
Thursday 21 June 2012

Flog It Blog, It’s Ascot Time!

Molly The Wally does Ascot.

Molly The Wally Does Ascot!

Please Note, this is not 'Bingo' of 'Banana Splits' but 'Lady Molly' reporting for Molly Media, from Ladies Day at Ascot! Pippinpumpkin your comment today in the park has left me bereft! So I have published it here so everybody can see how cruel you are to me! Yarboosucks to you mate!

And Bingo! Funny not!

Woe-betide anyone forgetting the rigid dress code at Royal Ascot which dates back to the days of Beau Brummell the first Dandy. It’s toppers (top hats) and morning dress in the Royal Enclosure. A suit and tie is required in the Grandstand and ladies are required to dress in a manner appropriate to such an occasion. The fashion police are out in force ready to arrest anyone wearing polyester, nylon or exposing too much flesh. Mr. Mad Hatter has been out and about on behalf to Molly Media to bring you his selection of best hats.

The House Of Common’s Choice!

A Cheesy Little Number!

What’s Left Of The Chelsea Flower Show!

Help I’ve Lost My iPad!


The Marie Antoinette Let Them Eat Cake Ensemble!

Ascot racecourse features some of the most demanding racetracks in flat racing. The course is notorious for the gradient of the climb to the finishing post, with 73 feet separating the highest and lowest points of the racecourse. I tried it and I was knackered! Grass is cut to a regulation 4” height for flat racing and 5” for jump racing. It takes 12 regular staff, endless rulers and alot of scissors to make sure it is.

Royal Ascot is Britain’s most popular race meeting, welcoming approximately 300,000 visitors across the five days of Royal Ascot. During the 5 days in 2011, the following quantities were consumed:

58,727 bottles of Champagne
110,936 glasses of Pimm’s
156,656 draught pints of beer
40,000 strawberry scones
2,000 kilos of fresh lobsters
52,500 local spears of asparagus
3,300 punnets of strawberries.

Not all race-goers love Royal Ascot. Many believe the meeting has lapsed into self-parody with the racing action on the track being barely noticed. Instead it has become a ‘Mecca’ for preening monied ‘Toffs interested only in hats, booze and of course people watching. Don’t you just love it?

And for some stunning horse photographs hop over to Jessej on the link below!


  1. They look like upmarket versions of the Easter bonnets you used to make out of papier mache in school!
    Like everything, to see and be seen is the only occupation of the rich and famous, oh for the vacuous lifestyle...
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , I love the idea of making Easter Bonnets out of papier mache and then selling them to the vacuous rich for loads of money. Hey we could start a business here.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Finn , it was a tough task getting my look just right. I think Maj would approve.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Those are some crazy hats. Thanks for coming by my blog today and following me. I'm glad to meet you and will be following your right back.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

    1. Hi Max and you are most welcome. We are so glad to see you and do pop round anytime. Great day to you too.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. I think there's something similar held in Melbourne? I find it really funny at the lengths some people go with their hats. :)

    1. Hi Furries , you know what they say , if you want to get ahead get a hat. Of course you have the world famous Melbourne Cup! Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Molly darlin', you will go to great lengths to bring us the most updated and interesting the point of wearing the hat.....if the hat fits.....!


    1. Hi Anita , sadly I have just been told that I look more like 'Bingo' of 'Banana Splits' than 'Lady Molly' Huhh! A punnet is a little box of strawberries. Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. We think that your outfit is VERY appropriate. But I gotta say.... That lady with the cheese on her head......makes you go hmmmmmmmmm!

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle , could you imagine a load of doglets following her everywhere on the racecourse , sniffing the air and going hmmmmmmmm.
      Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. MOL Molly what a great post.
    AND FYI you are pretty in pink!!
    Hugs from your BFFF

    1. Hi Madi & Mum , thank you , I thought pink was just right for today. Also thank you for your kind comment.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Cheese Hat! Ewwwwwww! Love, Licks and Hugs from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PS. Yes the first official day of summer and its hammering down with rain here!! Ugh!!

    1. Hi Frank , we are just going to have to emigrate to one our furry friends who have sun. Working on my entry for Extreme Weather Sports , pal and it involves water , surprise , surprise.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hi Thank you for your kind comment and hope to see you here again.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. neck! Some of those hats look like they weigh a ton!

