
Saturday 9 June 2012

Bark From The Park, Top Toponyms!

Molly The Wally with her Olympic Glasses.

Mollys' top toponyms.

Excitement as the Scottish village of Dull prepares to twin with U.S. town of Boring. Residents of the village of Dull are hoping that an association with a town called Boring in Oregon, will boost tourism and lead to closer links between the two communities. The town of Tightwad in Missouri four years ago, founded the Tightwad bank for customers with a sense of humour. Suggested twin possibilities are Needmore, in the state of Arkansas or Hardup, in the state of Utah. In Germany you can find the village called Elend (misery) which could be twinned with Giggleswick in Yorkshire or Pity Me in Durham.  Also in Germany are the villages of Oberhaesslich (Upper Ugly) and Unterhaesslich (Lower Ugly). They could link up with Ugley in Essex. Bradford has the village of Idle which is home to 'Idle Working Mans’ Club. Suggestions from us include Great and Little Snoring in Norfolk. Lastly four for us doglets are, Bowlegs, in Oklahoma. Gnaw Bone located in Brown County Indiana, Crapo in Maryland and Fleatown in Ohio!


  1. How funny is all that?! We actually just heard of Boring, OR. yesterday!! Have a great weekend.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD and Hootie

    1. Hi Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie , some of those names are real howlers and guess what some i couldn't even print! Have a great weekend as well.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Haha this is so funny! In france we have the town of Montcuq ( meaning "my ass" and Seyssins meaning "her breats", or even worse Cassanus meaning the "anus breaker"... There are more but writing them would make me uncomfortable...

    1. Hi Anais , I know what you mean , one has to be selective but yours above are just howl out loud funny. Have a great weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY, you are one INFORMED journalist!! I am so enjoying visiting you for wit and stamina is addictive! Now off to visit George the LAD! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , as always thank you for your kind comments and for supporting Molly Media , we aim to please. I'm sure we could write a whole book on strange place names. Have a great weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hey Molly you must of heard of Upper Piddle, Lower Piddle and Piddle in the hole ;)

    Rather apt for a dog blog :)
    Have a Good week
    See Yea George xxx

    1. Hi George me Lad , just popped over to take a look ,very funny and you are so right apt for a og blog.
      Have a good weekend too.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. How very informative Molly. I gotta go pull out my map and check all those place out.

    Have you recovered from all the partying with the Queen yet?

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle have fun checking them out! We are over the jubilee but are now gearing up for The Olympics in between trying to dodge the football/Soccer! Have a great weekend!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Ha! Too funny! Remind to tell Mom never to move to Ohio! BOL!

    Mom thought it was funny that she just ran into a man last week that actually lives on a street named "Easy" BOL! Wonder what his cross street is?

    Waggin at ya,

    1. Hi Roo ,My guess is 'Easy' is crossed by 'Rider'! Have a lovely weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. You are very very smart. We always learn something from you.


    1. Hi Nora you are too kind , have a lovely weekend and look forward to reading your next post!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. MOLLY.... you won't believe this.... butt it is REALLY TRUE... Fleatown, Ohio is about 40 miles from MY HILL.. it is located in a WIDE SPOT along State Route 13 just South of NEWARK, Ohio... THAT is the place I took everybuddy to last summer to see the INDIAN MOUNDS.
    You are Sarge really must have gotten together fur your posts today. VERY Clever... both of them.

    1. Hi Frankie & Ernie , what's the chances of you guys having been to Fleatown! Me and Sarge must be on the same wave length. Hope you are having a good weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. did you know there is a "Hell" Michigan? Yep! There sure is. One would think that I live there lol

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , Who would like to live in Hell and why did they call it that. Oh no now I am going to have to google that. Hope your weekend is going fine.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Ha! We think it would be a great idea if they all paired up. By some strange coincidence we have just been reading about Giggleswick.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Gang , that's odd indeed , now I am starting to get curious will end up googling them all at this rate.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. LOL! This is so funny! Reminds Mommy about the time she found out there's a town in Austria called Fucking (,_Austria). Hahaha! Have a great weekend, Molly!

    1. Oh Furries and I was being so good and avoiding any of the such like. I am sure some enterprising adult blogger could have a field day with this topic. Hope your weekend is going well.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Hello Molly! I just passed a doggy bloggy award on to you!

    1. Hi Betty , that is so kind of you , I am very touched and I will pop over in a mo and claim it. You made my day!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Our mom saw that on the news. A ying-yang thing, eh?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Hi Murphy , thank you for stopping by , like the ying-yang analogy! Hope you are having a good weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  14. I had a good laugh reading your post!
    Here we have a couple of interesting names too!
    Happy Saturday!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , I am always pleased to know you guys find my intrepid reporters at Molly Media amusing. Have a great Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Bawhahhahaa. Since I live it the state of Utah I better check out Hardup. hehhehhe Thanks for the laughs.

    1. Hey Goose , let me know if you find it and thank you for your visit. Go get those voles pal. Happy Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly
