
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Mystic Molly Brings Your Horoscope for 2013 Part 2.

Mystic Mollys' Predictions for 2013

Mystic Mollys' Pet Predictions for 2013 Part 2. For Birthdays and Gotcha days.

If you missed it yesterday we had Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

Cancer Horoscope 2013 Astrology Predictions

It is believed that Cancer is the luckiest sign and during the year 2013 lucky will be your middle name. This luck will help Cancer people to excel in all aspects of life and also your relationships with your humans will be taken to a greater height. They might have to face some disappointments so make sure you share some of that luck with them. You might get blamed for the things that you didn't do. You should not worry too much about it, just flash that doe-eyed look at your peoples and all will be forgiven. The health of a loved one may worry you. Make sure you look after your human by making sure they cut down on stress by giving you plenty of strokes and cuddles. Your Horoscope for 2013 says love will be in the air. Try not to forget other important things while enjoying the beauty of your life. You are full of new and creative ideas and will execute all your innovative ideas in your blog. These bold initiatives will impress your friends. The sources of income will improve so you can start to ask for new stuffies and tennis balls should you wish. Spend time outdoors and embrace the year with lots of fun.

Leo Horoscope 2013 Astrology Predictions

Your life in the year 2013 is going to be exceedingly good. Your stars are blessing you and giving you the best of everything. You might indulge yourself in some physical activity and maybe take up something like agility classes this year. These things and the positive environment at home will give you an inner satisfaction and feeling of happiness. You will get many chances to showcase your talent in front of the blog world and you will be appreciated by almost everyone around you. You might plan some quality time with your beloved humans, making your relationship even closer. Avoid arguments at any cost as you don’t want to be labelled as a DIVA. Do not be over possessive about the person you love or your toys or food. You will increase the circle of your world and will add new talented people into your blog world. You will be respected by your furry friends and other peoples. You might also travel for the purpose of pleasure. The trip will open up new opportunities and you will flourish in your blog life. You humans are not going to spend much money on useless things which will ultimately result in more for you. It is the best time to buy some new beds and things for the house. Remember a happy home is a good one.

Virgo Horoscope 2013 Astrology Predictions

It is difficult to sum up the events of the year 2013 for you. You will experience good situations. Your family and humans will support you in all that you do. You might go to new places such as new parks You will have an increased faith in the power of love and it will leave you being thankful for all the blessings bestowed on you. You will be very fortunate in terms of love. Single pups/kitties might get engaged and couples will find peace and harmony together. This phase of your life can be termed as a soothing phase. Apart from some minor problems such visits for a pawdicure, you will enjoy good health the whole year. If you are already suffering from an old health problem, you might get some relief this year. Blog challenges are ready to grab you. So, you are advised to stay alert and give your best. Everything will depend on your efforts. This means that your good work will gain respect and appreciation, but if you take challenges lightly then you might have to face a telling off. If you are expecting a gain from your good behaviour, then your expectation will be fulfilled and will give you enough reasons to be happy. You need to take care of your peoples finances, as money will keep on slipping out of your paws and you will end up digging around for scraps.

Tomorrow Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.

Happy New Year Everybody. Thank you for all our visits, comments, friendship and entertainment from you blogs. We hope the year brings each and everyone of you good things. 
Our Best Wishes Always Molly Pip and Peeps.


  1. Happy new year! We're wishing you a wonderful 2013, and hope it brings love, laughter, good health and prosperity!

    Purrs and peace.

  2. Mommy said she can't wait to read tomorrows post; she's a Libra. Butt I told her (and she's STILL not listening) these horoscopes are for Muffin and me NOT for her! Sometimes those hoomans just dont listen.

    Happy first day of 2013!

    Lily Belle

  3. Miz Molly....girl, you keep on predicting, entertaining, investigating and what not because YOU bring us all such joy. I cannot express enough how much you influence my day after I read your posts. May YOU and your human be successful in this you see that in YOUR horoscope? I BET YOU DO. MUCH LOVE! Anita

  4. Happy New Year Molly!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Happy New Year, Molly! We look forward to your posts and comments in 2013.

  6. OMD...Iz a Libra so tomorrow iz my day! Yur so wize I can't wait to see what you haf in store fur me Molly! *snoogles*

  7. Happy New Year to you! Have a great 2013!

  8. Happy 1st day of 2013! Lots of exciting thins in store and my peeps are eagerly awaiting the start of DA on January 6th
    Madi your bffff

  9. Happy New Year! I'm very glad that my horoscope matches well with my resolutions. I shouldn't have any problem keeping them!

