
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Flog It Blog It, The Cabbage Patch Kids R Back!

Molly The Wally Goes Retro!

The Cabbage Patch Kids R Back!

Speaking of all things retro, the children's craze from yesteryear is staging a comeback as the Cabbage Patch Kids return to our high street stores.This summer will see the revival of the 80s toy craze, as a whole new generation of Cabbage Patch children will be born. The return of the hideous, big headed, Chuckie lookalike creations will be accompanied by a major new marketing campaign. Shock, horror they were ugly enough last time and looked like they were suffering from a bad case of trapped wind. There was Teddy Ruxpin with his moving eyes and mouth that scared the living daylights out of me. Great time taking the cassette out and seeing how far I could run with the tape ribbon tied one end to the table and the other to my paw. What about the Tamogatchi? Be honest, you never fed it, so it died of starvation. Next it will be the dreaded ‘Beanie Babies’ with the endless new versions. They left the carpet looking like it had been struck by a major hail storm after I’d ripped them all to shreds. As for the Sylvanian Families that nearly ended tragically when I nearly choked on Walnut Squirrel. What about the Care Bear, who cares and don’t even mention the evil Furbies from hell? What was your retro most disliked toy?

Have some fun with BA and drive a plane down your street.  For those not in the UK Google an address and have some fun like 10 Downing Street SW1A2AA or try her Maj! At the link below.


  1. Oh my woofies! Cabbage patch dolls, Yuk yuk yuk! Humom has got 3 Tamogatchi's, thinks they will be worth somink one day. They are all dead, never got fed! Back to my list... Baby Wee wee! what was that about? Barbie and Ken (chuck up) Pippa dolls!!Trolls! Oh ,was I only to name One. Bol! :)
    Big Licks Mollie x

    1. Oh Mollie you just made me HOL , Trolls forgotten about those and Baby Wee Wee. Great list , keep chucking them at us we like memory lane.
      Best wishes Molly

    2. I'm on a roll Molly, not sure if they were in the 80's but Humom said they were C**P ! Fuzzy Felt! sticks to your paws and has that "orible" feeling, ya know, like when ya chew on cotton wool!! Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!( they didn't do anything!) Atari game console, with the black n white tennis.(BONG BONG BONG) I'll keep thinking, this could go on for days! I still don't know how to put my perfect face in that orange bubble. I have wordpress. Pop over for a chat, then you can meet us properly. Well, me anyway, you won't wanna meet that " Furball "
      Big waggies Mollie x

    3. Hi Mollie you are on a roll with the hideous histories of toys. Where do I find you?
      Best wishes Molly

    4. Here mollie and alfie
      Just click on this, you can see me dressed up,I look as good as you in a hat! BOL :) What ya waiting for.. Come on over to my, we're having a party. We'll be swinging, dancing and singing, Molly come over tonight!
      If you can't get over on that hmt thing, you'll have to come the long way.

      Catch ya later Mollie

    5. Hi Mollie
      Just popped over and my how did you get that mouse back. Cat in hells chance if it was me! Love the guys dressed up.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Aw I liked the care bears! I used to have this dumb toy that a computerized keychain of a rock or something and I had to keep it alive. It would beep when it needed food or water. So dumb.

    1. Finn , bet you keychain died of dehydration and starvation? Care Bears , I can rip one apart in the less than thirty seconds. Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. I remember the first time they were out and it was on the news that parents were actually fighting in the shops to get them!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot and they were so horrible why did the little people like them so much. You got the stupid adoption certificate as well. Ugly little things. If I see one I'm going to buy it and see how long it takes me to disembowel it!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Are they really bringing those ugly things back? Sorry to anyone who found them attractive. I remember the 80s craze, though not the specific year(s) they were so big. I was an adult, though, so it's not like I was vying for one at Christmas-time, which I remember people doing. Gaaggghhh.

    -The human

    1. Hey Human , they could make a good horror movie , The Return Of The Cabbage Patch Kids. I can see it now zombie dolls taking siege of Seattle once the little green people have gone!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Cabbage Patch and Care Bears keep cycling. Nothing is as scary as those real looking baby dolls. One of Mom's little people relatives came and I kept smelling the thing thinking it was real, but it was plastic. She had a blankie, and she carried it everywhere, but it wasn't real!! It really creeped me out. Thankfully Katy has never experienced the horror of what Mom calls a baby doll.

    1. Hi Bailey we concur but the evil little Furbies have to be the worst , demonic creations by some mad scientist who hates dogs and cats.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. We are pretty impressed around here that yous survived a meet-up with a Furby!! They is the evilEST and they were always trying to talk to me in their secret-code language. Scariest part is I think Butter understood them...

    Sugar the Who

    1. Hi Guys we agree and the worst , the worst is all they wanted was food. Huh we would never behave in such a manner. Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Humm, think you covered them all for me. {shuder}

    1. Hi Goose , I think Mollie above added some good ones , some so hideous time helps you heal and forget. I think I may have nightmares tonight!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Frankie , good call I'd forgotten about him. Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. MIZ MOLLY, you not only wear many hats, but today you display a sweet little vest that shows another side to you.....TV SHOW HOST!!! Look at this display of horror here...I NEVER UNDERSTOOD the craze for these dolls or their "charm", but mostly what was puzzling was the MANIA of humans to trample on others to get the dang thing!!!

    My most hated craze toy? The WII and the other TOYS that take childrens' attention away from their school work!

    1. Hi Anita , huh that is my chef's apron , worn when I am either cooking up a storm or penning my great tome 'Meals From The Field'. Still on section 1 , Vermin , caught or road kill! As I said to Goose with all these hideous suggestions I will be having nightmares tonight.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. I was a huge cabagge patch doll gal :) I had the ones with red hair lol - I still have them to hopefully pass on to my daughter one day. I also was a HUGE fan of care bears.

    1. Opps Hound Girl , that's me insulting your favs and both of them. I'll slink off now before I offend you. Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. OH NOES Molly say it ain't so!!!! Not the return of the cabbage patches?? Mom told me my human sis had one of those veggie heads

    1. Hi Madi sorry but the veggie heads are back and coming your way soon ,so hide pal.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Hehe. Mrs. Master had almost every toy you mentioned. Instead of Teddy Ruxpin though, she had the Cricket doll...remember her?


    1. Hi Nora , no we don't know Cricket doll but I am now breaking into a cold sweat. I am sleeping with the light on tonight.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Sorry I didn't get back. Bites is doing well, Monday he was back to his definition of normal, Back yard terrorist, Barking and running, just runs out of gas quikly.

    Will do on the pic thingy this evening

    Susie & Bites

    1. Hi we are glad to hear Sidebite is back to his old self. No sweats re the pictures just whenever.
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Hey Molly!
    Wow, those patch dolls are creepy with a capital C! BOL. Care bears were boring and how about those annoying SMURFS?!? Too cute to be real. I agree with you totally. I have to say that Tickle Me Elmo actually made me wag... a little!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge , yuk the Smurfs and we hated Papa Smurf most. Mind you the little rubber versions are worth a wee chew , that is about all they are good for.
      Unfortunately they have been resurrected as Team GB Olympics track and field clothes.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Hmm, interestings.... my Mama had a sale of the yards on Saturday, and she tried to sell some of her "vintage" Cabbage Patches, but no one wanted them! Oh, she says she sold one for $1.50. I guess they no has as much populars here! Also, my mama says no 80s toys is at bad as Bratz - whatever that is.


    1. Hey Reuben go hide them they maybe worth something one day. Worst scenario send to me and I'll show you how to rip their faces off in under ten seconds. Yours Cabbage Patch Kid hater of Suburbia. Do you think I could get arrested for that by the thought police?
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Maxwell: DOOD, them thangs are SKEERY!
    FaRADaY: ooh! ooh! Canz Mommy fly her plane down a street? It's gotta be within refueling distance tho...*doubtful look* isn't the UK, like, lebenty leben miles away or somethng??

    1. Hi guys we think the fly the plane down the street only works in for UK addresses so Google one and type in the post code , it really funny , the plane went straight past my house.
      Best wishes Molly
