
Monday 26 November 2012

Fog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally Does Mystic Molly!

Sagittarius November 23rd to December 21st.

This week just as we experience a full moon, the planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase, restoring clarity to confused situations. So now is a good time to write your Dear Santa Paws begging letter as there will be no chance of any misunderstanding by your human. Make sure you list all your requirements and desires leaving nothing out. Use simple words like toy, food, treats, so your human will understand as we must remember they can be a little challenged when confronted with long words.

This sign is represented by the arrow and dogs who own a Sagittarian human will know that they are one of the most positive and adventurous signs of the zodiac. They are sincere and believe in justice so they make good companions to those who are the underdog. Therefore always strive to be seen as put upon and make sure you show your hangdog expression when communicating with your human. Your reward will be lots of treats and love so it will be well worth it. Take your human out and about to new places to meet new faces as they are always friendly and you might meet some new friends. Christmas is round the corner and friends mean more gifts. They are magnanimous in forgiving offenses and therefore do what you like as with that hangdog expression you are on a roll. The Sagittarian is very good at organizing so you will always have lots of parties and things to celebrate. Make sure you put all impawtant dates on the calendar to aid your human in making the most of you. Remember they are the sign of the arrow and are very superstitious so use it to your advantage. A major health threat to your human are in the legs so always make sure you take them out for lots of lengthy walks everyday and help them stay fit.


Freedom (so be spontaneous as to when and where you go for walks), travelling (so make sure those walks are in exciting locations), laws (so don’t get caught breaking any) and the meaning of things (thus make sure you get plenty of attention by keeping them baffled by your behaviour).


Cooling ones heels (so when they have been angry make them suffer and show them you are boss), off beat theories (so stick to well known tricks and don’t try and be too clever) and tied down domestically (so get out and about and keep your human happy by saying hello to everyone and jumping up on strangers. Your human will appreciate it).

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.


  1. Our hoomom is a sagittarius!
    Wally & Sammy

  2. Dad is a Saggitarian....sounds just like him! Lovies, Miss Mindy

  3. MIZZZZZZZTIQUE MOLLY! You have spoken and who can question your predictions? I cannot! And just look at that hypnotize us with your truths!!!!

    Good advice Miz Molly! HUGS, you fabulous maven of mystery!

  4. Sadly I'm a virgo - but to be a sagittarius sonds better to me... btw: can you see the numbers of the lottery in your cards? please let me know...Have a mysic monday ;o)

  5. Morning Mystic Molly
    We always look forward to your horoscope posts.

    Your last statement "remember your human is for life not just for Christmas"
    is very powerful and a great reminder.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  6. There aren't any Sagittarius humans in our house, but Wrigs is taking your advice about writing a Dear Santa Paws anyway. Happy Monday, Molly!

    Susan and Wrigs

  7. OMD, my dad is a Sagittarian too...what's the deal with that??


  8. Our human "grandmother" is a Sagittarian. :-)

    We wish you a terrific week!

  9. like the K.I.S.S. advice (keep it simple stupid)

  10. (re: barn question - both, usually. cattle and/or hay storage plus farm equipment).

  11. No wonder every buddy was acting nutty. We will start writing our letter now
    Benny & Lily

  12. Molly
    This is sooo a pwo wpo fow me cause Mommi is a Sag and those advices awe tewwific. I have mastewed the hangdog expweshuns and taken advantage of hew fowgiving natoowe and whenevew we walk, i gweet evewyone on the stweet. So good to have all this confiwmed. Thank you
    Smoochie kisses

  13. Are those cards? Wanna play poker? Ha woo....

  14. Mom said her ex was a Sagittarius but she was using some different words to describe traits!

    Your Friends in Search of Santa Paws,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Cute. My cousin is a Sagittarius and loves laws and the meanings of things but doesn't like Freedom and traveling....but I suppose they can't all be the same :)

  16. Well, neither of my humans fall under this sign but they both love throwing parties. Now to convince them to throw one for me.....


  17. Mystic Molly you are so wise!

    I have the best blog and blog story for your Share it Sunday, they are a great big group of Collies that have a dad named Chuck who puts up with all of their antics with a laugh and a smile. This is a recent post and I laughed because my chessies could really relate to the mischief the collies got in to. This is the link

  18. We don't have any Sagittarians in our house.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  19. thankyou molly for your very kind comments today on my blog!
    stella rose

  20. loved this! Sagittarius is Mom's "rising" sign...she is very much like a Sag...also...Mom could tell there must be a full moon because she is having email trouble today to beat the band!

  21. Interesting as usual. We can hardly wait until you get to the spring horoscopes! Purrs...

  22. Both mystic and wise, you have it all!

    Critter Alley

  23. Mystic Molly - the full moon is shining brightly right over our yard as we type our comment. AND it is a cold brisk night - almost perfect for us siberians - all we need now is some SNOW.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  24. Yes you are so RIGHT, we are taking care of our peeps, our Christmas list is filled out, we even got more simple "FOOD & STUFF".
    Sorry we are Late, we are Late, so terribly terribly Late!!!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  25. Phew Molly,

    I wrote my letter to Santa on Friday Nov 23 - I had no idea it really was the right date - I sure don't want there to be any misunderstanding as to what I want!! Tee Hee

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  26. Thank goodness that silly Mercury is ending its retrograde! My assistant swears things go crazy when Mercury is acting silly!

    Your pal, Pip

  27. I saw that big moon- and I also saw a huge STAR in the sky!!!
    I wonder what it is?

  28. Oh this is a great blog. At last my humans won't be stumbling around in the dark. Thank you.

  29. Good Advice Mystic Molly. Our mum is Sagittarius too. We have her wrapped around our little paws but she thinks she is in charge. I'd like to jump up on friends but i'd probably squash them and mum would not be impressed. Thanks for all the advice. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella

  30. Sagittarius is a really cool sign!
    And I don't plan on abandoning my humans anytime soon :)

  31. Thanks Molly, I'll make sure my humans take note!

  32. Great advice!!! What a wonderful blog you have!
    Your friends,
    the collies and chuck :)

  33. Don't think I know anyone who is Sagittarius but at least I now know what to expect when I meet one. You really do have quite a lot of skills there Molly.

  34. Love that picture. No one here is a Sagittarius, unfortunately.

  35. All of Nellie's puppies, all three litters are Sagittarius! Have a great day! Cute picture!
