
Saturday 1 December 2012

Slog It Blog It, The Nose Knows!

Molly The Wally & Ratty Rat!

Yes There Really Is Something Called ‘The Pinocchio Effect’!

You may have said to your children that telling a lie makes your nose grow longer but we know that is ridiculous as Pinocchios’ nose was made of wood. However telling a lie it seems makes your nose grow hotter. Scientists claim that a rise in anxiety produced by lying will increase the temperature of the tip of your nose. If you are worried that your fib might be uncovered, they also suggest a way of cooling the nose down. Nope don’t pop it in the freezer for ten minutes! Instead think positive thoughts but this requires a great mental effort to decrease any potential anxiety. The scientists, from the University of Granada, discovered the phenomenon by using thermal imaging cameras to monitor volunteers that they had sinus up for the experiments. They have called it ‘The Pinocchio Effect’! Who nose but we smell a rat here, this is a fragrant violation of common scents. Utter rubbish as my nose is always cold and I am a brilliant liar! Honest! Anyway if it were true why aren't our politicians running around screaming in agony with their noses aflame? It will now be mandatory to have thermal imaging cameras in all government offices and police stations. I won’t be telling any smelly jokes though as they sock!


  1. We just gotta nose Molly, how do you nose so much about stuff? You are amazing.

    Next time we suspect someone of lying, we're gonna run right over and grab their nose.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  2. Hummmmm, we think we have experienced just that problem, Bites has a hot nose a lot, and Me, I never ever lie, I am just sneeky, Heeheehee

    Your Pals
    Susie & Old Warm Nose Bites

  3. LOL! Our U.S. House of Representatives/Senate should have burst into flames by now!

    Or maybe that's where Spontaneous Combustion comes from....

  4. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a fun bunch of snooter info! I agree with Lily, that everyone should grab noses to sniff out the truth. BOL Politicians and used car salesmen could start bonfires with theirs.
    BTW: If you need help bashing that critter in your pix, I'm so very there for you! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. LOL - all the more reason to stay mellow!


  6. That's something new for me to learn. Mom always says I have a warm nose but Mika has a cold nose. So who is the liar? I'm always as honest as an angle and Santa Paws knows it well.


  7. Wes with Lily BOL How do you nose so much.. Have a great Saturday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. BOL! Sounds great for the politicians!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. I agree with you Molly... PAWliticians (Not those of BLOGVILLE, though) are terrible FIBBERS and they would all be needing their own Fire Dept. to keep THEIR noses from setting the World on Fire...

    HUMMMMMMMMMM... well now.. maybe THIS is the true reason for global climate change. What do you think?

  10. OH NOES Molly hang on it appears to me you need some feline intervention or at least assistance in handling the rodent.
    I'll be there in two shakes of a cat's tail
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. If it is true I like the idea of thermo camers where ever our elected officals go. I nose it's a long snot for this to happen butt a guy dream. But noesing the political peeps they will just blow this whole thing off.

  12. Very interesting. We wonder if the humans will now be inventing a new nose-mometer to check the temp of the little humans' snooters:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. I don't nose about this either! Freddie's nose is always cold too and he's always telling fibs. LOL!

  14. Politicians are so deluded they don't even know when they're lying.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Hahaha. We can just about imagine our politicians giving their gawd awful speeches with their noses on fire. That would be a sight to behold!

  16. That rat looks really real! You would be the most amazing dog in the world if it actually was and you were laying by it so peacefully.

  17. Lol ratty rat... I'm curious about ratty rat's story. On another note, I'm a horrible liar!

  18. Wowza, dats some good stuffs to know for my detective work!
    I'll make sure to grab everyone's Snooker from now on...
    Maybe not... mama says I'll get in trouble if I do that.

  19. Hmmm I'm not sure about this. Mummy's nose doesn't seem to change at all when she tells me there's no more food (and I know there is!)

  20. Oh you just kill me come up with the best....

  21. Molly, I agree that can't be true, my nose would be ablaze as I do tend to tell fibs quite a bit. "No I didn't poop over there" "I didn't eat that cookie, it must have been Daddy". My nose is cool as a cucumber.

    Loveys Sasha

  22. Is that a real rat!! Looks pretty real to us!!

    Your Pals Who Went Undercover Today with Santa's Reindeer (tomorrow's post),

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Mom is always telling me and Davy we have icy cold noses... so that must be a good thing!
    I like your rat. My bestest friend sent me a rat named Roger once.
    Play bows,

  24. Elka's nose is pretty long....we can't tell if she's lying or telling the truth, sometimes!

  25. Wow, you serious, Molly?! This is such a cool post!!
    Fortunately, for dogs, our noses are usually wet so my human won't know-not that I lie or anything... :)

  26. We are not related nor do we know that Pinocchio
    Benny & Lily

  27. Me like to sniff things. Hee hee. :)

  28. Floyd's nose is often red... Do you reckon he's lying?

  29. Nice post Molly. I haven't been on here for a while and i have missed your blog posts!!

    Milo :)

  30. It would be funny if the tip of the nose also turned red when lying...teehee.

  31. This is good to know! Liar, liar, nose on fire! BOL/LOL!

    Susan and Wrigs
