
Friday 22 June 2012

Fog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally does Mystic Molly.

Cancer June 22nd to July 22nd.

As planets Pluto and Uranus edge ever closer there is a real hope of harmony in a troubled area of your humans’ life. Expect a deepening bond with your human which in turn will lead to a deeper understanding. It is a good time to demand extra food, extra treats and more walkies. There is no better time for your human to tune in to those important needs of yours.

This sign is represented by the crab and therefore dogs who own a Cancerian human should appreciate the dark, mysterious but comfortable type of house in which they live with the air of a den about it. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. Thus with good training you should be able to twist your human around your little paws. They are too easily influenced by those they love and admire, and swayed by the emotion of the moment. Therefore we recommend lots of doe-eyed looks, plenty of adoring glances and heaps of love and affection. Result , that will have them responding to your every whim. Cancerians have a retentive memory, particularly for emotionally laden events which they can recall in detail for many years afterwards. Hence it very important that if you are going to be naughty, don’t get caught or if you do it blame the cat. Remember they are the sign of the crab so beware of the nippy little claws and when in trouble retreat to somewhere they can’t find you. A major health threat to your human is problems with digestion so always offer to taste anything they eat to make sure it is OK.


Hobbies (so make sure you are their number one hobby), parties (so make sure every day is party day), the country side (so take them on long walks through your green and pleasant land) and romance (so be kind and let them watch all the soppy slush on the TV).


Any advice (so always let them think they have come up with a good idea), being bossed about (try and coax them gently into your point of view) and failure (so if the food they give you is some rubbish experiment from the kitchen pretend to eat it before leaving it out for the cat).

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.


  1. Molly you are amazing, I don't even know what else to say. You are a master of many trades.

    Loveys Sasha

    1. Hi Sasha , thank you so kindly for your comments. Wishing you a good Friday!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Haha, we LOVE your horoscope Molly, best one ever!
    We are always telling them we are prdestined to rule their lives so maybe now they will listen.
    Ahhh, you are so right about the treats.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip and Elliot , don't tell The Bridge , we have to remember our humans are strange creatures prone to whims that make no sense , so we need to manage them at all time. Enjoy your human today!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you most kindly and we loved your Japan blogs.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hi Mollie, did you do a Gemini one and I missed it?
    I will take note of this one though and use it my advantage. Mums birthday was on the 18th, so I think she's on the boarder! ( yeah, of being totally mad )!
    Big licks Mollie ( with an IE ) xx

    1. Hi Mollie , hope this link works as this should take you the Gemini one.
      We hoped your mum had a lovely birthday. Happy Friday to you and yours.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Hehehehe...I swears dat could has been me you was writtin' bouts but my birfday ain't til July 28th...write dat down.
    Okays I has my nomination so do I tells you in da comment or an email?


    1. Don't worry Puddles we will be doing one each sign of the zodiac so next months will be yours. Your nominations via a comment is fine. Hope you are better?
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Ahhhh... You are the wise one Molly! But have to say, we really love your last quote "humans are for life just not for Christmas" Awesome!

    1. Hi Lily Belle , thank you we like that quote too. Hope you are having a good Friday.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. OMG.

    GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY, how many hats/scarves do you own? teeeheee....

    I LOVE YOUR CRYSTAL PYRAMID! And you are correct in all of your wisdom. BLAME IT ALL ON THE CAT, GIVE THE DOE EYED look daily, and you will have those humans at your beckon call.

    YOU ARE TOO FUNNY!!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , being a fashionista and all time stunning looking doglet I have a very large wardrobe with an outfit for all those high society events I attend on behalf Of Molly Media. It's a tough life but somebody has got to do it.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Madam Molly, do you read cards and look into the crystal and tell FORTUNES??? I would LOVE to have a Fortune. You really look BEAUTIFUL in this picture. I'm just sayin.

    1. Frankie and Ernie we just read the tea leaves for you and we can report that tomorrow it will be Saturday and you will eat , meet and be merry.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Molly thank you so much for the wishes and concern

    Susie and At Home Bites

    Pees; help get this info to all your blogger buddies, many don't see our posts. This is a very serious problem, but if handled quickly can be cured

    1. Hi Guys if you will allow me I will post it as a 'Share It Sunday' blog with a link back to you. If you take a look at last Sundays you will see what I mean. Just send me a comment to say its OK. Pleasure to let everyone know on what is a serious situation.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Du bist so Süß . Ich muss noch ganz viel schauen bei dir.
    Liebe Gruesse von Beagle -Tibi und sylvia

    1. Hallo Tibi und Sylvia, willkommen und wir freuen uns sehr, Sie kennenzulernen. Wir wünschen Ihnen ein sehr gutes Wochenende.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen Molly

  11. Oh my human is a cancer so this is interesting! Have a good weekend!

    1. Hi Finn we hope you liked and have a good start to the weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. MOL Mystic Molly...can you tell me when I'll meet a handsome mancat who will appreciate me for the Diva that I am?
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

    1. Madi , I had another look at the tea leaves and I predict you will meet a mancat that will love you and your Diva behavior. Together you will ride the unpredictable waves of life in perfect harmony. What more could a gal want?
      Best wishes Molly

  13. So that's why Mama remembers all the stuff we do wrong.

    1. Hey Bailey , mama is a crab then! Remember don't get caught and that will keep those nippy little pincers in check.
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Not sure my last comment went through ...

