
Monday 18 June 2012

Dog Blog, The Olympics, Roll up for the tour!

The London 2012 Olympic Games Official Tour.

Get aboard, all who is going aboard!

Molly The Wally drives a London bus.

Tickets please!

Molly The Wally drives a London bus.

I’m going to drive you round the Olympic Stadium as if it was the ‘Opening Ceremony Day’!

Molly The Wally drives a London bus.

The Olympic Stadium is to be transformed into a green and pleasant land complete with meadows and farmyard animals for the games' opening ceremony, it has been revealed. However, photos of the green and pleasant set released show that at first glance it looks more like Teletubbyland than the traditional rolling hills of England. It reminds me of the Flea Circus in Michael Benetine's Potty Time, TV programme. So let me give you a guided tour.

Ding ding off we go!

1 The Lake, this will have ducks in it which organisers say will be free to fly away if they choose!

Ding ding, next stop!

2 The Maypoles, each representing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Ding Ding speeding along the restricted roads only we can use!

3 The Pits, Posh Nosh and Posh Pit for posh dosh ticket holders & The Fake Tree, representing Holy Thorn Tree.

Ding ding, hold tight!

4 Clouds, rain clouds that is.

Ding ding, please stay in your seats!

5 Cricket and a match will be played.

Ding ding, no standing on the upper deck!

6 Animals, there will be a 100 real animals.

Ding ding, please move down the bus!

7 Ploughing, to represent farming.

Ding ding and ladies and gentlemen we are coming to the end of our tour!

8  Silver Ring, the parade ring.

Ding ding! Thank you for joining us on the Molly Media Tour Bus and we hoped you enjoyed the tour. Please note I have a full license to drive de bus!

Molly The Wally drives a London bus.


  1. Oh thank you for the tour! I like the maypole!

    1. Hi Finn and we liked the maypole too. Thank you for taking the tour with me.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Geez, thanks for the bus tour Molly! It was pretty eventful! LOL!

    1. Hi Bassetmomma , thank you for coming aboard and we hope to see you again next time we do another tour.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. I hope one day Yogi and I will be able to join you on a bus tour!

    1. Hi Yogi ,me too and you make sure you have a great Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. This was a fine tour, MIZ MOLLY! Whoah...I am feeling a bit green around the gills....I was on the upper deck and being a YANKEE, I am not used to these high riser buses! But your hilarious tour has given me a better LOOK at the behind the scenes preparations for the OLYMPICS!

    You are so so FUNNY! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , nice of you to put faith in by driving abilities and join me on the tour. Plenty more Olympic updates on their way! Have a happy Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Molly, what a great post! We loved the Moly Media Tour Bus!!



    1. Groucho thank you on behalf of all us at Molly Media which is me , myself and I. Glad you came on the tour. Have a good day now.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Sam and thank you for your kind comment. Bet you didn't know I could drive a bus? Have a happy Monday now!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. You can't help but think it might not live up to Beijing! Deccy x

    1. I think you might be right there Deccy , I'm awaiting the ceremony with anxious nerves. Have a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. What a great tour Molly of the stadium! Now we all can see exactly what we're in for. We really enjoyed riding on the bus also, that was fun. You're a good driver.

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle and thank you. So far no one has been run over or been bus sick so I can give myself a pat on the back for safe driving. Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. The only problem now... I'm singing "HEY YOU, Get off of my cloud" at work...

    It's not pretty...

    That is a fantastical post... You should always be a tour guide!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

    1. Hi Shelle and gang , I know the problem, each time someone gets an award I send them a congratulation I get Cliff Richard in my head and trust me that is far worse. Thank you for jumping on board.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. That was just the BEST blog post I've read for ages!!! And the best ever tour. And the LOTH is howling with laughter at the mention of the flea circus in Michael Bentine's Potty Time. I don't get it, myself. You two must be as old as each other!!

    Love and licks, Winnie

    1. Hi Winnie , thank you for your kind comments and we are glad that you enjoyed it. Have a good Monday now!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Excellent Blog. I'm still howling with laughter.

    Thanks for the tour. I hope you don't mind i sneaked on for free.

    1. Hi Sheba , thank you for your kind comment and for touring with us today! That's one bone fare you owe me mate! Have a happy Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Thanks for the tour. The Maypole was the best part!


    1. Hi Nora and thank you for coming along for the ride. Have a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. I'm crying, pop a fart BOL, I thought of you when I saw it unveiled on the news, I just new you would be biting at the bit to do a blog post:)
    Round of a paws to you, Molly keep up the good work
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

    1. Hi George The Lad , thank you for your kind comments , we aim to please! Hope you are having a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Replies
    1. Hi guys thank you for your kind comment and we did enjoy the Galveston blog today!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Molly , with the bus strike due next week , 'Blakey' wants to know do you want a job 'On The Buses'?

