
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Happy Summer/Winter Solstice depending which hemisphere you are in?

Happy Summer Solstice from Molly The Wally.

Happy Summer Solstice.

Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning sun and to stand still.  As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky. Ancient Pagans celebrated Summer Solstice with bonfires. This is the fairies merriest day. They might be willing to do you a favour, but they also like to play pranks now that they're loose. Thus I have been out and about since dawn making sure nothing naughty happens on my watch. Got my annoyed human up at the crack of dawn and nipped outside to collect the morning dew as it has healing powers. Then I put thistles in the fridge so the pookas won't steal the milk. Dug about in the flower beds looking for ‘Kwiat Paproci’ (the fern flower) a legendary bloom which supposedly only flowers on this one night in the year. Anyone who finds it will enjoy good fortune, power, wisdom and wealth. No such luck but the garden got a good make-over? This is the most magical time of the year, so remember to wear a sprig of thyme or a dog rose in your hair. I’ve got plenty if you need some after my mammoth gardening session looking for the fern flower. And don’t forget if you offend a fairy they may hit you with a fairy dart. This will cause severe pain and swelling in the paws. An old cure for this is ointment made from unsalted butter (if the pooka hasn’t stolen it) and a special herb rubbed on the affected paws. Naturally the fairy dart had to be extracted for the cure to be permanent. So if you spy a fairy tomorrow show it some respect and you may get showered with fairy dust!


  1. We are definitely busting out the pastels today for our ensemble, I don't know about a sprig of thyme though! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Finn , glad to hear the pastels are out today as at long last Summer is here. Yeppee and have a lovely Wednesday!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Hi Molly,
    I plan to watch the Wicker Man and celebrate the Summer Solstice with a big bonfire while I dance naked (as I can be) under the moon! I just love the longest day but I dont like that the nights get darker, that means wet weather, shorter walks and less off-leading as Mum cant go down the park in the dark! Does your routine change in the winter??
    Love, Licks and Hugs from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Frank , The Wicker Man , that's BOL funny. Winter is the same routine as my human takes me to the park always late morning to get the best of the day in Summer and Winter. However Winter means endless towels and changes of muddy clothes and so forth. Good thing about Winter is there is more vermin chasing to be done. Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Replies
    1. Hi William , wow you see them all the time!!!!!! I'm keeping my beady eyes open as I bet one will try and steal my dinner. On bowl watch as I write.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Happy summer to you! Thank you also for all your lovely comments on westiejulep's blog.

    Keep cool and have lots and lots of fun during the summer.


    1. Hi Gang , Happy Summer and start it off with a great Wednesday!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Great I've got an excuse for next time I steal the butter! Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy steal away and just blame the pooka , the fairy , the cat , your dad , you'll get away with it today so make the most of it!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Thanks for reminding us that Summer has finally arrived today! Boy, and we're gonna have a scorcher here in NY. I may have to convince Mommy to pull out our pool.

    Gotta run, I think I spy a Fairy outside.....

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle and we loved your Blogville Olympic badge so we put it by Deccy's. You have a pool , how cool is that. I could try and fit in the bird bath , but on second thoughts that may not be such a good idea.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Good golly MIZ MOLLY, now you are a DRUID! You are the TOP DOG OF DISGUISE! But you are a knowledgable pooch, and look at me, I can't even spell today...

    WELL THEN. I must watch what happens in my garden these days! What do you know about RABBIT ACTIVITY? I have oodles of them in my garden but I suspect there is more going on than meets the eye; I spotted a piece of crusty French loaf on my window sill!!! Hmmmm...this calls for an investigation, MOLLY STYLE!!!!

    1. Hi Anita , rabbit activity , one of my fav , I'll pop over and sort the little beggars out for you. Three cheers for rabbit pie. Now a piece of french loaf on your window sill leads to believe you have Les Lapins , a French variety so I'd keep the bread and by the time I've finished with them they will be pate! Have a lovely start to Summer!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a fun post today! I learned tons. I thought those were toadies and buggies I was seeing in my yard, but maybe if I look closer they are fairies instead! I'd love some fairy dust and my peeps want me to hunt for that flower. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge , keep your eyes peeled there are bound to be some fairies in your garden today. Good luck with the flower hunting , I just managed to make a mess. Maybe we should ask Wyatt where we can get hold of one? I will blow you some fairy dust should I get some. Happy start to Summer pal!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Happy First Day of Summer, Molly! I hope I see some fairy dust in my yard today :)

    1. Go look Stewey and if you find it sprinkle some on your human for luck. Happy Wednesday to you.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. I told my Dad about the faires and fairy dust. He miss heared me though & thought i called him a fairy oops.

    1. Hi Sheba , poor dad , never mind go find some fairy dust and sprinkle it on dad for good luck. Happy first day of Summer!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. EXCELLENT Post Molly. We are celebrating with a HEAT WAVE today... 93 is tooo hot fur long haired dachshunds to enjoy.

    1. Hi Frankie and Ernie , heat wave gosh you are lucky , tomorrow we have rain just in time for ladies day at Ascot. We will be going horse racing post wise tomorrow. See you then we hope?
      Best wishes Molly

  12. We are hoping those fairies put some money for treats under our Mom's pillow:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Hi Woos we hope so too , a little treat and lots of money I think will do it. Have a great day and tomorrow we are off to Ascot so pop over for some fun.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Amber my little weenie , keep a good look out , they are out and about ready to cause mischief and steal your dinner. I've been on bowl watch all day!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. This is my favorite day of the year! I love the long, long hours of daylight. Fortunately it is a sunny day here (albeit it VERY hot) so we will get to enjoy the full scope of daylight.