    Thanks for these important predictions ...I am taking notes and will inform my assistant there is "no better time to tune into my important needs"

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Pip , that is correct try everything positive thinking . eye power , telepathy and mind mining , now is the time to get THE CRAB to do your biding!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Replies
    1. Hi Guys , you are so kind and how is our space cadet Joey (he is spaced out on Meds at the moment)? We are awaiting more hose, water, sewage updates. Has mum got the hang of it yet? Yours from another Puddle Town!
      best wishes Molly

  16. Okays dis was so hard furs me to nominate cuz there is so many awesome bloggies out theres and so I nominated Dip Dip and da Bridge and then it was soooooo hard to nominate a postie cuz I always laugh...with them...hehehe.
    But I chose dis post from them.


    1. Thank you Puddles and that will be two guest blogs for the Dips and Bridget will be thrilled. We are going to have an odd 'Share It Sunday' this week as I am adding another one which is a serious health warning to all us doglets and we should take note about it and it's perfect as after your scare you will understand. So it's double bubble on Sunday!
      best wishes Molly.

  17. Hello dear Molly,
    How many important recommendations, thanks for share with us, i like come into your blog and reading so many important things.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Woof, woof,


    1. Chicco my dear we hope everything is OK with all your people and your lovely homeland. We think of you often and hopefully we will find an update tomorrow. My friend we felt for you and yours after the earthquake and we are sincerely waiting on good news.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Hi Molly
    We would love to accept your offer of Share it Sunday. We are very honoured, thankyou!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Bridget , hah that's a first with a double score and how nice for you as it's not me that makes the nominations. Hope you don't mind sharing with Susie and Sidebite who want to raise a medical issue which I thought we could all learn from. So hopefully 'Share It Sunday' will be a double bill. Just like TV here due to the blasted football!
      Best wishes Molly

  19. Mystic Molly you are very clever.

    We don't think we know anyone with that birthday, though.

    Love and licks, Winnie

    1. That is OK Winnie , with my amazing mystical talents, once a month I am winging my way through all the zodiac signs so we will find one for you. In the meantime I have read the ripples in the puddle water and they tell me that you will have a brilliant weekend of fun and frolics!
      Best wishes Molly

  20. Molly - what a pawsome mystic you are!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Stewey enough of my own talents , where is your guitar and what happened to our band? We want music and we want it loud and bad. Get strumming pal and if you have not come across them check out
      2 punk dogs.
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Loved that photo!

    My kitty (Angel Bobo) was a Cancer and was the most amazing cat ever!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , lovely creatures are the crab and we enjoyed writing the blog. We bet you miss Angel Bobo! Fancy writing a blog about the amazing cat?
      Best wishes Molly

  22. There is so much wisdom in you. I really learned a lot from you Mystic Molly.
    Now I am going to go practice them.

    1. Hi Bert
      Practice makes perfect , why are humans so difficult to train? Have a good weekend now!
      Best wishes Molly

  23. BOL so clever! My human's a Taurus, so she's as stubborn as me!

    1. Hi Nola
      For your mum , that should take you to my Taurus reading.
      Best wishes Molly

  24. I didn't know you were a mystic! Great picture of you!

    1. Hi Bassetmomma , I read the cards , I look into the crystal pyramid , I do a spot of tealeaf reading and I drive de bus , I am a doglet of many talents. Have a happy Saturday!
      Best wishes Molly

  25. Wow!
    You look adorable!
    Now... I understand better my mom who is a Cancerian!
    She really does not like parties. And I like that because she spends all her free time with me!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , You have a crab mummy , how cool. We are wishing you a smashing weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  26. Gosh
    How did you learn all this stuff? I think I need to make an appointment to go over all this stuff with you in more details. It might help humans in my life.

    1. Tweedles , nice to see you and any help with your humans you just ask but remember they take alot of training and great patience. Have a good weekend now!
      Best wishes Molly

  27. My Mum is Aries. Now that is trouble! Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy and here are my readings for your Aries mum ,
      We have an Irish theme today!
      Have a great weekend!
      Best wishes Molly

  28. Mystic Molly I am impressed by your psychic abilities and also that you have a career! Very cool.

    Also the Blogville Olympics is a riot! What fun!

    1. Hi Ann
      We are rally looking forward to the Blogville Olympics! We hope you will be watching.
      Best wishes Molly

  29. Teheh, you could replace mystic meg!!


    1. Hi Guys , we like the idea of replacing Mystic Meg! Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  30. Since my mom is a Cancer, this is very helpful information! I will make sure and taste test all of her food from now on!


    p.s. - and I am definitely her number one hobby!
