
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Molly Has 2 More Awards!

Molly The Wally & Pippinpumpkin!

Molly Has 2 More Awards!

Firstly we thank Sheba for our third Sunshine Award and you can never have too much sunshine!

Secondly we would like to thank Sheba for the ‘Inspiring Blogger Award’.

The rules are:-

1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post. Thank you very much Sheba!for this lovely award.

We have also just received the same award from Jessej! and again we are thrilled and we thank you so much.

2) Share 7 things about yourself.

My favourite hobby is Karaoke.

My aim in life is to rid ‘Suburbia’ of all vermin.

I like digging in the garden when my human isn’t looking. 

Food is something I think about from morning to night and I even dream about it.

My arch enemy is the evil cat ‘Maudikae’ aka,’Hideous Beast’ (HB).

I’m a dog so cool it’s criminal.

My bestest pal is Pippinpumpkin co founder of the ‘Maj’ fan club.

3) Nominate 15 bloggers you admire..

And Sheba thank you again!

Best wishes Molly.


  1. Thank you very much Molly that is very kind of you. I (I really mean my idle Mum) am notoriously bad at complying with award conditions but I will try and do it.....ahem..! Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy , I know what you mean , we like the ones where you pass it on just to one person , but felt churlish not to join in. No worries if mum is too busy , just take the award and do the stuff about you bit. That will do and we look forward to it.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Aaaaw thank you Molly! We feel very honored by this award! It's our very first as well! We now have to think of a special way to blog it and to add it to our blog!!!
    Thanks again,
    Indigo the Great Dane from Cheshire Danes!

    1. Hi Anais , pleasure and thrilled to be the first doglet to give you an award. Look forward to your answers. Have a great day.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Congrats on your well deserved awards Molly!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi guys and thank you!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. OMD what a grrrreat list you made. CONGRATULATIONS ON BOTH of the well deserved awards.. AND THANK YOU for passing them to me.
    AND how WONDERFUL that you bestowed INDIGO with a FIRST EVER AWARD. I can STILL recall My furst one... and exactly WHO gave it to me.

    1. Hi Frankie cheers and we too are pleased to bestow Indigo's first award. We are serious training now and looking forward to BO2012!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Aren't you the sweetest ever...I so appreciate your kindness...such a long list of wonderful blogs, bloggers, and bloggees! Thanks!

    1. Hi Sophie , we hope you make lots of new friends. Have a great day now.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Thank you so much for the award. I am blushing and that's not easy for a weimeriner to do.

    1. Hi Goose , pleasure and we look forward to your seven things about yourself.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Congrats on your award! We love reading when people get these awards because we get to know you a little more :)

    1. Hi Hound Girl and thank you for your kind comments. Have a great day.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Hey Molly!
    Wow, two pawesome awards at once! That's a real gold-star for you. Thanks so much for including me...never received the Inspiring Blogger one before. I'm honored.
    BTW: You definitely are so very very cool and I too work to rid the world of vermin! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

    1. Hey Sarge let's start 'Vermin Busters' we could get paid for having fun! Pleasure to pass on the award and glad it is a new one for you.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hawooooo woooo! Thanks mate! Play bows,


    1. Hi RA , pleasure and we hope you have fun with the award.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Hi Molly
    Thanks for the award, I'm honoured, there are some bloggers I don't know so will go give them a visit.
    Have a good Week
    See yea George xxx

    1. Hi George pleasure to give you the award and to meet new furry friends.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. WOOT! WOOT! Concatulations!!

  12. Lovely post (fancy you liking karaoke!) And hey, than you so much for nominating me for this award. I feel really chuffed, but unfortunately Gail has banned me from ever accepting any awards on the grounds that she thinks I have too high an opinion of myself already. So unfair, I know, but what's a dog to do?
    Toodle pip!

    1. Hi Bertie , no worries pal , Gail knows you inside out I think.
      Have a good evening.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Oh thank you!!! Thank you so much for the award!!


    1. Hi Ruthie , it is a pleasure and have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Hi Molly! Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing it with me! I must admit my assistant isn't the best about following rules. But we SO APPRECIATE your sharing this award with us! We always smile and giggle when we read your blog!!!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: We just moved to suburbia and there are SO MANY SQUIRRELS! I am not much of a hunter, maybe you can give me some tips.

    1. Hi Pip , don't worry about the award things to do part I know it is a bit of a hassle. Re Suburbia , wow and lots of squiggles how cool is that. I am of the stalking or barking fraternity depending on where they are. Stalking when they are on the ground and barking when they are up a tree.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Thank you so much! I will pass this on in the future, I will have to think long and hard about 7 things....this is a tricky one :) Thank you for the award!!

    1. Pleasure Betty and we look forward to the seven wonders of you.
      Best wishes Molly
