
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dog Blog, Who blew out the Olympic torch?

Molly The Wally and the Olympic torch.

Who blew out the Olympic torch or was it a malfunction?

The flame of the malfunctioning Olympic torch extinguishes itself, burning out after three days and 115 miles. Anyone got any matches? The £495 manufacturing cost for each torch is eye watering and the silly things look more like a cheese grater or a space age ‘Walls Cornetto’ ice-cream. Hope the fault won’t mess up the prices on eBay. With the Olympic slogan 'Higher, Faster, Stronger' I don't think they were referring to the eBay bidding process! I'm surprised that 'Elf and Safety allowed this dangerous relay event! In Devon on Monday to make matters worse spectators heard the thud, thud, thudding and eagerly applauded the oncoming torch bearer. Sadly they discovered that it actually was a young brunette shoplifter, holding aloft a bottle of rosé and being pursued down the centre of the street by two assistants from the local Co-op. You could not make it up! Sixteen vehicles, 28 police guards moving around for 70 days and covering 8,000 miles, the fuel-guzzling Olympic torch convoy is on its’ way. Leaving a giant muddy carbon footprint, it will be causing traffic jams in a town near you soon. I’ve been limbering up getting ready for the big occasion, thirsty work this getting in shape. Follow the flame and get some fame!


  1. Molly, my mum and dad heard about the shoplifter and the wine, they thought it sounded a lot more exciting than this flame thing! Mum is having an Olympic Free Zone on her blog....wonder why.

    1. Hi William , don't blame your mum for having an Olympic free blog. I'm currently practicing the sprint, by seeing how fast I can dash to my food bowl , currently world champion at ten seconds , two seconds off yesterdays time. Going for gold!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Too funny. You are very clever!

    1. Hi Finn and thank you!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Remington and thank you , been out and about but will drop by if you've been updating your blog.
      Best wishes molly

  4. Oh that is hilarious Molly, I hadn't heard of the co op shoplifter, I must get mum to put the news on more often! :-)

    Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy and guess what we have some time for more farcical nonsense , what will it be next? Lord I hate to think ,one word left to say EUROVISIONNNNNN!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. GGGrrrr we are so upset at the ecological cost of this stupid relay... When you think that they have the audacity to call that "green olympics"... We (the dogs) should all gang up and run behind them bitting their trousers! Maybe the torch will make it faster then!!!

    1. Hi The Danes , I thought they got it wrong and we should have had celebrity relay with each runner being voted off before the flame changes hands. We could have called it 'Flame Factor' and made Seb Cost A lot' some money to put back into the kitty.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Hope this isn't an omen of things to come - can anyone do ANYTHING right these days. They would be better off if they asked dogs to do it!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hiya Dip Dip and the Bridge , all go for 'Share it Sunday'! Too right about us doglets taking it over , at least if I'd nicked a bottle of rose no one would have caught me!!!!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. I gotta say ya'll is really gonna be sick of hearin' bouts da Olympics since it is so close to ya'll. Heck, I already be tired of seein' da commercials over heres fur it.
    They could have used a candle instead of a HUUUUUUGE torch...or tiki lamps...dat would has been cool...hehehehe.


    1. Hi 3 Doxies and how goes it! Trust me you are lucky , you get commercials , we get walk to work as forget public transport , tickets you can't buy , forget going into town for 8 weeks , security on maximum , prices have gone through the roof on anything tourist related and lastly an build up which is a farce. However we may do the sports thing right which is what it is about. Sadly the organisers forgot that bit.
      best wishes Molly

  8. We didn't know about the Olympic torch and it's adventures...So glad it isn't coming to a town near us. Hahaha.

    1. Hey Furries , don't laugh out so loud , it can be arranged , you are so my friends and as a gesture of goodwill and peace and friendship I will send it to you. The torch will be yours for the little sum of 3 bones , 2 toys and assorted licks, but trust me even that is too higher price.
      Best wishes Molly

    2. Oh Molly, we'll be ever glad to send you your price just for you to KEEP the torch at your place. HAHAHAHA!

    3. Hi Furries
      Good idea and then when I'm bored of it I can use to grate cheese.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Well this may just be a rumor or somethingy... butt I heard... a Squirrel PEED on the torch and that is why it went out.

    1. FF&E I was just gargling with chicken soup to keep my karaoke vocal cords in tip top condition when I read your comment. Currently whipping chicken soup off the keyboard before my human finds out. FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. I am laughing at Frankie's answer...I hadn't heard ANY of this!

    1. Hi C & C , think it might be due to poor Stanzie's story on Wyatt's blog , check out comments. Here at Molly media we give you the real stories. We aim to please.
      Best wishes molly

  11. Molly, I just love your posts! You crack me up! They do kind of overplay these things don't they!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi pip , thank you and hope all is well in your world!!!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Sure you have very interesting days ahead!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi my little fashionista , molly wants a fashion blog , what's in what's not! Give us doglets your hot tips.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Bassetmomma , it just gets better and better!!!
      Best wishes Molly
