
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

1 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!


Video edition. For original post please scroll down.

Barkson is no More! The Lad is a Cad and he has been Had!

2 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

Episode 7 As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime!

Bonsoir mes amis, it is I Her-Clue Paw-Row. My little grey cells have been working overtime and I can feel my grey whiskers twitching. 

3 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

Enters Barka Levinson, widowed American heiress of the Weenie Food Company and mother of Countess Clawa. You know one thing Her-Clue Paw-Row, alas it is always about the money honey, she states.

4vDogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

I hear you are not ‘The Mussels  Muscles from Brussels’ but the ‘Moule who is no Fool’, she says as she hands over the money.

Episode 7 As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime!

Now I have been paid, Miss. Lemon hand me my eye-pad and I will reveal what we have deduced so far. 

6 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

Clue 1 The Tennis Balls!
Now ladies and gentlemen gather round and I will divulge that it was in the ballroom that Barkson met his fate and not when Lady Dribble tried to meet her fella in the cellar.  

7 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

Next we must find the murder weapon Miss Lemon............................???????

8 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

Will there be a Merry Christmas at Dogton Abbey? Will there be enough gin to keep Countess Clawa from having hysteronics? Will Barka Levinson ask for weenies for breakfast causing Mrs.Petmore to hit the bottle again? Tune in to the next episode of ‘rich folk doing nothing’.

9 Dogton Abbey Blog, As He Wades Through The Grime He Is Running Out Of Time To Solve The Crime, Episode 7!

There are three clues over on the Dogton Family Album page. Drop us a comment there if you are a better detective than Her-Clue Paw-Row!!!!!!!!!


  1. Her Clue Paw Row really made Mum scream with laughter in his monacle and moustache. The suspense is killing us - perhaps it really will be a murder. Or is it a bank robbery, those piles of tenners look awfully suspicious!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  2. Intriguing. Who dunnit, we wonder...

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  3. Oh Molly, I hope this gets sorted out before Christmas! Have a good day, and hope the sun is shining where you are.

  4. Was it poison? can't wait to find out - the suspense is too much. Love the moustache, your little buddy is so sweet (but not quite as sweet as you of course Molly). Betty x

  5. Ooooohhhhhh! i didn't know I could help solve the crime - Fun! :D I'll be back and put my noggin on it later when I have time to exercise my brain cells ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  6. We are so in awe of Barka Levinsons beautiful hat this morning, we totally forgot about the crime. We will need to put on our thinking caps now.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. Haha!! "Rich folk doing nothing" is right! Confession: we love Downton Abbey. Almost as much as we love your Dogton Abbey!

  8. We are all in stitches over here!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. I am usually a pretty good detective but I have no clue ;-)

  10. OH MY DOG Molly you all have done it now. I think my mom has fallen and she cannot get up cause she is cackling!! Hilarious. So much good stuff here
    disguises, mystery, comedy. Mom and Dad are eagerly awaiting Season 3 of DA
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. WHAT CAN I SAY but that you rock? You are the best? That this is THE CAST, THE DREAM TEAM?????

    Mr. Bites..who is the costume manager? Tell him/her that I just love your MOUSTACHE and monical; you look like my dear old grand dad that sported these two accessories!

    BRAVO CLAP CLAP CLAP....well done my friends and Miz Molly, it must be fun for a girl to have so many costume changes! really make me howl.

  12. We love this story. The mystery, the suspense, we can't wait to find out what happens! Lee and Phd

  13. We all love a good mystery. We are sure Her Clue Paws will solve it - who wouldn't with all that moolah?

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  14. Molly, you look stunning in your pictures, a real DIVA! There's nothing better than doing nothing and look great! I'm not a detective cat but I'm sure you're innocent...or not...
    Licks from Pink

  15. Her-Clue Paw-Row? that's fuuuunnny! I love Dogton Abbey - wish I could live there... can't wait to read more ;o)

  16. OH Molly... you look STUNNING in your lovely HAT.. and Is that a Squirrel FURS Boa??? Oooooh La La. Love this episode WELL DONE..


  17. Awesome as always, my friend! You ROCK! Love your blog!

  18. I'm with "Madi and Mom" on this episode, Molly! How you ever come up with these costumes and idea, I'll never know!
    Thanks again for the heartfelt well wishes for Daisy and I! She whined and cried and pooped out in back of the vets office out of nervousness, poor girl! Will keep you posted!

  19. HAHAHA We love it! :D

  20. Again just when I 'm all settled in... the story ends! Christmas around that place must going to be all kinds of crazy.

  21. Hi Molly,

    Barka Levinson is fanastic....did the BBC do the costumes......the suspense is killing me,a great DI and super back drop, will this be out on HOB, cann't wait BOL

  22. Molly the suspense is killing me. I can't wait for the next episode to see what happens. You are a very clever girl to think up these stories and I love the costumes too.


  23. Molly, those pearls are absolutely elegant. I hope this all gets sorted out but I'd keep the gin away from the Countess.
    Thank you for your Sunday feature & am forwarding this link to you of a wonderful blog featuring rescues:

  24. Oh, it alway'z end'z at the good bit, whens the next one?? Loving all the outfits :) Have a great Tuezday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  25. Molly! What! Someone got murdered !! That's not cricket!! *wag wag wag* Bet they did it with a wooden steak *wag wag wag*

  26. OK, now we are really corn-fussed!!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  27. Dave wants to go into the Ball Room. Ha roo!
    This is so much better than that Downtown Abbey thing!
    Play bows,

  28. We think this is the best one yet!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. Love all the outfits!! The suspense is crazy!!
    Milo :)

  30. What an enchanting mystery. Mom loves a good storie.

  31. Molly, we hope Her-Clue Paw-Row solves the crime, because we are clueless about the clues!

    Susan and Wrigs

  32. Hey Molly!
    Wow, this is such deliciously fun entertainment! I'm on the edge of my couch waiting to read more about these crazy pooches. Gosh, a crime! OMD this is fascinating and BOL funny. love the outfits...great costume designer.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  33. We love your series! Mom is excited for the premier of season 3 of downtown abbey

    urban hounds

  34. Molly, you are a master sleuth.

    Critter Alley

  35. Great episode and great pictures! So much suspense! :)

  36. Love your outfit in this episode Molly! And thank you for the sweet email! :)

  37. Oh wow, that is eggsyting! :)

  38. This story just keeps getting more intriguing!

  39. Nossa! Quanto mistério Molly!
    Estou super curiosa para desvendar!!!!

    Super beijos *-*
    Linda semana pra vocĂȘ!!

  40. OMDs, I loves mysteries! I hope there will be a Merry Christmas at Dogton Abbey! This mystery has to be solved!!

  41. Oh my, we don't want them to miss Christmas. We hope all ends well.
    We do love a good mystery.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  42. No house should be without a ball room, woof!

  43. The Ball are so cleaver Molly.

  44. Love the ball room... Is it real? I hope so...