    1. Hi Amber and they probably do but you know us Brits naturally barking mad. Hope you are having a good day.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Champagne, scones and really cool hats!?!?! Sounds like a sporting event even the Websters would enjoy.


    1. Hi Nora , it's actually a fun day out but unless you have the luck of the fairies you need deep pockets. Very much looking forward to the equestrian events at the Olympics both London and Blogville.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Here in my state of Virginia, we have something similar called the Gold Cup ( While we don't do the funny hats, it is all about being seen and who you saw, and driving there in your Mercedes or BMW, and who can out-do who with the food and booze they bring to picnic on....The horses racing in the Steeplechase just make for a pretty backdrop :-)

    1. Taryn sounds very similar to Ascot but the real monied people actually go for the racing as they are the ones who own the horses. Poor Maj thought her horse had won yesterday but it was pipped at the post at the last minute. We really wanted her to have a winner in her jubilee year. Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

    2. OOOOOOH! That sounds like fun!!! I like to see horse races (wait. . . what's a horse?)! Wearing a hat. . . I do it when forced.
      Love Noodles

    3. Noodles the horses are just enormous dogs without our brains! Mind you I take that back , the way they get pampered after a sprint down a bit of grass I'm not so sure?
      Best wishes Molly

  13. I would go RIGHT for that Cheesy Little # fur SURE!! Very creative head gear.

  14. Molly your the best thing there, loooooove's your hat, as Posie says "eeeeeetz

    1. Hi Susie and Bite , you are too kind , I had a real diva moment and threw my outfits all over the room , then had a hissy fit and eventually settled on the pink. Wonder who I got that from?
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Wow, now those are hats! We admire someone who can wear a hat well!

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

    1. Hi Murphy and Stanley , The Mad Hatter made a good selection and it's not easy wearing a hat in our weather which is usually high winds , pouring rain or worse hail stones. Have a great evening!
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Wow, we don't do hats at all. But for a festivity like that, we might very well reconsider.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Hi Woo's , apart from the funny ones (hats that is) it really is a very British event and one that our Maj loves , well it's her racecourse. Next on the social calendar is Wimbledon so just hunting around for my tennis balls.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. Oooooo....I see...a little box of STRAWBERRIES! OH how I love that we speak the same language, but in many ways, NOT! teeheee....

    THANK YOU MOLLY DEAR for coming across the pond for a swim and a look at my post!

    CHEERS! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , send me a link to your fav pic for all things European and I will put a link on my about me page as we love the way you show case us so nicely. Language is a real issue , try spell check all I get is American spelling which I resist on behalf of Maj. Speaking of which what am I going to do on 4th July? I will be celebrating our loss and your gain. Blame it all on the Boston tea party. Major dilemma! Truly great imaginative post today , branch out a bit more , me liked , and you could go to all things art for example.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Hello Molly!

    I've heard about hats but this is just outrageous. Aren't those a bit heavy? The Chelsea Flower hat looks nice... At least, it's the most natural looking one in the group.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Hi Haopee , after all it was the mad hatters' selection so outrageous they were. Hope you have a happy Friday!
      Best wishes Molly

  19. I always have a good time seeing the hats there!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , my little fashionista , I thought you'd enjoy it. Have a happy day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  20. You won the book! Could you send us your address please? darchellerwebster at gmail dot com


    1. Hi Nora
      We are thrilled and that has made our day. Thank you so much.
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Hi Molly
    You certainly look posh in your pink hat, I'd like the cheese one, that's my favourite!

    Big licks Mollie x

    1. Hi Mollie , all the doglets seem to like the cheese one , wonder why , could it be the food topic? Nice to see you here again.
      Best wishes Molly

  22. Hey Bingo , I'm still laughing, you are a Doppelganger!
    Yours Pippinpumpkin!

    1. Pippin you are funny not , but I still luv you!
      Best wishes Molly

  23. Replies
    1. Hi Bassetmomma , they good are they not? MaJ had a winner at Ascot yesterday so she is well happy to get a winner in her jubilee year.
      Best wishes Molly

  24. Nice photo! Thank you for entering it in my competition!

    1. It was a pleasure entering Dusty's competition. Have a nice Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly
