
Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Park, Thoughts from Squiggles HQ!

Molly The Wally in the garden.

How to prevent squirrels feeding on bird food in your garden.

Tower Hamlets has come top of a table of a national survey of places infested with rats, mice, cockroaches, squirrels and other pests. I noticed with great satisfaction that ‘Suburbia’ did not feature in the top ten list, which means my on-going dedication to eradicating all vermin on my patch, is going splendidly well.  Exterminating pests requires dedication and devotion to the job and one must be prepared to go out in all weathers. My human once thought they could do a better job and hung the bird feeder from the washing line. On either side of this was placed several empty 2litre plastic bottles. The theory was that the squirrels would slip off the bottles when trying to get to the bird food. That night I ran outside to chase the fox, followed closely by my annoyed human. Suddenly a loud smack was followed by a high pitch cry and a good display of potty mouth. The bruised eye didn’t last too long but the bottles were removed the next day. The moral of this story, is leave it to the experts!


  1. Bawahahahahaa! I'm laughing about the clumsy human! Too funny! We have the same problem with the squirrels eating the birdseed. Of course, my human is not bright enough to come up with anything other than banging on the window when she sees the squirrels near the feeder.

    How about Dip Dip and The Bridge's post from yesterday? I thought it was very funny. Here's a link to it

    Of course, Puddles is ALWAYS funny. A few weeks ago she did a post about catching a groundhog, which you might like considering your stance on ridding the world of vermin!

    Thanks so much asking me to help with your Sunday post!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , thank you will go and check them out. Loved your latest blog , the protesters were hilarious.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Funny....hope the eye didn't hurt too much!

    1. Hi Taryn , I think the ego was more bruised than the eye , me just smug know it all dog kept giving the told you so look!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Ouch!! Definitely leave it to the experts! Hope everyone is healing ok!

    1. Hi Finn thanks for stopping by and what can I say , you can't teach an old human new tricks!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Bawhahhahha. Yes, leave it to the experts indeed. Hopefully the humans will catch on to that soon. Less painful for them if they do.

    1. Hi Goose , nice to see you and too right , they have to learn their place when it comes to dealing with vermin!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Hahahahaha! We are so sorry for laughing's just hilarious! With that kind of influence, we hope you don't end up with a potty mouth, Molly!
    We're glad your Human's bruised eye didn't last too long. ;)

    1. Hi Furries , we ignore potty mouth tantrums , the last one was when I jumped on the bed, on top of the hot water bottle hoping for some well earned shut eye. The thing sprung a leak. Sometime later............ ###!!@@##!!!! so I left my human to deal with it and slept in the spare room, that's loyalty for you.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. BaaaaWaaaaaah Maybe you should have called an EXPERT... Like PUDDLES!!!

    1. FF & E my friends you are so right .... those pesky squiggles drive me nuts!!! Seriously busy fly catching today....
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Hi Molly
    It is very nice to meet you! We would be honoured if you would like to include one of our posts on your blog.
    Ha ha, that sounds like Karma caught up with someone :)squizzles have to eat too, right?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip-Dip and the Bridge , welcome and in it goes this coming Sunday. If you'd like to nominate the next furry friend look around and let me know your selection for the Sunday that follows.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, I iz sittin herre pidderlin maself!!! Is dat blakk eye awll better fo?! heeheehee! love n likkers, pdorg xox

    1. Hiya Posie
      The eye is better but the pride is hurt , sometimes you can't tell them , they need to learn from their mistakes. Forgot to tell everyone that the bottles had a little bit of water in them so there was quite a 'Deep Impact'. but human better now just wore sunglasses in the gloom , looked odd but vanity!!!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Exterminating vermin is a job that never ends. Good luck!

    Critter Alley

    1. Hey K(friend it is the circle that never ends, Too right!
      Best wishes Molly

    2. loose the bracket dim-wit sorry K9friend!!
      More best wishes Molly