    And of course you know the fairies chose my beloved corgi breed as their trusted steeds :-)

    Happy Summer!

    1. Oh Taryn I did not know the corgi was the chosen breed of the fairy. How cool is that. Enjoy the day!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Ooooooh it would be awesome to steal sumptin and not get caught...hence NOT get in trubles furs da furst time evers!
    Howevers, I not think I'll plungin' fur no ferns cuz it would be my crappy luck to get bit by sumptin' knows my luck ain;t too good...hehehehe.

    Okays, now I is suppose to nominate a post of mine or somebuddy elses post fur you.


    1. Hi Puddles we were so glad to see you are on the mend after your ordeal. We think your mum should start collecting loyalty points from the vet! You nominate somebuddy elses post new or old that you enjoyed. Choice is yours. Just let me know the link.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Happy Summer Solstice - just when you thought it was Summer now we are on the swift descent to Winter again, ha!
    We are keeping well away from those fairys, they sound malicious!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , I know typical , Summers here , oh no it's not. Rain tomorrow for Ladies Day at Ascot. How goes it with the never ending football? Keep looking out for those naughty fairies.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. It's the Summer Solstice here and boy is it HOT!! I'm about to fill up the kiddie pool for Riley to play in in the backyard!

    Elyse and Riley

    1. Lucky Riley , we are about to have another bout of bad weather. I think here it has been the worst Summer we can remember. Maybe those naughty fairies came earlier and stuffed up our weather.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. That's very interesting. We have summer all year round...all Mommy saw was "butter" and now she's headed off to fridge to get herself some butter (she's crazy about butter).
    Happy first day of Summer!

    1. Hi Furries , you have summer all year round how cool , we can have every season in just one day which is why we talk about the weather so much. We agree with mum , butter everyday of the week. Eat it before the Pooka gets it! Happy Summer too!
      best wishes Molly

  19. Habby Summer Sol's tiss Molly! I fought I was naught a fraid ob any fing, butt now I'm on the lookout fur the fairies. Fank yeu fur the heads ub.

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

    1. Hi Reufus , those pesky little fairies get everywhere , we must be vigilant as we don't want any fairy darts aimed at us pal. Happy summer sols tiss to you too and have a good evening.
      Best wishes Molly

  20. Seriously!? I HAVE to get out there and find (not offend) one of these fairies. Mom has pretend ones all over her bathroom...i think she is obsessed with them or somethin'

    Thanks for helping me know how to find one. (sorta)

    1. Hi Scrappy , now you know what to , go find one and get it to follow you to mum's bathroom and then mum will get a real shock when she finds a real fairy sitting on the toilet roll. Have a good evening.
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Hi Molly it is so very nice to meet you!
    You are a vey pretty lady K9. Thank you for visiting us
    Madi and mom

    1. Hi Madi thank you so much for your kind comment. We hope to see you again soon. We look forward to the Blogville Olympics!
      Best wishes Molly

  22. Thank you for visiting us. Dad has been working on cleaning up Mom's garden's as she is on Dr.'s orders not to pull things right now. Dad is discovering all kinds of stuff he didn't know Mom planted.

    1. Hi Bailey , nice of you to visit too. We hope mum gets better and continues to take it easy. Hope daddy is enjoying the gardening and that you are helping out.
      Best wishes Molly

  23. molly i love your blogs...M does too! very creative and fun AAAA++++

    1. Hi Jessej , thank you for popping by and for your kind comments. Hope you have a great Thursday.
      Best wishes Molly

  24. Glad to meet you Molly, I would say you are the pretty fairy spreading your joy. way to go with the digging, makes for a wonderful day, hey!

    Susie & Bites

    Pees; hope you plan on crossing the pond for the Olympic Games, please come and join the running fun.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Susie & Bites and we are getting in some serious training to join in what will be fun and frolics at the Blogville Olympics.
      Best wishes Molly

  25. Hi Molly! Summer solstice here - and very hot! I am hoping the fairies visit me tonight!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip Happy Summer Solstice to you too and we hope you had nice fairy visits.
      Best wishes Molly

  26. believe it or not I wish it were winter. I can't stand the hot weather!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , we have plenty of bad weather here , so we will blow you some cool breezes.
      Best wishes Molly

  27. Yes!
    It is a magical time!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza and we hoped you had a magical first day of Summer.
      Best wishes Molly

  28. Happy Solstice to you!
    I want to go find that Kwiat Paproci flower!!!
    And I am afraid those fairies might shoot me with a dart!

    1. Hi Tweedles , be brave , be bold and go hunt and if you see a fairy RUN!!!!!!
      Best wishes Molly

  29. I think Yogi might be part fairy. He goes into those bushes out the back and just disappears. It's only just stopped raining but I think it's about to start again. What hat will you be wearing for Ascot?

    1. Hi Yogi , hats are a secret at Ascot , and I mean top top secret. We even have bets here as to what colour the Queen's hat will be over the five days of Ascot. Hey but you can have a heads up , its shocking pink!
      Best wishes Molly

  30. Replies
    1. Hi Guys and a happy start to Summer for you too and have a good weekend!
      Best Wishes Molly
