
Thursday 24 May 2012

The Park, It can be a dangerous place!

Molly The Wally having a lark on the park.

The 10 most painful  insect stings on the planet

I have recently been preoccupied with fly catching. As you are well aware, my exceedingly diligent approach to Vermin eradication has left Suburbia rather empty so this is my new alternative sport. Thus I impart to you the 10 most painful stings on the planet. Mad lecturer Dr Beetle-Boffin has tried 150 different varieties in the name of science. Is he right I wonder?

At number 10 we have the Sweat Bee, a sting that is so tiny, it’s like getting a light slap on your bottom when your human has tripped over Giggle Juice the pink elephant toy AGAIN!

At number 9 we have the Fire Ant, described as mildly alarming, like a small dose of static you get when you turn round and round on synthetic blankets and make them crackle.

At number 8 we have the Bullhorn Acacia Ant, a sharp jab, like when you run into the rosebush due to a failed emergency stop.

At number 7 we have the Bald Faced Hornet, like getting your paw smashed in the kitchen cupboard when you try to purloin a packet of crisps but were too slow.

At number 6 we have the Yellow Jacket, like eating a piece of hot pie on your tongue instead of waiting for it cool down.

At number 5 we have the Honeybee, like on a scalding day, accidently walking on a super hot man hole cover. 

At number 4 we have the Harvester Ant, like using a drill on your canine with no anesthetic and no treat afterwards.

At number 3 we have the Paper Wasp, like putting neat disinfectant on a bite on your muzzle and I don’t know what is worse the pain or the taste.

At number 2 we have the Tarantula Hawk, like being made to go to the grooming parlor and be subjected to Shampooch, followed by a cold rinse, followed by the hair dryer and then the dreaded pedicure.

And here it comes Pop Pickers.............

At number 1 we have the Bullet Ant, like having a Scotch Bonnet chilli pepper rubbed on your nose and in your mouth when you tried to raid the bin and then realising, that no amount of water will ease the pain and eating dirt doesn’t help either.

And to add further insult to injury, some insects also release a pheromone with their sting - telling other insects to join in the fun and give more stings to the dumb mutt.

And so endeth my nature lesson for today and let’s remember let’s be careful out there!


  1. All from number 8 downwards sound like they would produce the 'greyhound scream of death'... thanks for the lesson Molly and alerting us to the dangers of the park...

    Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy , I know , I will defo stick to the common house fly!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Oh my dog, it's always useful come to your blog and reading this important things.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Have a nice weekend.
    Woof, woof,


    1. Hi Chicco and thank you. Have a nice weekend too.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Okay, now I don't want to go to the park anymore! LOL!

    1. Hi Bassetmomma , keep those eyes peeled , they are everywhere , horrid little creepy things. I'm sticking to fly catching.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. From the list it looks like I should stay away from all ants.

    1. Hi Goose , if it's tiny and creepy,leg it!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Replies
    1. Hi FF&E , ouch is right , followed by yelp, then howl and then whimper!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. First of all, the "park" behind the house is OUT OF BOUNDS to dogs. Boo! Second of all, the roads get SO HOT that it burns my paw pads so Mommy makes me run around at our driveway / tiny garden. So after reading your post, I'm mighty glad I don't go to the park. :)

    1. Hi Furries , sorry to hear you get burnt pads , we have so much rain I get trench paw. I just have to brave on the park as that's where the squiggles are. You can come to my park , I'll look after you all. We can chase squiggles together.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Really? Now I don't want to go to the park....scary....

    1. Hi Remington , be brave big boy , we have to overcome fear to chase vermin.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Oh my Dog - remind us never to go for a walk in your park!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Dip & The Bridge , It's a jungle out there!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Ok I think I am going to stay in for the rest of my life lol

    1. Hi gang , nooo you gotta be brave , we have to get out there and eradicate vermin , one thing dogs and cats can agree on!!!!!Just be careful where you put your paws.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Oh noes, bugs are scary!

    1. Hi keisha
      yea , back off from the bugs ,they bite , they sting and they are nasty!
      Best of wishes Molly

  11. What a come down Molly, stalking insects , what happened to the big game which is your usual fodder ?

    1. Hi Nelly wellywoo
      I know but big game is back on the agenda when I can find some!
      Best wishes Molly
