
Monday 25 June 2012

Hog Blog, Vampire Hunters Beware!

Molly The Wally says, Vampire Hunters Beware!

Molly The Wally says, Vampire Hunters Beware!

Britain is being sued by the European Commission in a long-running legal pong over an unpaid garlic bill for £15 million. The EU launched court action last week after an ultimatum to Britain to settle the back taxes expired. The row blew up after the UK mistakenly classified fresh garlic imported from China as frozen, which has a lower tax rate. Mr. Eric Van Helsing told my reporter at Molly Media that his livelihood was being put in jeopardy and he didn’t like the whiff of vindictiveness coming out of Brussels. It just leaves a bad taste in the mouth he was heard saying. Count Duckula was reported saying that he thought it was a big stink over nothing and he was all for garlic being banned altogether! Meanwhile, riddle, when is garlic like an apple? When it’s imported from China by Irishman Paul Begley! The 1.6 Million Euro scam landed 42-year old Paul, the head of one of Ireland’s largest fruit and vegetable producers, behind bars for 6-years. So that will be just call me ‘Dave’ and his mates banged to rights for at least 6 long years in a prison somewhere in Brussels. We better set up an Inquiry forthwith! ‘The Garlic Grilling’ will be chaired by none other than top legal beagle Judge Frankenfurter.


  1. The French reaction: "Let's all go on strike, Brussels can't deny our right to garlic!"

    1. Anais , too right Brussels can't stop our garlic munching. Trying hard at our peeps drawing for the BO2012 event you are hosting.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Sounds like a "stinky" mess to me! :)

  3. MOL Molly the good news is with all that garlic around you there is no worries about vampires sucking your blood
    Hugs Madi

    1. Hi Madi , we keep our eyes peeled as you never know when one might slip through our ring of garlic.
      Best wishes Molly

    2. I agree. Hehe. And it wards off ticks and lice too, I have heard. We used the garlic spa treatment to treat my cousin's lice and ticks problems a few years back and it worked! No wonder you have such a nice coat.

      Go on strike! Britain must not not have garlic!

  4. Oh GOOD GOLLY, you are toooooooo clever. THOSE EYES OF YOURS!!!!!!!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , hahh the bug eye thing never fails! Have a lovely day!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Judge FRANKENFURTER???? I think he might be one of my distant relatives or somethingy.

    1. Hi Frankie , you may indeed be related , one of the noble family of Furters from Hotdog Land! Have a great Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. There's certainly a whiff of rebellion about it... Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy and how much is it costing them in legal costs to come after us? We smell a garlic covered rat! Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Wow, would a frozen garlic bulb be as stinky as a fresh one?!? How could anyone confuse garlic with an apple?!? Oh, the imponderables. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge it's all a big stink to me. Brussels, decrees that you can’t sell food by numbers so that is a dozen eggs gone, you can't claim that drinking water stops dehydration and you can't sell curved cucumbers ad trust me that is a blog in itself.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. politics.

    Blech. You're still outlawing the GMO foods though...right? We try to avoid the genetically modified food here but the politics keeps pushing more and more crops through saying it's ok. SCARY!


    1. Hi Nora , yep nobody wants GM here and we are lucky to be avoiding it. Scary it is , avoid it all costs or you may end up with two heads and eight paws. Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Considering how much we give to the EU, you would think they would let us off with the garlic mistake!
    For our nomination we would like to choose Posie and her post about the animal sanctuary which is about to close through lack of funds. She is hoping to write a book to raise money so thought it would be a good opportunity to bring it to everypup's attention.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Elliot and The Bridge re EU , you are so right. Nomination wise good choice, I will pop over and ask Posie if it is OK. Maybe all of Blogville well get behind the project , I am sure they will.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Nows I ain't too much in da political world but I dont sees how in da heck you could mistakingly import garlic as frozen...or an apple! Thankk goodness I is a dog and not has to deal with such trivial things...hehehe...I ask furs da food and it appears, da way it should be.


    1. Puddles you are a scream. We still laughing at your toys being suffocated and the Anaconda! Keep them coming pal. Have a good evening. Tomorrow we are going Retro, I'm sure you will have some good input!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. It sounds like a lot of stink going on over there. Thanks for the report, without you I would be so out of touch with the world news. You are my link. Thank you my sweet pal.

    Loveys Sasha

    p.s do you think garlic gives you bad stinky gassers? Just wondering

    1. Hi Sasha , thank you for your kind comments and we do agree that garlic does give you stinky gasses , charmingly put I will say! Have a great Tuesday!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. The Great Garlic Caper!

    Critter Alley

    1. Hi Pat , we have our priorities right don't we? More about the EU later this week. Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. This is All Greek to Me...but I sure loves a good garlic fight!!!

    1. Hi Sophie I'm sure the garlic caper will continue! Maybe the EU will next look at how to classify a caper! Have a great day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. I wish we could help by eating it but Mommy doesn't like farts to begin witn. Garlic farts. Oh Lord.

    1. Hi Foley Monster and Pocket nicely put and we agree with mum , the end product is not desirable. Happy Tuesday to you and yours!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Bawhahahaha! Who knew garlic could cause such international strife!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , stupid isn't it. Have a lovely day pal!
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Sounds like a mess!
    I hope everything goes well!
    I understand Count Duckula is happy!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , Count Duckula is the only one who is happy! Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly
