
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Flog It Blog It, It’s 2013, Calendar Girls!

Molly The Wally Brings You Her Top Ten 2013 Calendars!

Molly The Wally Brings You Her Top Ten 2013 Calendars!

If you have not purchased your 2013 calendar yet, Molly Media thought we’d bring you the best of those available in 2013.

The ‘Men In Pants’ calendar! Ladies we know you will love this. A must for the laundry room we say!

How about ‘The Roundabouts of Redditch’? So popular it is a ‘10th Anniversary Special’! One for Misaki who is a connoisseur of roundabouts!  

For those of us who likes our meat, how about the ‘SPAM calendar’? Also good for those of us annoyed by spam emails!

Think of a new look for 2013? Have you a passion for fashion? Get inspiration from the ‘Lay Z Gaga calendar’. Impress your friends with a new look for spring. Hmmm Bacon!

One for me, the tree climbing, squirrel chasing hunter and all my like minded friends. I plan to practice my tree climbing with ‘Goats In Trees 2013’.

On a similar theme whilst up the tree why not sit there in comfort? Spy on your prey in luxury! Get inspiration with the ‘Treehouses of the World calendar’. Dads get those tools out and start creating. 

Thinking of spending sometime navel gazing! Need to meditate and cogitate about life in general? Why not invest in ‘Getting in Touch with your inner Bitch? 

For those of us fed up with being tortured by the dogtor, why not get your back on your peeps by investing in the ‘Medical Bloopers calendar’? Your peeps might think twice before letting you be used as a pincushion in future? 

Give dad another project and make him happy with ‘Outhouses of the World’! Great for those of us who don’t like being kicked out doors at the dead of night in inclement weather!

And lastly for all those poop connoisseurs out there, this is must have. This learned tome will give you all you need to know with regards to the matter of spent matter. Go buy the ‘What’s Your Poo Telling You?’. For those with a discerning pallet!

Which one would you buy? Happy start to 2013 everybody!


  1. Lady Gaga, for sure!
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (still salivating.

  2. Spam it is!!!! She finds Spam very amusing!!!! Wonderful!



  3. I just can't make up Mind between, the Bacon or the Men In Pants!!!
    I'd have to make sure that CAT I live with did not get any... (the Bacon I mean, not the Pants)
    Enid xx

  4. We of course are all for Lady Gaga! We can't imagine a DAILY calendar of poop!

  5. Hmmmmmm....decisions, decisions. Sammy quite likes the poop calendar - he is very interested in his "movements" and sharing the details thereof. Me, I think I am more partial to the Lady Gaga calendar...a pretty girl dog in a bacon coat, what more could a boy ask for!?
    Wally & Sammy

  6. Good job wez got the blogville calender :) I would eat that bacon though..BOL Have a wonderful Wednesday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. Molly, I think you could do your own calendar based on your previous blog post -
    12 pics of you chasing the tree rats up various trees perhaps?

  8. Lady Gaga of course as I love to dress up! Have a super day!
    Lovies, miss Mindy

  9. Oh Molly, can't just stop laughing:it's so funny and the best seems the Last One .....I read every Day the News on my Morning pee and shittiwalk........;-)
    Wuff and LG

  10. haha what a question... the last one ... of course....thanks for make me laughing today ;o)

    I want Lady Gaga, I love bacon, and Mom wants Outhouse of the World.
    Molly you are such a funny girl.
    Hugs Madi

  12. We can hardly figure out which one we like the best! But we think we would have to buy Outhouses of the World. We just think the title has a nice ring to it.

    Thanks for the great entertainment this morning Molly.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. My mom loves the Inner B***h one. It suits her so well.


  14. Well looks like I need to roundabout one:-) That way i can compare them to the squillions we have bol!

  15. I will take the BACON ONE, thank you ! Molly, MiZ MOLLY, you are so helpful to show us what is OUT THERE, what to avoid, what to consider, and in all things, LAUGH!!!!!!!

  16. Oh to bad, just this morning MOM got a calandar from Romping and Rolling in the Rockies featuring K, R and Shyla. Other wise I think I might of had to look at the men with no pants.

  17. These are so funny! I think I like the Outhouse one best....

  18. We liked the tree house said that way when she gets mad at dad she can just shove him out the door...hehehehehhe
    stella rose

  19. WE would get the POOP one fur our MOM... that woman is OBSESSED with our Poops... She Collects them and puts them in her Poop sculpture pile... EVERY DAY.

  20. I votes fur Lady G Bacon too! Where do I sign up to (eat) model next year's newest fashions?

  21. I do like the tree house one. Dad got a signspotting one this year that he loves.

  22. We think it has got to be a choice between Men in pants and Goats in Trees - Mum is already in close contact with her inner bitch and we are in close contact with our poo, haha!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  23. That's quite a collection!

    You know what BITCH stands for....

    Babe In Total Control of Herself ;-)

  24. Those are hilarious Molly! I would have to go with the "Spam" calendar myself. Love the pic of you in your curlers. Your such a girl!

    We're back and want to thank you for your well wishes for Emma. :)

  25. Oh Molly I can't decide. I think my daddy would like the poop calendar since he is always running after me when I go and picking it up.


  26. Not sure what to say about your first picture, Molly.... Er, I can't really say it's NICE because I'm a girl too.... It would also be weird to say LOVELY... What about DIFFERENT?
    Eve made me a 2013 calendar, guess who's in the pics? Me!
    Pip :)

  27. What does it say about me that I think Medical Bloopers is the funniest one of all? Oooooh, that's sick.

  28. I love tree houses - how fab to find a calendar that actually features them - that's the one for me! I think climbing goats is a close second. Betty x

  29. Ewwwwww, not sure about that last one....who would want that??


  30. These are hilarious! I'm wagging. I cannot decide. Bacon or men? Bacon or men?


  31. Hey, howe do we get one of those Tree House one, and the Outhouses one, Bites has some ideas!!!

    Your Plas
    Susie & Construction guru Bites

  32. Too many good ones to choose from! We'd spend all year just deciding! Purrs...

  33. It's so hard to choose! I think the roundabout one is a real 'must have'!!

  34. Rooo that's a real pawsome collection of calendars - men in pants sound like a winner, but only because I like to collect dirty laundry *Waggy tail*

  35. An entire calendar filled with pictures of poo?! haha

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  36. OK the what's your poo calendar is a little strange! But I think that I probably couldn't live without the Lay Z Gaga one!

  37. OMD these are too funny...I'm thinking Goats in Trees would be aspirational ROFLOL

  38. The bacon one! The bacon one! I could look at that tasty stuff all day long...well, only if I get to eat it too, of course :)

  39. We canz tell you now - ALlie's obviously been reading the daily Inner Bitch calenda--- OW! ALLIE! QUIT HITTING ME!

  40. Hmmm i think the men in pants one, or the inner bitch one, that would suit mum perfectly ;) Me and mum got mums nanny B a hunks calender, it has loads of half naked men on it BOL!!!
    Love Milo :)

  41. That outhouses one is great!


  42. Our Lady bought everyone desk calendars this year for Christmas and almost got that poo one for a friend. Hehehehehe!

  43. Funny post! I don't know how they got a dog to wear bacon though.

  44. Let me see... Outhouses... Bacon... and Inner Bitch! Why can't I just get the ordinary calendar... where you get cute puppy pictures or dog breed photos with information.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  45. Such funny calendars - my word, what people come up with!

  46. Bwhaha especially the last one. :)

  47. Great! The men in pants might be a little scary.

  48. What a Glam Girl you are Molly! Smell the bacon?! It's Lay Z Gaga for us!! :-)

    Nanina and Poppy
