
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Dog Blog, The British Alternative Olympics!

Molly The Wally looks at The alternative Olympic games.

The alternative Olympic games.

For those of us without tickets to the Olympic Games this summer there are alternatives. You could indulge in a spot of toe wrestling or cheer on the cheese rolling instead. Snail racing and bog snorkelling must surely knock the men's 100 meter final into a cocked hat. The UK is gearing itself up for a range of alternative sports that truly show off our wackier side. Held in Cumbria is the world’s biggest liar competition, a contest to find the best teller of tall tales, oh sorry, my mistake that is actually the Leveson Inquiry! We have sheep racing, to the intriguing Hop, Skip and a Gin and Tonic where the winner is the one with the fullest glass. These are the real competitions that hundreds of Brits from across the country line up to compete in this Summer. While securing the title of world champion gravy wrestler or nettle scoffer might not hold the same prestige as winning Olympic gold, for us Brits, it’s the taking part that counts. What barking mad events does you area hold? We are heading towards the Blogville Olympics at lightning speed so don’t forget to check the BCC for the latest updates

Blogville Olympics Dates For The Events And Hosts!

Frankie Furter - Olympic Comittee
Fri. July 27th.    Posey - Parade of Athletes
Fri. July 27th.    Roo - OPENING Extravaganza
Sat. July 28th.   Jazzi -  Window Nose Art
Sat. July 28th.   Sarge -  Swimming
Sun. July 29th.   Oscar -  Crazy Sleeping Singles   and  Synchronized Sleepers
Sun. July 29th.   Bertie -    Bouncing
Mon. July 30th. WHN -Cross Neighborhood Walkabout / Catch me IF you Can
Mon. July 30th. Benny and Lily - Beach Ball
Tues. July 31st.  Madi   Gymnastics -  
Tues. July 31st.  Lily Bell and Muffin - Couch Potato Peeling
Wed. Aug. 1st. Mona and Weenie -Tongue Curling/Raspberry and Critter Stalking
Wed. Aug. 1st. Pip - Discus / Frisbee
Thur. Aug. 2nd.  Goose - Stick(s)
Thur. Aug. 2nd.  Bert - Pole Jumping
Fri. Aug. 3rd. Murphy and Stanley -  Marathon Chewing
Fri. Aug. 3rd. Puddles -  Digging
Sat. Aug. 4th. Declan - Tuneful Farting
Sat. Aug. 4th. Casey - Keep Away
Sun. Aug. 5th. Rubie and Poots - Equestrian
Sun. Aug. 5th. Mayzie - Camera Avoidance Kae Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th. Shasta and Shiloh -Synchronized Peeing
Mon. Aug. 6th. Ruthie - DE-Stuffing
Tues. Aug. 7th. Susie and Sidebite -Free Style Zoomies
Tues. Aug. 7th. Ruby and Penny -  Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th. Bailey and Katy -    Squirrel Hurdles
Wed. Aug. 8th. Indigo -  DRAW your Peeple
Wed. Aug. 8th. Lulu - Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th Sasha - Boxing
Thurs. Aug.9th. Frank the Tank - EXTREME Weather Sports
Fri. Aug. 10th. Max - Turbo Track
Fri. Aug. 10th. Luna and Cynder -Snoopendous SniffAthon
Sat. Aug. 11th. Mollie Jo - The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Sat. Aug. 11th. Uji and Izzy -   Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th. Finn - CLOSING CEREMONY


  1. Great postie Molly,

    Are gonna entry entry our events? We can't wait!

    Sniff ya later -- Weenie

    1. Hi Winnie , thank you for your kind comment and we will be joining in on the fun. We will be entering your critter stalking if we can find some vermin to stalk. Very quiet on the vermin front here at the moment. Little beggars must be on holiday!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. We find any kind of sport so boring, specially Mum. Dad is rapt with the football at the moment and then it will be tennis - is there no escape. We are indulging in a spot of sunbathing and Mum has immersed herself in crafts until it is over!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , It's awful we have yuk footie , Queens tennis boring , Ascot OK , more Tennis Wimbledon boring boring and so on and so on. Think your mum has the right approach. I'm just training hard for the Blogville Olympics. I am the new 'BOLT'!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. I'm a bit confused with these events. Does that mean that when they host it, the submissions should be in by those date? Or should the pictures be sent after July 9.

    Oh the ship thing... Molly, please don't laugh at me when I say that sometimes there are instances I am unable to comprehend a phrase or two in your blog but nonetheless I love reading it because it sounds funny. ^^

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Haopee , don't worry the Blogville Community Calendar will be posting entry dates for the events and deadlines so all will be clearer at the time. I too will keep you all posted on BO things. We thank you for your kind comments.
      Best wishes Molly


    Well Miz Molly, we out here enjoy watching the PIG RACES! I KID YOU NOT. The contestants run madly after an OREO COOKIE and the first one to reach the finish line, well, wins!

