
Friday 25 May 2012

Hog Blog, Fear The Beer!

Molly The Wally Says Fear The Beer!

Slugs invade the garden. Fear the beer.

After the drought and then Britain's damp spring comes the dreaded plague of slugs ready to wreak havoc in our gardens. More a thorny issue than a slimy one! It reminds me of the time my human put out a tub of ‘Bitter Beer’ as a slug trap. Whilst ferreting around in the flower bed I came across this concoction and decided to try it. I have to say it was rather nice and being a bit thirsty I lapped up the whole lot. After a little light gardening, I realised that my coordination was somewhat impaired and even my barks were slurred. Tried to go indoors but legs went in all directions and the furniture kept bumping into me. Then every time I tried to jump up onto the sofa some invisible hand moved it, sending me crashing to the floor. All this activity started to make me queasy and suddenly I was overcome with the urge to be sick and desperately looked around for a suitable receptacle. Enough said, feeling somewhat better decided to go sleep on the floor by the sofa. The shoes went in the bin, I had to be carried to the vet, the bill was eye watering and I had the best night sleep ever. The slug tub was never seen again.


  1. Our old Lab is like that, Friday nights he goes to the Slug and Trap....his excuse its thirty work1111

  2. Bawhahahahaha! Oh, Molly the image of you stumbling around is hysterical. My feline sister once took a sip of some beer - hopped right up on the table and helped herself!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , my human took me to the vet as they hadn't put two and two together yet and was mortified to be told that I was just sleeping off the ale. One bill later and what was left of my dinner in their shoes , I was in the dog house again. Hoped your feline had a better experience than I did.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Ha!Ha!Ha! I can just imagine the vet telling your peeps that you were intoxicated!! LOL!

    1. Hi Gang, Yes sleeping off the ale , think the beer breath gave it away.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. What a great story! We are rather partial to a dip of Baileys or Guinness froth ourselves.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dips and the Bridge , good on you, dip of baileys or Guinness froth sounds good.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Hi Molly....Oh Dear!!! I know some humans give their doggies sips of their 'Guinness' and claim it is full of iron which is good for their dogs....

    After reading your experience with beer....I think I'll be-er...tee-total....XXX

    PS: Sorry my human hasn't been able to meet up with you human in the park, as planned: while it is so hot I'm restricted to local pavement walks...X

    1. Hi Leo and Ali
      No worries , today was better as we had a breeze and we sit in the shade most of the time. I'm afraid it's pet friendly slug pellets now , no more beer traps.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Thought lack of co-ordination was your usual modus operandi Molly,I have often noticed you legless in the park

  7. Hehehehe, sorry Molly but that was sorta funny. Not quite so funny for your mum and dad though! Hope your weekend is a good one. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

    1. Hi Stella and Rory , been off the devil juice ever since. Trust me the slug tub was rather a big one but as I said I had the best nights sleep ever with no cat or fox patrol to bother with. The mailman delivered the post without me biting it and the binmen emptied the bins without me barking as I want my stuff back. Result for me!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Oh deeer molly i is sorry fur laffin, heehee but cmon! Sorry, erm.... say noooo to sluuugg tubbss yeah!! eetz troo, love n likkers, pdorg xox

    1. Hi Posie , Not really sure if I learnt my lesson as too many good things out there at the moment , number one being Spring grass but that makes me sick too , just csn't resist.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Nice to meet you! I'm sorry you got so sick. I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Hi Deborah and Welcome. Hope you have a good weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Molly,

    Yes, I agree...slug beer is yummy. I also like the bone meal that gets put around the plants...and manure is wonderful too. Isn't gardening fun!

    I got pukey once, eating mom keeps an eye on me now, even with organics...cuz, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed!


    1. Hi Wyatt , my human calls me 'The Constant Gardener' as they plant it , I dig tit up. My fav is chicken manure pellets. Gardening is great and you may get the odd sqiuggle or cat chase to boot.
      Best wishes Molly.
