
Thursday 13 December 2012

Dog House Blog, Easy Christmas Dinner.

Molly The Wally In Festive Mood!

The world’s most expensive Christmas dinner, menu revealed!

 As Easy is having a British themed Christmas this year we thought we might be a bit of help on the menu planning front.  Costing only £125,000 for four people, or a mere £31, 250 per person, this menu will be the world’s most expensive Christmas dinner  and has been devised by London chef Ben Spalding. Among the ingredients being used are, Yubari King melon costing £2,500, a £2,600 Densuke watermelon, 150-year-old balsamic vinegar costing £1,030, whole white Alba truffle costing £3,500 and gold leaf coming in at a trifling £6,000. To drink, a £37,000 bottle of Piper Heidsieck 1907 champagne will be served in diamond-studded flutes and if diners prefer spirits they can sip from a £2,000 stock of DIVA vodka, described as a ‘diamond-sand-filtered vodka’, served in a bottle that is filled with Swarovski crystals. The focal point of the meal will be the traditional Christmas turkey, served this time with Dodine turkey, with Wagyu beef fillet wrapped in more gold leaf and sprinkled with Akbari pistachios. For dessert, the quartet will conclude their £125,000 meal with whipped Kopi Luwak, a coffee bean, and Densuke watermelon. Now that is a bargain! Sounds good to me, I am placing my order right now.

And Easy here are your key ingredients,

Diva Vodka - £2,000
Piper Heidsieck 1907 Champagne - £37,000
Dry ice - £180
Pata Negra Iberico jambon - £600
Birds Nest - £100
Almas Caviar - £5,000
150 year old balsamic - £1,030
Whole White Alba truffle - £3,500
Pullet de bresse’s for stock - £2,500
Saffron stock - £500
Yubari King melon - £2,500
Dodine of rare breed turkey - £500
Wagyu beef - £4,500
Gold leaf - £6,000
Periogord truffles - £900
Akbari pistachios - £5,000
Kopi Luwak - £3,000
Amadei chocolate - £150
Densuke watermelon - £2,600
Gold Ugandan vanilla plate - £1,500
1949 Cheval Blanc - £4,680
1988 Corton-Charlemagne, Coche-Dury - £1,390
1959 La Tache - £5,400
1976 Chateau d'Yquem - £990

Happy Shopping Easy!

Santa Paws has been round again and look what we got from Easy? Ignore the demented snowmen we are blaming Frankie for those. Look they are trying to strangle me.

Molly The Wally Has An Easy Christmas 1 !

Diving straight in in case a squirrel might want to escape.

Molly The Wally Has An Easy Christmas 2 !

OK no squirrels, drat, but what have we here?

Molly The Wally Has An Easy Christmas 3 !

I smell toys, I smell treats!

Molly The Wally Has An Easy Christmas 4 !

And this stupid snowman lights up and changes colour. Frankie what have you done?

Molly The Wally Has An Easy Christmas 5 !

Look my wonderful swag bag from Easy. Thank you we loved it. What a haul. I think Santa knows I am a good girl now don't you?

Mini Me By 2chihuahuagirls. 


  1. Wow great pressies, you are a good girl to get all those goodies. That dinner sounds pretty good, but I will settle for a taco anyday.

    Loveys Sasha

  2. Spending money in excess is just so what Christmas is all about--not.

    What a great bag of goodies. You mean you get to see stuff BEFORE the big day? Lucky thing.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Only £35,000? Why hadn't we thought of that before! We are having 5 this Christmas so we may need to splash out a bit extra but meh, LOL.
    Ooooh your parcel has so many good things and your mini-me is so like you we thought you had jumped into the tree for a moment :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  4. That is sure one expensive dinner! Wally we love your Christmas hairdo!

    Togo, Tagar & Gamby

  5. Wow that some Christmas dinner..What fantastic swag from Easy..Love the piggie. Have a great Thursday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Cool toys and that xmas dinner does sound fancy, mom likes bangers and mash and welsh rarebit for christmas dinner

    urban hounds

  7. If that is what you are serving for Christmas dinner our lady says she will take a plane across the pond. She loves the hat (we feel bad for you having to wear it). It was neat to see the card/ornament our lady made us make in the sweatshop behind you!

    Lee and Phod

  8. Super great! But is that a rubber Queen toy to chew up? BOL! Sorry, that dinner is a tad to expensive for me!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. OHMY......How could Santa Paws look you straight in those fabulous brown eyes with a snowman on your head and deny you anything wonderful, MIZ MOLLY! have the most beautiful face, ever! WOOOO HOOOO! LOOK AT THAT box of treats! You will be driving someone very MAD these days if those toys squeak!!!!