    1. Hi Pippinpumpkin , I'm up for that , ding , ding!
      Best wishes Molly

  17. Hey Molly - Shiloh'n Shasta Beaglebratz here. We iz so furry much happee that u joined us on our adventurez (that'z what mom callz it butt akchually, we r still waitin'fur the adventurez). We like your post 'boutz the Olympics butt don't furgetz tue join in fur the Blogville Olympicz.

    We seen u commentin'around Blogville an'd-sided we shood stop by tue check stuffz here. We like our napz an'gotta go take our erly afternoon nap now. We hope tue c u around.
    Shiloh'n Shasta

    1. Hi team Beaglebratz , you could enter the synchronised Sleeping in the Blogville Olympics. I will be taking part too. I will keep an eye out for ypur adventures.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Excellent tour Molly, how about the insane asylum next - or was that it?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Dip Bridge and Elliot , I think you have a point there , I should have renamed it 'The bedlam Bus Tour'! You know on the day with all those animals something is gonna go wrong. Beware of low flying ducks , spooky horses , headless chickens and that's just the organisers!
      Best wishes Molly

  19. What a fun tour, Molly. That maypole looks like a lot of fun.

    Wowzers, can you imagine the smell from those farm horses if they really do pop some farts? Maybe they could use them to power the torch:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Hi OP Pack , that is really funny a environmentally friendly Olympic torch powered by Equine Fart Ltd. Thank you for popping by!
      Best wishes Molly

  20. I LOVED my time on the MOLLY MEDIA BUS!!! BUTT next time you might want to drive FASTER past the HORSES.. Or at least on the Down Wind side.
    I can't believe you got to DRIVE and be the tourist guide BOTH.

    1. Hi Gang , I am a dog of many talents and thank you for coming aboard my little tour. Tomorrow we have more of the Olympics and more Blogville Olympic update. I'm limbering up and selecting my events and we are going for gold.
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Great stuff Molly - that was a cool bus tour and guided trip of the Olympics. You are such a cool bus driver. Leo and I can't wait for the next trip :-)

    1. Hi Ali , we trained long and hard to do the bus thingie and we are so glad you appreciate our driving and tour guiding. Looking forward to you and Leo coming on our next trip!
      Best wishes Molly

  22. You are a superb tour guide, and a pretty darn good bus driver, too!

    Critter Alley

    1. K9friend you are so kind and so glad you joined our tour. Happy Monday to you!
      Best wishes Molly

  23. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a pawesome tour! Those horses were enormously stinky, but funny and I love that diva cow! BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge , thank you for coming on my tour and for your kind comments. Sorry about the stinky horses , it's just a case of wrong place , wring time!
      Best wishes Molly

  24. Great tour Wally! We loved it, we're still laughing!

    1. Hi guys , thanks for joining my tour and finding it funny. Have a good Tuesday.
      Best wishes Molly

  25. We had fun on your tour!

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

    1. Hi Murphy , thanks for coming aboard! We wish you and Stanley a happy Tuesday!
      Best wishes Molly

  26. Bahwhahahahaha! Oh Molly, thanks so much for this behinds the scenes look at the Olympics. I had NO IDEA of the hilarity, I mean excitement around the summer games.

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: I can tell that duck has lots to say!

    1. Hi Pip , nice to see you on the tour and we are glad to have enlightened you about what the opening ceremony will look like. Happy Tuesday to you!
      Best wishes Molly

  27. OMD that was a world class tour my pal. BOL, you are pawsome. When I first read about the tour, I thought the 6 dog biscuit price was a bit much, but it was worth every biscuit and more.

    Thanks from a very satisfied customer

    Loveys Sasha

    p.s. do you do other tours? Please let me know

    1. Sasha , thank you for your kind comments and as I have spent many hours and bones and biscuits getting my licence , I think there will be more Molly Media Tours in the future. Happy Tuesday to you and yours!
      Best wishes Molly

  28. Hi Molly, first of all I must say to you that I am really envious that you are able to drive a bus!! how the hell did you manage to get your driving licence??? and secondly I wanted to say to you that your bus tour was really very, very funny!! while I was reading it I could not stop laughing and since today it's really soooooo hot I risked to have an infarct!!!!!

    Best wishes!!

    1. Hi Cosimo thank you for your kind comments! My driving ability is legendary and I have always been able to drive ever since I was a puppy when I learnt to drive small cars. Now I am bigger I can drive de big bus. So glad you enjoyed the tour.
      Best wishes Molly

  29. Hi Molly!
    Fab tour, that was sooooo funny! My fave was the dog wanting his ball back! Hee,Hee,hee!
    Love, Hugs and Tummy Rubs from Frank xxxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Frank thank you for your kind comment and you have a great Wednesday!
      Best wishes Molly
