
Friday 8 June 2012

Hog Blog, Duvet Dilemma!

Molly The Wallys' duvet dilemma.

Molly The Wallys' duvet dilemma.

Do you have bedroom battles sparked by a duvet? Hogging the covers is the top cause of arguments in the bedroom. Researchers found that snoring was the second most common cause of bedtime arguments, with one in ten couples falling out over it at least twice a week. My top tip to stopping your human snoring is to jump on your human with squeaky toy in mouth and squeak away until the snoring stops. They may not appreciate being woken up but at least you can go back to sleep. I not only concur with both of the above but in addition I also have serious space management issues. I often have to resort to the butt budge or the paw push, to reclaim much needed territory. Other problems include bedside lights that are on when I want to sleep, ditto TV and the worse the dreaded laptop. Lastly most inconsiderate of all is the phone be it landline or mobile. To combat such thoughtlessness I suggest crawling under the duvet commando style until your human finally goes to sleep. When the cost is clear, climb out making sure you walk on top of your human as payback. Why can’t my human go and find a bedroom of their own and let sleeping dogs lie? And remember one good turn, get’s the duvet!


  1. Glad to know you are in charge of the duvet Molly. I try this frequently and usually win...heehee.

    1. Hi William , glad to hear it . Doglets rule the Duveet!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. If only I was allowed upstairs - Deccy

    If only you wouldn't eat the cat - Mum

    1. Hi Deccy , you have a cat problem too? Sorry you are downstairs but at least you have a nice bed on your own and human free to boot!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. You got some good tips there Molly! My problem is Muffin always tries to steal the covers and NOT my hoomans! She likes to roll herself up in them. Got any tips for that dilema?

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi lily Belle , roll in them first or simply take them off and sleep somewhere where Muffin can't find you!Oh night times are full of problems for us doglets!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. I agree -- you should have your very own room!

    1. Hi Remington , I bet no one argues with you with regards where to sleep? I need a way to get my human to move out.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. We don't blame you for hogging the duvet in this awful weather!
    Our Dad is a terrible snorer, we may try your solution in place of Mum's suggestion of putting a pillow over his face until he stops breathing.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi guys I did LOL just now! Other suggestions are sewing tennis balls onto the back of PJ's so they can't sleep on their backs and snore. I have a nice collection I could send you.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. You make us laugh all the time Miss Molly. WE don't have no bedtime problems here cause there are so many beds, if one gets pushed out or snored out, you just go to another bed in another room.

    Although I sure wish I had a pretty comforter like you got.

    1. Lucky you Bert , I am now plotting how to reclaim my den all to myself.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Our only problem is trying to find room around 2 basset hounds! LOL!

    1. I can just visualise the problem , have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. I prefer the butt push. It really gets their attention. Specially after the evening walk, if you get what I'm sayin...

    1. Hi Finn
      That is funny. Glad to know you are dealing with space management issues so well!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. I have my own bed right next to Mommy that has everything I need. A blankie, pillows, my toys... :)

    Love, Whisky

    1. Hi Furries
      Your mum looks after you real good with blankie , pillows and toys. My human often finds not only toys but the odd half chewed pigs ear or dirty tennis ball in bed , all of which end up at the bottom of the stairs.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Hard to believe fighting over the covers beat out snoring as the #1 issue! I live with a very loud snorer, and, oh boy, it stinks!

    Another very funny post! Thanks for the laugh. Have a great weeknd!

    1. Hi Taryn , it's hard to believe I know , of course I never snore and as always thank you for you kind comment! Have a great weekend as well.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Hello Molly! You made a very good point! We laughed so hard while reading this post! Paws up! :) :)

    Momo & Pinot xoxo

    1. Hi Momo and Pinot hope you are getting your bed sharing routine sorted, mine is a constant battle but I am winning.
      Best wishes molly

  12. Molly you little Dolly you... this is a brilliant post.. You have "COVERED" the situation superbly I must say. Now what I think peeps need to do.. is come to the realization that THEY should be Sleeping on the Floor... beside OUR Beds... in case we actually NEED them fur somethingy..
    I will use all your suggestions... judiciously.. and might I add one of MY techniques...??? I carefully Pawsition my Paws... ON THEIR HAIR... and push down... OH the Squeals are MUSIC to the Ears I tell you.. and it brings about the desired effect... instantly. I'm just sayin.

    1. Frankie and Ernie , now that was a HOL moment and I actually did howl. Brilliant I will try that one out. So we have farting , clawing , jumping , squeaking and hair pulling , perfect for the Blogsville Olympics. New One Olympic sport of BED BUDGING!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. teeeeheee..YOU ARE BRILLIANT MOLLY. These are TOP TIPS for any dog! I say send those humans to the DOG HOUSE!

    And thank you Molly, for coming to Paris. It IS a romantic city and dog friendly!!! Anita

    1. Anita as always thank you and Paris is so dog friendly I agree. I know doglets who sit in shopping carts and wonder round the deli section with their humans....Cool. Just love your blog and can't wait for us to feature!
      Pomp , ceremony , history and yukk the Olympics' but we await my fashionista Lorenza to rescue us!!!
      Best wishes molly

  14. Oh geez, I not allowed upstairs...WHAT IS WRONG withs my hoomans????? But when I be on da couch I do likes to gets under da covers and roots da hoomans is total funsies!
    And I soooo needs to quit readin' Frankie's comments cuz I thinks I bout choked over heres.


    1. Hiya my pals , I know just get on that couch and do the hair pulling thingie , so cool you get to pretend to love with maximum payback all in one go!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. we have HUGE duvet arguments at our house! Mom yells at Dad telling him to stop wrapping it around his body so that she can have some!!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , seems that we all have issues and the only ones without are our furry friends with their own beds. You get all the duvet in Summer and none in Winter. Fight for your right to Duvet, I say.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Hi Y'all,

    I'm learning more and more from my blogville friends about why I'm not allowed in the Human's bed or on their furniture...though they give me such great stuff of my own I don't care.

    How y'all doin'? Just stoppin' for a visit. Hope y'all have been enjoying a fantastic week and are planning a fun weekend!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk , I bet your stuff is pukka! Hope you have a good weekend and looking forward to reading about what you have got up to.
      Best wishes molly

  17. ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha ! woof- good show Molly, you princess of the satin covers... licks and barks.

    1. Hi Jessej , thank you and as you can see I won the duvet war that time. Have a great weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Hmm...there have been some rumblings about blanket stealing in our bedroom too. I'm glad I'm not the only dog out there putting up with all this nonsense!


    1. Hi Websters, it's an on going battle but all in all I think I'm winning! Hope you are too Nora and have a smashing weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  19. So glad I had time to catch up on your blog! Thanks for visiting mine! I hog all the covers. Hailey.

    1. Hi Hailey , and thank you too. Hoping you all are having a great weekend and keep on hogging!
      Best wishes Molly