  10. We have no idea what Phod is, but we are waiting for Capricorn for Lee.

    Have a great first day of a new year!

  11. Happy Happy Happy New Year Molly! :D This one's gonna be GREAT! I can just FEEL I
    T! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  12. Wow! Thanks for my horoscope ! I will be fortunate in terms of love... oh no- I will be VERY fortunate... how great is this?... and I will take care of the finances - that's for sure ;o)

  13. Molly, don't know if we did this already but just in case here it is. You really do a most fab job at keeping all of blogville informed and entertained. As Reporter and blog editor you do justice to us dogs, keep up the great work and have a most wonderful New Year!

    Your Accross the Pond Pals
    Susie, Sidebite and Shadow

  14. Wishing you much laughter and joy and squirrel chasing for the new year.

  15. Oh this is super cool, Molly! We wish you a very merry happy new year!

    Your friends,
    Momo & Pinot xo

  16. Oooh Molly! Eu nem sei qual é o meu signo =O
    Pode isso?! kkkkkkk

    Beijos e abraços!!!!!

  17. Molly, where do you get such keen wisdom? Happy New Year!

    Stay Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Happy New Year, Molly!
    Mommy's a Libra so we're looking forward to tomorrow's post!

  19. Hi Molly, Happy New Year 2013 I have enjoyed reading the horoscopes, I'm a Capricorn (my Birthday is tomorrow) and Mum is a Libra, Dad is a Taurus and I'm going to find out what my cousin Jasper and Best Furiend Ernie is so I can let them know what's on store for them this year! Thank you its been so much fun!
    Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

  20. Happy New Year Molly, You are very good at horoscopes - we are looking forward to seeing Ambercats - she does a lot of star gazing but can't make any sense of it at all. Betty x

  21. Mum has just realised she doesn't know what star signs we are - why must we live with an idiot, aghhhhh!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  22. well...Mom is a Libra but she thinks this is for kitties and woofies :)

  23. Happy New Year, Molly!
    Play bows,

  24. ohhh can't wait for tomorrow as i am a scorpio. take care

  25. Dear Molly,

    I was Rescue Puppy so the people aren't entirely sure, but my person says I am probably a Bull. So your horoscope tells me that:
    - I will have good walks.
    - I will have a good relationship with my family and I will be happier, and probably sleep more.
    - I need to not eat too much bacon (sigh).

    This sounds pretty good, apart from the bacon.

    Oh, and I've already met the love of my life. His name is Simon. He's sort of tall, dark (black and tan), and smells very handsome.

    Thanks for letting me know what this year looks like for me!

    Yappy new year!


  26. Molly, it's amazing how much info you share in your blog. Hope you have a great year!

  27. Happy new year to you Molly ! All the best for 2013

  28. HAPPY NEW YEAR MOLLY, your blog has brought me and mum loads of laughs and fun all year!! We can't wait to see what you have to post this year, have a fantastic 2013 filled with loads of fun and squirrel chasing!!
    Love Milo :)

  29. I'm a virgo, my horoscope doesn't sound too bad! Happy New Year Molly!

  30. Happy New Year Molly. Lets have a blast this year!

    Loveys Sasha

  31. Good predictions and have a fun filled year

    urban hounds

  32. Hey Molly!
    Wow, my Peeps are Leo's so they're really happy with your predictions for them! I gotta check a calendar for mine...hmmmm...let's see....born in March...that makes me!?
    Happy 2013, my good furiend!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  33. Woof! Woof! Mmmmm golden thanks ... I know that I will never be a DIVA (as predicted). Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  34. Oh Molly your Horoscope for us might be truer than you know. My Lee had surgery on December 18th and I had to stay with a friend. Ever since she got home I have been glued to her side. I hope we have the luck.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  35. Molly-
    Things are looking swell for me and mom. Mom's a Leo and I'm a Virgo. Looks like she is going to spend a lot of money on stuff for ME....I like that!


  36. Wow Molly, mom and I love our horoscope fur the coming year! We're both Cancers, and looks like we're going to have a splendid year. Thanks!

  37. Wowee! I am a Cancer. Well, an estimated Cancer anyway. I sure like the sound of my horoscope, except the part about someone being sick. I hope everything except that will be true :)

    Happy New Year, Molly!
