
Monday 21 May 2012

Fog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally does Mystic Molly.

Gemini May 21st to June 20th.

Your humans’ planet Mercury is in Venus now and will remain there for some time. The weekend also bought about a Solar Eclipse and these factors will mean that your human will be smiled upon by the fates. Good things will happen, so stay close and make sure some it rubs off on you.

This sign is represented by the twins and therefore dogs who own a Gemini human should remember that these creatures are dual-natured, elusive and complex. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right so keep them amused at all times, don’t be mean, share your toys with them. They don’t take things too seriously and look at life as a game, so think up lots of activities to keep them amused. Human agility is a good choice as is it is fun and energetic at the same time. Gemini humans are known to throw tantrums when they don’t get their own way but remember you can throw a bigger one, so go on, out do them.  They have a brilliant intelligence and they love cerebral challenges, so a good game of hunt the shoe, car keys, mobile or remote control would be appreciated. Remember they are the sign of the twins so you can expect double trouble, if they are not managed correctly. A major health threat to your human is with their hands so playing the game bite the hand that feeds should be avoided at all times.


Talking (so engage in stimulating conversation with them), variety in life (so keep them guessing as to what you will be up to next), reading (so don’t chew those book and keep your diary hidden) and anything unusual (so be inventive).


Being tied down (so don’t leave them chained outside when you pop off for a walk), being lonely (so leave the TV/radio on if you have to leave them home alone) and school (too bad your human needs to be trained).

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.


  1. Howdy Molly, you look very serious in your photo and we love your ribbon. Neither our mum or dad are Gemini but some of those things totally relate to them too! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

    1. Hi Stella and Rory from down under , many thanks!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. My grandpa is a Gemini...I've to ask Mommy if he is anything of the above. ;)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Love, Whisky

    1. Hi Furries of Whisppy
      Thank you for stopping by
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Molly heeheeheehee, ma mummer neerly PIIDELD herrslf laffin when shee seed dat piktyoor owf yoo dresserd as a sykik lady heeheee, sooo funnery!! I do hopez yoo is gonna do horrorskops morre oftin!!! heehee love n likkers pdidlydogdog xox

    1. Hi Posie
      Many thanks for coming by my blog and yes there will be more horrorskops.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. This is too funny! Very nice!

    1. Hi Finn and thank you.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. OMD OMD.... Madam Molly... I had NO IDEA you were a SIGH KICK!!! You did a grrrreat reading of the Cards and Crystal and the Stars. I don't KNOW why my mom was laffin. I guess she must be PAWsessed.. do you do those exercising thingys??

    1. Hi FF&E thank you and I do those exercising thingys indeed. Sometimes you get a doglet that won't chase a squiggle. This is not right! The are pawsessed by the demon vermin. I expel and low and behold they are back on the chase. Humans are easier just give em a stare and tilt your head and if you get a pat they are OK. If not you have a zombie!!!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Madam Molly could you please look into your crystal ball and tell me if my human is due to come into a substantial amount of money in the near future ? I am desperate to know as I am being kept very short of treats because of this recession.

    1. Hi Nelly Wellywoo , we have laid out some crystals and asked the fairy to bestow upon your human the means to buy you more treats. Sadly the fairy did not reply and on her notice board were the words, 'It's A Double Dip Recession And All My Investments Were With JP Morgan,Gone to Elves To Get Help, Back Soon'. Don't worry I let you have some of mine.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Hee!Hee! That pic is too funny!

    1. Hi Bassetmomma, I take my sykick duties very seriously. I have the gift. I foretold that you would laugh but just forgot to put it my blog. My oversight. Thank you.
      Best wishes Mooly

  8. this was sooo cute! What a great idea!!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , thank you so much.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Molly is such an adorable fortune teller!! Can she read Betty's future?

    1. Hi Betty , I predict that the vase will stay in the back of a cupboard. You will have a great June and continue to be much loved. Mystic Molly sends you star dust and twinkles for your birthday and may they bring you whatever you desire.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. You are amazing!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza my little Fashionista , many thanks! What are you wearing today! I will pop over and have a look.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Don't bite the hand that feeds you ...bawhahahaha! Very good advice. I don't like having my back nails trimmed and occasionally give a little nip when my assistant tries ...I'll have to remember your advice next time she tries.

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , I luckily do not get subjected to a pedicure but I do sympathy for the torture that is inflicted upon you in the name of happy feet. Pip would you like to be the one to nominate my next 'Share it Sunday' blog? Let me know who you think I should feature and I will take a look. Can be an old fav post you really liked. Please let me know.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. I am going to have look up my horoscope. Thanks for the Idea. Hailey

    1. Hi Kten, hope it is a good one and predicts nice things on it's way!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Dear Mystic Molly, my human is a Gemini. Sometimes she's sweet but other times she's the devil! I think I need a aquarius human, how can I make that change? Can you help me???? Please...
    You're so divine Miss Molly!
    Licks from Pink
