this America Holiday be a wonderful day for you, as we say, watch some football and the go stuff yourself.

    Thanks for being a Pal
    Susie & Sidebite

  14. Thanks Molly. I think I would really like some squirrel pie.

  15. Oh Molly you make us laugh so much! What a great thanksgiving post!



  16. We knew we could count on you for some smiles:)

    Wishing all our friends all over the world a very Happy Day of Thanksgiving.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. Hi Molly,

    We don'nt have thank gving here as we have to wait for Christmas Day to get our Turkey, but I did try out your Gooble Gooble Turkey Bites..........Boy they were yummy, so now thanks to you I've decided we'll have a mini thank giving every year and join in the spirit of things, Happy thank giving.

  18. Thank you for a delightful post! You have a happy day yourself!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  19. I like it when the turkey ends up on the floor, Cody and i finish it well we wouldn't want it going to waste. Were usualy the ones responsible for it ending up there in the first place.

    Have a great day.


  20. Hi Molly and thanks for the great Thanksgiving post.
    Mom cooks our turkey with the phone.....yep she ordered a turkey completely cooked. All she has to do is prepare all the side dishes...easy peasy
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  21. Thank you fur the laughs this morning. Starts my day off right!

    Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

    Amber and the Pack
    and Mom too!

  22. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes! Stop and count your blessings today, too!
    We are thankful to count you as a friend!

  23. Happy Turkey Day Molly, Family and Furiends! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for having you as my furiend! I hope that you get lots of delicious turkey or chicken today! Are you celebrating thanksgiving?? I AM!
    Love and licks your furiend Frank xxxxxxxxx

  24. Ha! Wonderful! You captured the spirit of Thanksgiving pawfectly :D

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too Dear Molly and Family! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  25. What a wonderful Thanksgiving post. Loved it.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

    We're thankful for you as our friends...

    hugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  26. Shame we have to wait till christmas for our turkey. But Happy thanksgiving all the same :-)

  27. These are funny! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  28. Happy thanksgiving to all turkeys.

  29. Hi Y'all!

    Those birds will be happy to know that my Humans had fish for Thanksgiving dinner!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. Hmmm ... turkey!! Yummy! Molly kisses.

  31. Funny jokes. I got drink just reading the recipe. Happy Thanksgiving.

  32. Thank you Miss Molly for the laughs! Hope you had a wonderful day today!

  33. Sorry but I think that "wing, wing" was hilarious!! MOL!

  34. Everyone can be thankful happy Thanksgiving!

  35. What a fun post!!!
    You've got us giggling through all those cartoons! haha!
    : )

    Happy Thanksgiving from Katie & Glogirly.
    We are so very thankful for your friendship.

  36. We needs eye bleach after viewing those sweaters! Hope you had a terrific Turkey Day! Purrs...

  37. Thanks for the Thanksgiving advice and funnies, Molly! We humans just skipped the turkey part and went straight for the wine. But, don't worry--Wrigs got plenty of goodies to eat! :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  38. Hope you had a fab Thanksgiving and lots of turkey treats!

  39. Love Love Love it. Happy turkey day to you also!
