
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Dog House Blog, Another Piffle Prize, Poison Pen Awards!

Tis The Season Of The Dreaded Round Robin Letters!

Tis The Season Of The Dreaded Round Robin Letters!

Airbrushing life beyond recognition the round robin letter has become modern day pain in the proverbial butt. Peppered with Nobel Peace Prize winning accomplishments of children you don’t know, pay-rises of husbands you don’t like and excruciating details of holidays that send you screaming with boredom, they will be dropping through letter box anytime soon. The only thing worse is being invited to look at the unedited holiday snaps as well. These letters never feel like they are for you and often the self congratulatory tone is enough to make you howl with pain as the minutiae detail of daily life unfolds. Thus we award the third Piffle Prize Poison Pen to ‘The Round Robin’.

Here is mine.......

Dear Friend (Person I can’t Remember),

I will make this short and to the point as really I can’t be bothered to waste time writing to you this year. My year was very exciting and full of wonderful happenings (insert SMUG remarks of your choice and extensive details of minor achievements). There were so many good things that to list them would take up pages (insert anything you would be interested in reading about and some boastful comments). How are the husband, children, dog, cat, goldfish, garden birds (delete where not applicable)? We had a lovely holiday this year (pick an exotic destination of your choice). We had a trip to the hospital this year (insert blow by blow account and gory details of surgery and recovery).  I can’t wait to hear all you news (forget to put a return address or pick the address of someone you don’t like). Look forward to catching up next year.

Best wishes Molly The wally.

What do you think of Round Robins? If you have a minute and would like a laugh pop over to Wrigs and see the video. Well funny and well cool. We liked it very much.


  1. That's pretty funny guys! Mama says her in-laws sent her a letter talking about the whole year... and we see my grandma and grandpa every weekend!

    1. *BOL* that is hysterical!!!!
      Wally & Sammy

  2. Yes, we've all had letters like that, BOL!
    Dip Bridge & Elliot x

  3. Sometimes you hear about people you don't even know!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    SHE did try writing one, one year, but went back to notes on the card.

  4. Funny Molly :) We went over to Wrigs, loved it...Have a great Wednesday, we had a bit of snow a few mins ago :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Very funny, those letters can be a bit much. I think a simple card will do

    urban hounds

  6. BOL! Oh so true. Mom and I don't do Holiday Letters - we get them though BOL! Ha! Thanks for the belly laugh my furiend :D

    Waggin at ya,

  7. Good morning Miz Molly, writer and editor-in-chief extraordinaire! YOU HAVE A WAY WITH A STORY MY FRIEND! Are you enjoying the park these days? Gotta run this morning....I am teaching today! Anita

  8. Yea, I is kinda thinkin' no buddy wants to hears bouts my anal glands in a letter. But at least I has you to tell. Molly, where'd you go...Molly?


  9. Yeah them yearly letters are a PITA! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss MindY

  10. I love your letter, specially this part:" pick the address of someone you don’t like"... hmmmm think I'm busy today...very busy...

  11. A very simple Merry Christmas would do fine!

  12. We get those letters every year, Molly. Now that we humans are getting older, a common theme is the monumental accomplishments of people's grandchildren. It's funny that they almost never mention the four-legged family members (who are the ones we're interested in hearing about). Wrigs and I are getting a little silly as the holiday approaches. Glad you enjoyed seeing him "bust a move."

    Susan and Wrigs

  13. We get some of those letters, I prefer just a simple card, heck a photo card with no words is even better !!

  14. Already recieved two of them. They must have used some of your advise. Except they had a return adress.

  15. That is a great letter....ha ha! Really good!

  16. We didn't know what round robin was molly, we thought it was a fat
    stella rose

  17. Nah! I don't think I really pay attention to those letters though.

  18. Mom used to do a Round Robin letter, but after she read enough of others, she decided that maybe she sounded as dumb as they did. No more letters, just good wishes for the holidays. Besides, if she kept doing that, we would never get her to help us visit all our pals.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. Molly are round robin letters the ones that come in the Christmas cards? If so, very good name for them. Mom calls them something else......MOL

    Lawdy mercy we get a ton of them too.

    So Miss Molly the Blogville Roving reporter..when might we expect to see your talk of the sweet little baby. Very exciting and we do hope Kate feels better she can be up and about and enjoying the season.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  20. MOLLY you are a RIOT !! THIS is so spot on right.

  21. Molly you are so funny and so right!


  22. hahahaha
    Adorei! Dou muitas risadas quando venho por aqui!!!!

    Beijos e lindo dia!!!!

  23. I've sometimes heard my bipeds say, "Who's that?" when they've been reading one, ha ha!

  24. Very good Molly, Mom whats to copy your letter and send a couple out to some unfriends. Tried to watch the video, but the cicrle just kepp going round till I fell asleep!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  25. Yep Lee has stuck a few back in their envelopes and put address unknown return to sender.
    Now when will you be reporting on baby watch?
    Sweet William The Scot

  26. Woof! Woof! As always Golden LAUGHS!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  27. I haven't gotten one of those in a few years. Christmas cards in general seem to be going the way of the dinosaur. Now people send out a link to an online animated card which happily does not include enough space to send a brag report :-)

  28. Those shades look mighty cool on you! Happy WW!

  29. Ugh, we dislike these and yet, always, ALWAYS, get a few. Great laughs and purrs to you, Molly!

  30. I'm spending my exotic Christmas in Kansas City. SUPER DUPER HUH?


  31. HAHAHA!! So funny as usual Molly!

    Milo :)

  32. Dear Molly,
    I didn't know what such a letter is. Am I lucky for this? After readin what you wrote, I think I am!
    Nice regards

  33. You have perfectly captured the essence of it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. Yet another gloriously funny blog post Molly! You are the Carl Perkington (or whatever his name is, we're foreign, we don't know these things..) of the Canine World!
    Lots of love from Indigo and Malach the Great Frenchs <3

  35. "Poison Pen Award" now THAT is one award I just might LIKE!

  36. LOathe these letters! Sorry to see you are stuck with them in the UK too!

  37. Love your letter, it's perfect!

  38. Excellent and to the point! That is the way to go.

    Loveys Sasha

  39. Your letter is kind of like a Mad Lib :) Love the glasses.

  40. You are too funny! I like your letter

  41. Is it anything like the robin bird? I like chasing birds!

  42. I feel a bit left out, mummy's never had one of those before. Sounds like your letter is much better though BOL

  43. Haha that is funny. I have taken to just putting the link to my blog in the cards I send. I figure if people want to know what we are up too, then its all there (or not as they choose). And of course I could use the