    You again have made me burst out in a chuckle with your nuances and poking fun at the politics and foibles in your part of the world!!! HAPPY OLYMPICS! Anita

    1. Hi Anita and thank you! I love the thought of the pig races , how hilarious is that. Only one cookie though! We are in serious training now , getting ready for the big event!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Can't wait for the Blogville Olympics. Serious fun! Thanks for the fun postie... You are hilarious!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

    1. Hi Shelle and Co ,we are all get so excited for the Blogville Olympics we may forget about the real ones. Have a lovely day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. This is so very cool, Molly....all that work and I know everyone is thrilled to doggy bits for the is one super douper pooper scooper!!

    1. Hi Sophie , thank you and let's all support our kind doglets that have made the Blogville Olympics possible. Hope to see you entering some events Sophie.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Great post! The Blogville Olympics will be epic.

    1. Hi Goose , I agree and that is thanks to all of you who have put in the effort to make it happen. Cheers to you all!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Super pumped. I'm planning on a gold medal.


    1. Only one Nora? I think you should reach for the sky and hope for more.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. OMD OMD I totally LOVE the Alternative Olympics idea... I'm ALL about FUN you know.. Those SHEEP had me ROLLIN on the Floor LAFFIN like a Squirrel on Steroids.

    OK.... now HOW did you get all the Links to WORK here? I can't make it happen.. UNLESS I do EACH one INDIVIDUALLY. HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLP !!!!

    1. Hi Frankie we love the thought of squiggles on steroids and thank you for your kind comments. Re the link just try cutting and pasting from mine and it should work. If not I will email you my word docx and try and copy from there. Let me know if you continue to have a problem.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. I plan to be in as many events as I can butt...with all da visitors comin from Michigan in July, my assistant is gonna be kinda busy. I needs to find anudder assistant!!!


    1. Hi Amber , we hope to see you in as many events as you can, despite your hectic social life! It sounds like it's all go for you in July.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. We are very excited about the Olympics this year. I can't imagine how exciting it must be in your country right now.

    1. Hi Gang , it's hotting up and we are really looking forward to it now it's nearly here despite some of the preparations being a bit cringe worthy. I can't wait to see my hero 'The Bolt'. We are going to be glued I am sure and we will keep you all posted via Molly Media.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Alternative version sounds more interesting!! Paws up!!

    Momo & Pinot xoxo

    1. Hi Momo & Pinot , why is there not an alternative Olympics held I wonder? Can you imagine what fun that would be? Thank you for popping over.
      Best wishes Mollu

  13. The Blogville Olympics look like it's going to be a whole lot of fun! We hope we can participate in a couple of them. :)

    1. Hi Me Furries , we are choosing our selection carefully too , as we are of the thinking that less is more as we want GOLD. Hope you had a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. We can hardly sleep at night cuz we are so excited!

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

    1. Me too guys , I've been doing some mid-night rambling trying to get in shape but my human is pretty peed with me. I'm going for gold!!! Hope you are too!!! Good day now friends.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. I am so ready to start my training...but I am still on extreme crate rest....grrr. As soon as i get out of jail, better watch out, I will be a training machine!!


    1. Hi Patrice and Higgins , I know you are in jail , it is so unfair! Get well soon and in the meantime there are a couple of less physical ones you could try. We wishes you well.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. "Our" Olympics will be much better!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza my little faashionista , ours will be much better , thanks to all those who have put in so much work to bring us the Blogville Olympics. Cheers to them.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. Yes, it will be grand! Can't decide which event to enter, so many choices!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

    1. Hi Wyatt , oh you got to enter the digging one of course and Raccoon Face can enter critter stalking. We are so looking forward to it too.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Molly, you are to cool girlfriend! Great pupdate and Mommy said to tell you that she is totally stealing your badge at the end.

    Loveys Sasha

    1. Hi Sasha and thank you. The badge at the end was created by Lily Belle and the one at the top was made by Deccy. Good job by both of them. We will be posting more updates as we get them.
      Best wishes Molly

  19. Hi Molly,
    This post was sooo funny, I love it!
    My Blogville Olymic Event is "Extreme Weather Sports" it goes well with the British weather here at the moment which is also going to extremems!! Will you be entering my event??? I plan to enter as many as I can! Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank xxxxx

    1. Hi Frank , you are so right about our weather , maybe I should enter your Extreme Weather Sports with photo with caption 'Drowned Rat!'. Just as we get some sun , the rain comes again. I will try and find a suitable entry for you.
      Best wishes Molly