  10. Love love love your snowman!!
    And congrats on your pressie from Santa-Easy:-)

  11. Molly you wear Christmas crown and blinking snowman with such style.
    Mom and I don't know much about English pounds but just looking at the cost for dinner you might need a day job!!
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  12. Wow, that dinner sounds very fancy! But I never understood why people would want to eat gold? Or do you really eat? Can you tell I have never had gold served on my plate before? Lol

  13. You got prezzies? That's FABULOUS!

  14. we loves your snowman on your head and wow did you get nice presents..yes I do believe Santa knows your are a good girl. As far as the dinner, mom says ours will cost a little less....she cooking?
    Stella Rose

  15. So let me get the straight. We all are gathering at Easy's for some dinner?!! Right On! I will be there. I could bring some sort of side dish. Maybe some green jello. That should only enhance the meal don't you think.

  16. I don't think we'll have THAT dinner. Sounds good though. I love your treat box, how fun!

  17. oh Molly, what a crazy list of food...poor people who wants to have gold on their Christmas gets more and more charakter of only drinking and eating.....Oh Molly - you got a funny chrismas-parcel...good for you.
    Wuff and LG

  18. Molly, your good girl status was never in doubt with us!!!, put us down to join you for that dinner, bet most of blogville will join in, lets swamp that chef!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  19. Aiiiiiiiieeeeeee Molly we are SOOOOOO very much SORRY that YOU have ALSO been ATTACKED by the SNOWMEN. Whine Whimper... Ernie and I feel your PAIN.

    What a super Swag Box.

  20. ...uh ...oh ... thanks for this fabulous shopping list, Molly ;o) either we sell my crib and can celebrate under a bridge - but with class& style - of course ... or we choose a tv-dinner from a discounter and have a home for christmas... no idea.... what would you do?... btw: we can save the money for the birds nest - we have the 3 chickens nests - oh, we need only one...who needs a fabulous nest for christmas dinner? cost only £100... ok... 80?

  21. you got a great box of presents!

  22. Oh my word...that is a super expensive dinner. I'll just take the cash please.


  23. Niiiiiice pressies Molly! Mom looked at that menu and said she'd rather stick with her menu for Christmas *BOL*
    Wally & Sammy

  24. Oh boy, look at the fun prezzies!!! So festive!

  25. I like the little Christmas pig. Cute!

  26. It sure looks to me like you're a good girl. I hope Santa is as good to Sampson and Delilah as he's been to you. :-)

  27. Well, yeah. But is it any better than Stinky Goodness? I'll bet not. It's who you share the food WITH that counts!
    Play bows,

  28. Totally pawsome prezzies Molly! And yes we agree, you HAVE been a good girl.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  29. WOWZAA!! I'm sure you're booking a place in that menu and paying for us all Molly ;)
    Lovely presents you got there!!

    Milo :)

  30. That sounds like a pretty amazing dinner. We promise to review it on our blog if you invite is for free. Ha, ha.

  31. Save us a place at the table! That dindin is a tad bit pricey but we're worth it, right!
    What great gifts, Molly!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  32. Dear Molly,

    Nice presents - you are a lucky Dog! Have you made nice with Santa yet?

    Also, I will take one of everything on the menu. Thank-you. Please bill my person at: My Person, My House.


  33. Yes that was a great box of pressies!!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. Wow!! Easy sure sent you a TON of stuff! Enjoy! Wonder if his Mom got it at the same store where she lost her keys???? Kidding!!

  35. How you keep those festive headbands on is anyone's guess! You must be really patient to do that! Love your presents! You are one lucky girl!

  36. Hey Molly,

    There's no question, you must be a good girl to get ALL that swag!! How come you get to open it before Christmas?

    As for the Christmas dinner, Easy is super lucky, I'll be doing well if I get my regular kibble sprinkled with a little turkey - doh!! :)

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  37. I love the snowman on your head-- HI FROSTY!

  38. Hey, mollu quantos presentes você ganhou!!!
    Você está uma verdadeira mamãe noel..rsrs!!!!
    E obrigada por sempre aparecer no meu blog...adoro sua presença!

  39. Excellent haul you got there. Meowza!

  40. You are a good girl Molly, you scored again on great presents. Christmas dinner, I think you can keep that, way to much money for me. Have a great night.

  41. I like a plain dinner but that menu looked interesting. I would rather look in your box Molly and see all your squeeky toys close up - great mum you have to let you open the box before Christmas and get to play, you have definitely been a good girly.

  42. Mom says she couldn't eat a bite of anything that cost that much. Me? I'm a foodie, what can I say? Bring it on! ;D

    Waggin at ya,

  43. Hi Molly, Guess some one set you up with those Santa letters,looks like you've got a whole heap of pressies, I'll think I'll raid my mums fridge and dads drink cabinet and set my self up as a master chef and charge zillions for christmasday lunch at mine!

  44. MOWZERS, what a haul - SCORE! Um, that's some dinner - but Mommy would rather wear the gold than eat it...MOL!

  45. You sure got some great stuff! As for the dinner, I think I would rather just get a bucket of chicken. teehee
